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David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 6:40:23 AM10/20/18
to Loxone English
I've got a UDP2DMX converter up[ and running using bits I had lying around (same code as https://shop.codm.de/module/8/ethernet-dmx-bridge-v0.4

can anyone give me a couple of screenshots of how I should configure the Virtual outputs and a lighting controller for an RGBW strip? 

I have the device setup and working as when I changed from switch to RGB on the lighting controller it was turning it on and off at its lowest brightness.,. 

I'm just missing something simple I think!


David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 7:12:17 AM10/20/18
to Loxone English
Ok, Ive now swapped to an RGB controller but cant get other than on or off.. 

Do I need to create multiple outputs for the 4 channels?
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Oct 20, 2018, 11:34:19 AM10/20/18
to loxone-...@googlegroups.com
Ethernet dmx controller
Virtual output:

DMX type ch #value #speed #dimcurve
R = rgb (3channels)
P=% 1 ch
C=dmx value 0-254
V= 2ch ww/cw
W=2ch cw/ww

Speed 1-99 mm 1fast 99 slow
Default =~0.25 secs if no value specified, 1=591ms, 2~1 sec, 4~2secs,  99~ 30 secs, 255=0, 201=72ms, 202=145ms

Dimcurve 0=linear, 1=x+x2, 2=x2, 3=x3
Ideal probably 2 
DMXR1#<v>#4#2   ch1, rgb fade rate 2 secs, curve 2
DMXP1#<v>   ch1, dim to value v
DMXC1#254 ch1 send value 254 (eg relay on)
DMXC1#0 ch1 send value 0 (eg relay off)
DMXP1#<v>#4#1 ch1 dim to %<v>, fade rate ~1sec, curve 1
Normal bulbs speed 4 approx 1 sec to match knx dimmers
Rgb leds speed 255, curve 1 or 2
Most Gu10 bulbs don’t do much at the dimmer end so use curve 0 linear, Philips Dim tone bulbs curve 2 or 3, led strip curve 2

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Oct 20, 2018, 11:37:11 AM10/20/18
to Loxone English





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David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 1:51:39 PM10/20/18
to Loxone English
cant see the pics.. 

David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 2:05:40 PM10/20/18
to Loxone English

Can see the pics from my email client:


This is what I have set but get nothing other than white..







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Oct 20, 2018, 4:03:44 PM10/20/18
to loxone-...@googlegroups.com
i think the forum software is broken -i cant see the pictures you posted or the ones i did

, but have you turned off the tick box for 'use as a digital output' - you need to do that for each virtual output command
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David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 4:07:15 PM10/20/18
to Loxone English
pretty sure I have. I'll double check later :)

On Sat, 20 Oct 2018, 9:03 p.m. Duncan, <joanne...@gmail.com> wrote:
i cant see the pictures you posted, but have you turned off the tick box for 'use as a digital output' - you need to do that for each virtual output command

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Oct 20, 2018, 6:23:13 PM10/20/18
to Loxone English
hard to solve this without screen grabs to compare - i have all 128 channels up and running with many rgb ones and everything works fine, so there must be something either with the config or possibly your code/assembly of the device.

David Wallis

Oct 20, 2018, 6:30:45 PM10/20/18
to Loxone English
what do you use as the lighting controller for the rgb ones and which output do you connect? do you add each channel, as i thought i read you just use ch1? but i was reading via Google translate

David Wallis

Oct 21, 2018, 5:35:20 AM10/21/18
to Loxone English




On Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 11:30:45 PM UTC+1, David Wallis wrote:
what do you use as the lighting controller for the rgb ones and which output do you connect? do you add each channel, as i thought i read you just use ch1? but i was reading via Google translate

On Sat, 20 Oct 2018, 9:07 p.m. David Wallis, <da...@wallis2000.co.uk> wrote:
pretty sure I have. I'll double check later :)

On Sat, 20 Oct 2018, 9:03 p.m. Duncan, <joanne...@gmail.com> wrote:
i cant see the pictures you posted, but have you turned off the tick box for 'use as a digital output' - you need to do that for each virtual output command

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David Wallis

Oct 21, 2018, 11:54:35 AM10/21/18
to Loxone English
got a bit further... just have the wrong colours now..

have played with the decode mode on the dimmer (see here..https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/282950325311?chn=ps)

not sure whether it should be 1 channel or 4 channel decode for rgbw.. 

