the value of experiments

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Sep 3, 2010, 4:24:02 AM9/3/10
to Los Angeles HNers (Hacker News)
I judge the competence of a startup by how many experiments it can do
per dollar. Entrepeneurs tend to look directly for the final clever
solution to a problem while ignoring the experimental, exploratory
steps that go in between. Even if the experiment doesn't work, there
you can still derive a lot of value from it.

Take an absurd concept experiment like "cars should have square
wheels". This idea is obviously unlikely to improve the performance of
a vehicle. But it can lead to other ideas. . . like active suspension.
Ideas like this are invisible using foresight, but logical in

One of the concepts I am thinking about experimenting with is
spontaneous flash mobs:

Maybe creating a quick-and-dirty app that allows people to form flash
mobs easily depending on geo-location. No, I don't advocate illegal
use, but we can take the kernel of this idea and run with it. If
anyone wants to help me build this (or perhaps start a side project of
their own), sign up for the next codejam:

- Stever (aka Duke of Url)


Sep 4, 2010, 5:26:14 AM9/4/10
to Los Angeles HNers (Hacker News)
Hey Steve

Agree with you on experiments and validating of assumptions.

I've seen some flash mob videos on youtube, but what do they do now to
organize ?
From what I've seen most aren't spontaneous and have been planned for
some time before actually carrying out whatever they are set to do..
how would you see your app being different from lets say a event
scheduling type application?
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