If you meant Japan clips, I might be able to help a bit more.
As far as I remember, here are the stories of the clips.
Sound inn "S"
Almost all clips arount world stem from a single source,
the Japan Fan Club tape.
Older generration copies were around before Kate-Topia, and replaced with
"better copy". Kate-Topia tape used a tape I sent to Tom Estes, which is a
child to a tape
sent from the Fan Club.
Origin -> ... -> Fan Club master -> My copy -> tape sent to Tom
-> Kate-Topia master -> My Kate-Topia copy
So, I have a VHS tape at least three generations younger than the
Kate-Topia tape.
Tokyo Music Festival
TBS (the TV company) aired the Moving clip on its BS digital channel some
while ago.
The clip shows much better quality than previous ones.
Kate-Topia tape
is based on the tape before the BS broadcast.
The BS clip can be identified with the picture of speakers beside the clip
to cover the side panel to 4:3 clip.
I believe I have a VHS tape with the clip, directly recorded from the
Fruitopia (Summer Soltice Japan)
Kate-Topia is based on my tape sent to Tom Estes.
My copy -> tape sent to Toms Estes -> Kate-Topia master -> My
Kate-Topia copy
So I should have a tape at least three generation younger.
When I have time I will try to capture my tapes and upload them to
On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:47:42 -0800 (PST)