Light Controller V2 and DMX problems

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Simon Still

Apr 10, 2018, 6:11:41 AM4/10/18
to Loxone English
I've just been trying out the V2 lighting controller for the first time.  

First issue is with my 3rd party RGB DMX garden lighting which stopped working.  I changed the "smart actuators" back to standard in the properties but it hasn't made any difference.

What's the trick/catch?


Apr 10, 2018, 6:18:32 AM4/10/18
sometimes you have to recreate the dmx actuator - it seems to be a bug in 9/9.3

i wasted a lot of time checking cables and dimmers before finding out it was software!

Simon Still

Apr 10, 2018, 9:13:27 AM4/10/18
to Loxone English
are there any real benefits of the V2 controller?

I seem to remember it broke some other things originally - has that been fixed since first release?


Apr 10, 2018, 1:37:50 PM4/10/18
to Loxone English
i played  but went back to V1 - i use the separate scene inputs quite a bit and dont want the scene mixing effect


Apr 11, 2018, 7:54:57 AM4/11/18
to Loxone English
I have to be honest : I too don't see why they changed the original Lighting Controller to the new one.  To me it seems it's harder to implement (because there seem to be less options, contradictory enough...)

The way I see it, V2 no longer allows you to use the "I"  inputs, only the T5 inputs?
I also don't see how I can program the default actions of a light directly in the block?  With V2 it seems this is only possible directly in the app, after which the settings probably get imported into LoxConfig.  (it took a while for me to see this was a possibility, VERY frustrating!)

Am I not seeing this for some reason?  What is the main benefit of V2 over V1?  None, it seems?  I really hope I won't have to revert back to V1 for all my lighting controllers because that would be a tedious task. (LoxConfig automatically converted all my V1 controllers to V2, granted, after asking if it would, but no I wish I hadn't).

Is there a (video) tutorial online something for V2 controllers?  

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