Different scenes at different times of day

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Simon Still

Dec 19, 2015, 1:16:59 PM12/19/15
to Loxone English
I want my bathroom lighting to react differently late at night.

At the moment I've got the push button connected to the + scene change.  The first scene is downlighters at 65%, the second full brightness.

I've now added some low power, low level lighting which I want to be the default scene only late at night (maybe between midnight and 7am).  I've created a second lighting controller for the room (connected to the same lights) which can have different scenes but I'm struggling with how to direct the output of the push switch to a different controller at different times of day.


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Dec 21, 2015, 4:15:01 AM12/21/15
to Loxone English
have a look at the radio button block where only one ouput can be active at a given time.



Dec 21, 2015, 10:20:52 AM12/21/15
to Loxone English

I did reply to this the other day with the solution but it seems to have been deleted for some reason.

Basically you need to use a timer block with the analogue output connected to the motion scene parameter of the lighting controller.  You then setup periods of time with specific outputs which relate to the scene number you want to be used with the motion sensor.

This is explained in one of the tutorial videos by Loxone but I don't think its in the written docs.


Simon Still

Jan 8, 2016, 10:24:17 AM1/8/16
to Loxone English
I haven't got around to tracking this down in Loxone's videos yet but I'm just setting up a room that has a motion sensor.  

The note on the Lighting Controller config for the MS parameter says":

"Scene triggered on motion sensor, unless set to 0" which makes sense 
but then says 
"this parameter input overriddes the assigned motion sensor scene (permanently assigned scene).  Allowing selection of different scenes at different times of day.
Default value of the parameter if it is not connected to anything"

I'm trying to work out what that means - is it that I can assign a scene number to in the config (which is the 'permanently assigned' movement sensor scene) but that I can set up blocks to feed a different integer to that input which will override it?  That suggests I can have the momement sensor trigger different scenes at different times but can't use this to do anything with the scenes selected by the wall switches. 


Jan 8, 2016, 11:28:15 AM1/8/16
to Loxone English
So the timer block will override the manually assigned movement sensor scene, however the timer block has a default value that it will output at all times except during periods that you define.  i.e. I have scene 0 as default, scene 1 for evening and scene 2 for late night for our kitchen.

Also, button functionality overrides all motion scenes, so if you're on a motion selected scene 1 and you ask for scene 2 instead, the lighting will remain at scene 2 until told otherwise.

Let me know if you need more clarification, however, your best bet is just to have a play with it and see what happens.

Simon Still

Jan 9, 2016, 7:30:32 AM1/9/16
to Loxone English
I went to be regretting that I'd not put movement sensors in every room but by morning remembered why I hadn't.  The cat switched the hall lights on repeatedly through the night!

Back to my second plan, which was to put the sensor ahead of the actual light outputs so that it only affects the light when they're already on and just increases the light level.


Jan 9, 2016, 4:31:00 PM1/9/16
to Loxone English
We have Pyronix pet tolerant PIRs installed here so there's no issue with pets activating lights (actually we don't have any pets but the wife desperately wants a dog which I might have to give into some time soon, at least I'm prepared).  Although you could use the 'disable motion sensor' input of the lighting block for when you do final shut down of the house at night but that may well negate the motion sensor functionality that you require in the middle of the night of course.

Bert Roex

Aug 3, 2018, 9:06:55 AM8/3/18
to Loxone English
This seems similar to what I'm trying to accomplish, however I'm unable to get it to work. Could you share some more details on this configuration?

Op maandag 21 december 2015 16:20:52 UTC+1 schreef TomM:
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