I'm assuming 4 channel and that what seems to work better.. Just colours to sort and need to check the cable colours on the chinese strip are as expected! -- just checked this using the static tests on the dimmer.. looks like red and green arent as expected - will cut the heatshrink off later. but think I have this working.. but just dashing out of the door!



Oct 21, 2018, 12:16:23 PM10/21/18
to Loxone English
so for a 4 channel dimmer connected to rgb strip, you would normally use channel1 for red, 2 is green, 3 is blue, 4 ignore as you dont have white on this strip

then use the rgb 3 channel output type as discussed

you can always use the 4th channel independtly if required or overlap with another dimmer for more rgb, so ch4 would be R, ch5 G and ch6 B, with R being the last channel on the 1st dimer and G and B being the 1st and 2nd channels on the 2nd

ive never found chinese tape have the coloured tails soldered on the wrong channels and ive used literallly hundreds of meters, but anythings possible!

David Wallis

Oct 23, 2018, 2:25:25 PM10/23/18
to Loxone English
Duncan.. anything is possible - see attached!




Oct 23, 2018, 4:31:09 PM10/23/18
to Loxone English
sorry, none of the attachments seem to work now in the forum so i cant see the picture...

David Wallis

Oct 26, 2018, 7:15:35 AM10/26/18
to Loxone English
odd that duncan I've checked on a different pc and they are visible? - can anyone else see them / not see them?


Oct 26, 2018, 7:25:37 AM10/26/18
to Loxone English
im on a different pc and can see your picture now

all sorted then?


Oct 27, 2018, 3:44:46 AM10/27/18
to Loxone English
Gents, can I ask a stupid question. What's the benefit of this other bit of kit over the Loxone dmx extension? Is it just cheaper or are there technical benefits for the extra faffs?

David Wallis

Oct 27, 2018, 3:49:35 AM10/27/18
to Loxone English, RSinn
For me it was so I could test the feasibility of the cheap dmx dimmers without investing in lots of hw. The lox Forum thread suggests its smoother.

From: loxone-...@googlegroups.com <loxone-...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of RSinn <richard....@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 8:44:46 AM

To: Loxone English
Subject: Re: UDP 2 DMX
Gents, can I ask a stupid question. What's the benefit of this other bit of kit over the Loxone dmx extension? Is it just cheaper or are there technical benefits for the extra faffs?

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Oct 27, 2018, 5:13:51 AM10/27/18
to Loxone English
the ethernet dmx device is cheaper and much smoother with dimming, particularly if you use slower fades.

also each channel can be configured with 4 separate dimming curves where as the loxone one only has l2, and the range of fade rates between 0 and 2 seconds is much wider compared to loxone which offers jump or 1 second only.

David Wallis

Dec 14, 2018, 3:27:09 AM12/14/18
to loxone-...@googlegroups.com
further update,

if the link doesn't work then the description to search is 3ch DMX Relay - I looked at the specs and found one with a voltage range that accepted 24v despite this saying 12v - now confused :D

Anyway working fine with the UDP2DMX module - maybe a very slight lag in the switching - but I'm going to use it to control the existing boiler prior to the renovation of the new house.

Mine is set to ID 32, which means relays 2 and 3 are 33 and 34.

send command for on for 32 is DMXC32#255 and DMXC32#0 for off

Power LED flashes when DMX mode selected (dip switch 10 in off position)  and DMX signal is valid, power LED on continuously if power present but no DMX signal.


David Wallis

Dec 14, 2018, 8:31:16 AM12/14/18
to loxone-...@googlegroups.com
Spoke to soon.. turning one relay off, turns them all off.. Odd!

- EDIT, somehow I reverted a change and they had gone back to RGB.. the speed issue is also fixed now!
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