August Meetup Details

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Andrew Cholakian

Aug 1, 2010, 2:17:12 PM8/1/10
to Los Angeles HNers (Hacker News)
Our August meetup's Just around the corner. This is our 3rd meetup
ever, and I'd like to thank all you guys for making it possible, as
well as the awesome guys and gals at Border Stylo (
) for providing us space!

Location & Details:
Border Stylo
729 Seward Street, LA, CA
90038 (cross street is Melrose Ave).
( google maps:,+los+angeles+ca&fb=1&gl=us&hq=border+stylo,&hnear=Los+Angeles,+CA&cid=0,0,1360177876003939464&ei=VrhVTJPOMoa8sQPI2ZTaAg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQnwIwAA

-pull up to the black parking gate on the south side of the building
(closer to Melrose)
-press the call button and someone will open the gate
-if the lot is full, there should be plenty of nearby street parking.
-if parking on the street and walking up, please do not use the glass
doors. There is a walking gate next to the parking gate. Press the
call button and someone will let you in.

We're still looking for presenters and volunteers. We have room for a
couple more presentations, either respond to this thread or email me
directly for info. All presentations will be hard limited to 25
minutes in length + 5 - 10 min Q&A, and should be able to be
displayed on your own laptop with a VGA output, or be able to be
displayed on my macbook (which doesn't have powerpoint or keynote).

How you can help:
1. Food: We need someone to provide some light food for about 15
2. Drinks: We need someone to provide refreshments in the form of some
soft drinks and water.

If you sponsor food/drinks we'll gladly shill for you/your company for
being so generous.

Search for co-founders:
Lastly, an attendee at our last Meetup asked me about looking for a
technical co-founder at this meetup. He mentioned wanting to give a 5
minute pitch for what he's working on to the group to see if there's
any interest. I'm totally cool with this kind of thing and think it
goes with the entrepreneurial spirit of Hacker News.

What do you guys think about making this kind of thing part of our
format? Before I give the final green light I'd like some feedback.

Andrew Cholakian

Aug 1, 2010, 2:23:16 PM8/1/10
Ack, I proofread that twice and realized I hadn't included the date:

It'll be on Saturday, August 21st at 3PM
Andrew Cholakian

Chris T

Aug 4, 2010, 10:55:57 AM8/4/10
Hey Andrew, when you get a semi clear headcount please let me know.  I'll try and see about getting some food sponsored.


On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Andrew Cholakian <> wrote:
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