Invalid solve not detected

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brett king

Feb 22, 2022, 1:14:14 AM2/22/22
to lp_solve

I have been using lpsolve for over 10 years and think it is a wonderful product.  I have recently come across a problem that puzzled me and am hoping someone can shed some light on it.

int initialRetVal = solve(m_lp);

auto saveLp = m_lp;
lprec *swapLp = copy_lp(m_lp);
m_lp = swapLp;

int iRetValAgain = solve(m_lp);

I have a lprec (m_lp) that is updated and resolved thousands of times, most parameters staying the same.  I have found a case where when I solve  initialRetVal comes out 0 (LP_SOLVE_OPTIMAL) but iRetValAgain comes out correctly as 2 (LP_SOLVE_INFEASIBBLE).

I have written out the initial lprec to file (attached at the end of this message) and solved it in the Windows IDE (version and it came out "unsuccessful" which I believe is correct.  

Obviously this memory copy and re-solve doubles my times, a particular problem because I don't know when this will happen so have to do it every time.  I have also tried different presolve options without success.

Seems like something is carrying over, not sure what to reset before I solve again so that it gets the correct result.

Appreciate any ideas.

//* Conc_TPH */

/* Objective function */
max: -12470.403745 C1 +55.1469121153 C7 +2757.04876145 C9 +2726.83339119 C11 +3041.18020573 C13 +391.091200313 C14
+1091.37991643 C15 +2459.89982787 C16 +918.141373107 C17 +2646.97649354 C18 +861.913532795 C19 +2819.99769641 C20
+606.369184718 C21 +3270.46720589 C22 +20517.2918257 C23 +26477.1878865 C24 +109.113471868 C25 +7976.86266849 C26
+703.52192465 C27 +2294.8856559 C28;

