Fwd: Appeal for on line voting for HANDA

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Taiwan IDEA

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22 Sep 2010, 04.49.1222/09/10
kepadaglobal-volunteer-ideataiwan 群組, losheng-coop...@googlegroups.com, losheng-ne...@googlegroups.com, idea-taiw...@googlegroups.com, ideat...@googlegroups.com

---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: Michael Chen <mich...@handa-idea.org>
日期: 2010年9月22日上午8:56
主旨: Appeal for on line voting for HANDA

My dear friends,


With your kind support and encouragement, HANDA has been striving to work with the people affected by leprosy to fight against stigma and physical challenge to live a dignified life. 


This year, HANDA participated in the Philanthropy Star Award campaign. With your support and our joint effort, we are selected as one of the 15 finalists in final round. Now, the campaign has just started the global online voting. The voting result will affect the result of the final winner of the Award.


On behalf of HANDA and people affected by leprosy, I would like to urge all our supporters and friends to support us by voting for us! One click and you will be making a difference to the people affected by leprosy, and those who are still suffering from disability and poverty.


The voting instructions are as below:

1. Browse the official voting website of One Foundation at http://www.onefamily.org.cn/dianfanvote/index.jsp or http://sinaurl.cn/h9aCQI

2. Go down and look over the left side of the web page

3. Find the logo of HANDA (shown on the left side, first column at the fourth line)

4. Tick the small box under the logo of HANDA

5. Click on. (“submit") at the left side of bottom pageAnd it’s done.

6. One IP is allowed to give one vote each day and the votes will be accumulated by 15th October. Please remember to vote for us every day.

For more information about the Philanthropy Star Award campaign, please visit (Sorry that it is only in Chinese)



When the voting completes, candidates will enter into the final section held in Beijing: interview and

oral defense by the panel of judges. The voting result will be included in the overall evaluation. The

final winner list will be announced at the beginning of November on One Foundation official website.


We appreciate your support and walking hand in hand with us as always!


Thank you. 


Sincerely yours,




Dr. Michael Chen

General Secretary

HANDA Rehabilitation & Welfare Association

Appeal for on line voting for HANDA.pdf
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