12v vs 24v PIR

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Jul 22, 2019, 7:41:23 AM7/22/19
to Loxone English
I have a selection of AliExpress special PIRs which I use in some less essential rooms. I bought some years ago with the labelling confirming 24v and bought some seemingly decent quality (yet wrong style) more recently at 9-36v. All working fine (if a little noisy on activation).

Also recently for trial purposes, I ordered some that the images on the site stated 9-36v (or 24v) but on arrival, only documented 12v.

So my question, how much does the voltage matter at these lower levels? I roughly understand the relationship between voltage, current and resistance etc (I should have paid more attention in A Level Physics) and suspect as they PIR is only acting as a sensor rather than taking any load, passing anything between 9v and 36v should be relatively elementary?

If I use a PIR labelled at 12v (pretty much the only legible documentation to a non Chinese literate person) will I bask in the glory of my savings over the loxone/faradite versions or burn my house down?

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