Re: [IndiaLO] 2nd Learning Loops Meeting.

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Sheila Damodaran

Feb 17, 2009, 9:26:44 AM2/17/09
to, agazareer31,,,,,,

Dear Zareer.

Thank you for this really nice sharing.  Lovely story Rajinder!  Thought it would be really nice for other communities to hear this!

Sheila Damodaran
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Quoting agazareer31 <>:

> Guys,
> Come one come all. Help yourself and do yourself and all of us a  favour by joining in this sharing and learning of applications of  systems thinking tools. Sushil has done a wonderful sharing and those who were not there like me have missed a great learning  opportunity. Bring freinds and family all are welcome do let us know.
> Here is a jist of the meeting that Mr Raina has prepared:

> LLF Meeting Highlights held on 1st Feb 09

I thought the magic that happened in our first LLF meet was a fluke but the second LLF meeting proved that these short informal sessions are indeed powerful. It is the storytelling I guess that does the magic and maybe when we listen to stories of actual, on the ground successes with systems thinking tools….that too narrated with such passion by our own friends….it just fires up many neurons all at once!!!

> For me personally, every minute of these 2 hrs were well spent. This time it was Sushil's turn who explained to us in detail how his intervention with multiple departments of Andhra Pradesh Government helped them understand their issues better and thereby how just enhanced understanding itself reduced a lot of animosity between multiple stakeholders. Sushil had used systems thinking as well as RAAKS tools. This intervention was regarding livelihood of people who tender "small rumminents"(read sheep and goats).
> These are the comments of all participants after listening to Sushil:
> 1)        Niloufer:  It just dawned on me that all four levels of an Ice-Berg are actually happening simultaneously…that was an eye opener for me. Also the way Sushil was able to bring such diverse and heterogeneous groups to a common platform in just 5 days was absolutely wonderful to hear….
> 2)        Khemta: The story was not new to me but it got reinforced. It appeared to me that during the workshop these people kind of `manufactured' the mirror that they then used to look inside!! What an insight and understanding…
> 3)        Rajesh: I am impressed with Sushil's ability to arrive at a concrete output(which is a proper published manual) in just 4 days….it was much more than just systems thinking…what a wonderful facilitation he must have done
> 4)        Sunita: It is amazing how people and that too senior govt officials could publicly criticize their own work…..i am inspired
> 5)        Kalindi: I was moved….got reminded of the work I did few years back with 13 villages…I learnt a new terminology of `stocks' and `flows'
> 6)        Rajinder: How Khemta put it…manufacturing the mirror….never thought like that…what a powerful way of looking at the process of paradigm shifts
> 7)        Rashmikant: The Ice-Berg model fitted so well with what Sushil was narrating….just got it….i can't wait any longer….have to just start the conversations
> 8)        Sushil: I just found out that simultaneously using tools like ice-berg and at the same time narrating a story where people see application of these tools is a very powerful process….it is very heartening to share something with people who speak the same language

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