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Sep 15, 2007, 2:38:29 PM9/15/07
to Animal Group Group, Shirley,

My neighbour, Innike, knitted these doggy jackets for Woofie and Kwassie one Christmas.

She did not knit it exactly according to the pattern.






One size only.

# To fit chest 42 - 49cm.

# To fit neck 32cm.



#  I    50g ball of Pingouin Classic Double Knit in Bluebell 74 (mc).

# 1    50g bail of Pingouin Classic Double Knit in White 01 (cc).

# 1    pair of 4mm INOX knitting needles.

# 1    3,5mm INOX crochet hook.



19 sts and 25 rows to 10cm over st      st using 4mm Ns.



Beg - begin(ning); c/on (off) - cast on (off); ch - chain; cont - continue;  dc - double crochet-

 dec - aecrease(ing); foll(s) - follow(s)(ing);   inc - increase(ing); k - knit; N(s) - needle(s); p - purl;

rem - remcin(ing); rep - repeat; RS - right side; si - slip;  st st • stocking stitch; st(s) • stitch(es);

 tbl - through back of loop;  tog - together;  WS - wrong side.



To adjust the length of the sweater:

The sweater can easily be adjusted to fit your dog.

To lengthen the back of the sweater, work additional rows before decreasing.

To lengthen the front, work only two thirds of the additional rows by which the back was lengthened.

To shorten the back of the sweater, work fewer rows before decreasing.

To shorten the front, work one third of the number of rows decreased on the back.


Using 4mm Ns and cc, c/on 58 sts.

Work in rib as folls:


Rib row: * K1 tbl, p1; rep from * to end,

Using mc, work 2 rows rib.

Using cc, work 2 rows rib.

Rep the last 4 rib rows 7 times.


Using me and starting with a k row, work in st st until work measures 17cm from the beg,

ending with a p row.


Cont working in st st working the stripe sequence as foils:

Work 2 rows cc.

Work 2 rows mc.

Work 4 rows cc.

Work 4 rows mc.

Work 6 rows cc.

Work 4 rows mc.

Work 4 rows cc.

Work 2 rows mc.

Work 2 rows cc.




Using me, cont in st st until work measures 29,5cm from the beg, ending with a p row.

Work any adjustments to the length here - see special note.

Dec 1 st at each end ot next and foll 6th row [54 stsJ.    -


Work 6 rows on These sts.


Now c/off  2 sts at beg of next 4 rows, 3 sts at beg of next 10 rows

 and 4 srs at beg of next 2 rows [8 sts].




Using 4mm Ns and cc, c/on 31 sts. Work rib patt-as folls throughout front:


1st row:  K1 tbl, * p1,      k1 tbl; rep from * to end.


2nd row: PI,       * k1 tbi, p1      rep from * to end

Work 1 row in cc.


Now cont in rib patt using mc until work measures 16cm from beg.


Work any adjustments to the length here - see



special note.


Dec 1 st at each end of every row until 3 rem, ending with a p row.

K3 tog and fasten off.



With the back piece only, join 5,5cm of the coilar.

 Insert the point of the front to the collar and join the decrease rows of the front to the rib of back.

Leave the next 9cm open for the legs.

 Join the remaining sides of the front to the back.

Using 3.5mm crochet hook and cc, work 1row dc and 1 row crab st around the leg openings.

 Work1 row dc with mc and1 row crab st with cc around the remaining section of the back.

Using a double thread of cc, work approximately10cm ch and attach this to the centre of the back to form a loop for the tail to pass through.

Block pieces to measurement, cover with damp cloth and allow to dry.


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