/* Constraints */
MaxCapacity_1_Mass: +103.77954703 C1 +0.151025205282 C7 +6.44755453886 C9 +4.80564378001 C11 +4.49737485838 C13 +0.575998994581 C14
+1.37307803509 C15 +3.15864247072 C16 +1.0224638953 C17 +3.00193388106 C18 +0.817584082039 C19 +2.8731057047 C20
+0.550037497535 C21 +2.99551575831 C22 +10.7156908598 C23 +17.2591294437 C24 +0.0404498569293 C25 +3.25158263877 C26
+0.2334028239 C27 +0.762290938835 C28 <= 1000000000;
MaxCapacity_2_M_TPH: +55456.950889 C1 +80.7837417928 C7 +3448.81227005 C9 +2570.55029688 C11 +2405.65651692 C13 +308.103233261 C14
+734.462709331 C15 +1689.56537616 C16 +546.918371383 C17 +1605.74157853 C18 +394.261537865 C19 +1536.83108034 C20
+294.216366694 C21 +1602.30850939 C22 +722.119162844 C23 +7695.17796001 C24 +21.6367247549 C25 +1739.27929327 C26
+124.847726077 C27 +407.751237676 C28 <= 8361.71168762;
MaxCapacity_3_A_TPH: +128.632468726 C1 +100.766128911 C19 +8063.84927347 C23 <= 6633.04130163;
MaxCapacity_4_U_TPH: +8760.00073969 C24 <= 8760;
MaxCapacity_5_T_TPH: 0 C1 <= 0;
MaxCapacity_6_O_TPH: +8883.50612585 C23 <= 8760;
MaxCapacity_7_CON_M_5: +62.8530053073 C24 <= 62.853;
MaxCapacity_8_TOT_R_NI: +8.81984071663 C1 +0.0630990591962 C7 +3.16807416252 C9 +2.97711296137 C11 +3.12314345845 C13 +0.493151323959 C14
+0.806569540214 C15 +2.89276307801 C16 +0.638346966479 C17 +3.00591896319 C18 +0.490277367188 C19 +3.12403449188 C20
+0.361475020603 C21 +3.68977825635 C22 +2.35832303916 C23 +28.9622416577 C24 +0.0276299773792 C25 +6.30566354224 C26
+0.147596995519 C27 +0.864240579848 C28 <= 32.7829043225;
MaxCapacity_9_TOT_CON: +4357.19931515 C1 +6.34305862212 C7 +270.797290644 C9 +201.837038747 C11 +188.889744042 C13 +24.1919577719 C14
+57.6692774784 C15 +132.662983767 C16 +42.9434836032 C17 +126.081223 C18 +33.1308493911 C19 +120.670439586 C20
+23.1015748966 C21 +125.811661851 C22 +303.72833281 C23 +963.09171342 C24 +1.69889399107 C25 +136.566470828 C26
+9.802918604 C27 +32.0162194339 C28 <= 1582.99180328;
MaxCapacity_10_TOT_R_CU: +4.18465490069 C1 +0.0548335514628 C7 +1.86855115537 C9 +1.96093343295 C11 +2.10299850563 C13 +0.375760845481 C14
+0.439041440434 C15 +2.18993137952 C16 +0.355114621555 C17 +2.24773465312 C18 +0.272006871923 C19 +2.31153676623 C20
+0.20155128762 C21 +2.70252049733 C22 +1.10087364253 C23 +20.6988517581 C24 +0.0124637368198 C25 +4.40780016097 C26
+0.0593368881693 C27 +0.537535154776 C28 <= 20.7422697102;
MaxCapacity_11_TOT_POC: +358.874035177 C24 <= 358.874035177;
MaxBinCOGRange_12_CON_M_0: +2 C24 >= 2;
Bin_1: +C1 <= 1;
Bin_2: +C2 <= 1;
Bin_3: +C3 <= 1;
Bin_4: +C4 <= 1;
Bin_5: +C5 <= 1;
Bin_6: +C6 <= 1;
Bin_7: +C7 <= 1;
Bin_8: +C8 <= 1;
Bin_9: +C9 <= 1;
Bin_10: +C10 <= 1;
Bin_11: +C11 <= 1;
Bin_12: +C12 <= 1;
Bin_13: +C13 <= 1;
Bin_14: +C14 <= 1;
Bin_15: +C15 <= 1;
Bin_16: +C16 <= 1;
Bin_17: +C17 <= 1;
Bin_18: +C18 <= 1;
Bin_19: +C19 <= 1;
Bin_20: +C20 <= 1;
Bin_21: +C21 <= 1;
Bin_22: +C22 <= 1;
Bin_23: +C23 <= 1;
Bin_24: +C24 <= 1;
Bin_25: +C25 <= 1;
Bin_26: +C26 <= 1;
Bin_27: +C27 <= 1;
Bin_28: +C28 <= 1;

/* Variable bounds */
C1 <= 1;
C2 <= 1;
C3 <= 1;
C4 <= 1;
C5 <= 1;
C6 <= 1;
C7 <= 1;
C8 <= 1;
C9 <= 1;
C10 <= 1;
C11 <= 1;
C12 <= 1;
C13 <= 1;
C14 <= 1;
C15 <= 1;
C16 <= 1;
C17 <= 1;
C18 <= 1;
C19 <= 1;
C20 <= 1;
C21 <= 1;
C22 <= 1;
C23 <= 1;
C24 <= 1;
C25 <= 1;
C26 <= 1;
C27 <= 1;
C28 <= 1;

brett king

Feb 23, 2022, 11:51:41 PM2/23/22
to lp_solve
Ok, I know a little more now.  When the initial solution is solved, all the solution variables are 0 except c24 = 1.
This means there are three problem constraints 4, 7 and 12.  If C24=1, then 4 and 7 fail, if c24 is less than 1, then 12 fails.

I have checked the numbers that feed into the matrix and then rh constraints, they are all correct.  Therefore this model should fail, but it initially does not.

How do I reset the solve so it does not get an invalid solution that fails on some of the constraints?

I have also attached the dump of the first and last model models, not sure how to read this though.

Thanks for your help.


brett king

Feb 24, 2022, 9:45:37 AM2/24/22
to lp_solve

Have had some joy with the scaling.  If I set scaling to extreme just before I solve it solves properly.  Here is my code:

set_scaling(m_lp, SCALE_EXTREME);
int iRetVal = solve(m_lp);

Thanks for the documentation on scaling algorithms.  Would be good to have some more detail as to which to use when.

Thanks for the great product.

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