Wiring DMX Dimmers

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Jun 6, 2017, 4:00:38 AM6/6/17
to loxone-...@googlegroups.com

Have a question regarding the Loxone RGBW 24v Dimmers DMX (https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/rgbw-24v-dimmer-dmx/)

On the documentation it says that each channel can support up to 8 LED WW spots (https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/led-spot-ww/), which means that you can have 32w of LED per channel (under the 50w per channel max for the dimmer).  Therefore with 4 channels of 8 LEDs, that is a total of 128w per dimmer.

1) The loxone power supplies, only go up to 100w (4.2A), therefore is it possible to connect two of these together to produce enough watts? For the live/neutral 230v feed, I would feed the two supplies from the same RCDO.

2) If I have multiple dimmers, each with there own power supplies, each dimmer need to be interconnected with gnd correct? 

Thanks for your time. 


Jun 6, 2017, 6:25:57 AM6/6/17
to Loxone English
Usually not a good idea to connect 2 PSUs in parallel unless they are specifically designed to allow this.  In any case, it would be more cost effective to get a single larger PSU.  There are many options out there.  For constant voltage LED drivers, the Meanwell HLG or CLG series are ideal, although not DIN rail mounted.  The Meanwell PSUs have a foldback feature where the current/voltage is limited if the load exceeds the maximum rating.  So you can safely get away with a slightly underrated PSU if you never normally need all lights on full power simultaneously.

When you connect the DMX to the drivers, you will be linking to the Loxone GND.  There's nothing to be gained from linking the GND again from PSU to PSU.


Jun 11, 2017, 4:29:57 AM6/11/17
to Loxone English
On the linking of GND, if you don't want to link it via the DMX RGBW dimmer, you can just link at the PSU. Basically do what is easiest for your config.

Also if you want to stick with the TDK PSUs they do larger rated ones but they will not fit in a standard future automation cabinet. But if you look on their site they have recently released a deeper one specifically for larger PSUs.

I have yet to decide what to do, but searching this forum there are several suggestions.

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