Reminder: LO practice on 6 December!

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ngan le

2008年12月3日 凌晨12:22:592008/12/3
收件者:Thanh Chi LE、Thuy Hoang、Nguyen Tuan Anh、Le Danh Hoang、Bui Dai Phuoc、Nguyen Phan Bich Thao、Phan Thi Hoai Phuong、Dao Viet Dung、Le Thi Lan Anh、Tra Ngan Do、Hoang Thi Huong Giang、Phan Thanh Tam、Hoang Thanh Thanh、Nguyen Thi Tu Anh、Thieu Thanh Tam、FIC Nhung Nguyen、Mai Le Thien Huong、、、Hien Ngo Quang、Trung Phan FIC、Luc Hieu Mi、Duong Phuong、Vo Ngoc Tra、
Hello friends,
This is to remind you that we are going to meet up at 6pm - 8:30pm Saturday 6th Dec for practicing the Archetypes.
See you soon - have a nice day!
Connection => Correction => Direction [Instruction - Encouragement - Patient]

Y! ID: nganlek6n1     Skype ID: nganlek6n11      +8...



From: ngan le <>
To: Thanh Chi LE <>
Cc: Thuy Hoang <>; Nguyen Tuan Anh <>; Le Danh Hoang <>; Bui Dai Phuoc <>; Nguyen Phan Bich Thao <>; Phan Thi Hoai Phuong <>; Dao Viet Dung <>; Le Thi Lan Anh <>; Tra Ngan Do <>; Hoang Thi Huong Giang <>; Phan Thanh Tam <>; Hoang Thanh Thanh <>; Nguyen Thi Tu Anh <>; Thieu Thanh Tam <>; FIC Nhung Nguyen <>; Mai Le Thien Huong <>;;; Hien Ngo Quang <>; Trung Phan FIC <>; Luc Hieu Mi <>; Duong Phuong <>; Vo Ngoc Tra <>;
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 2:34:24 PM
Subject: LO practice on 6 December!

Hello friends,
That's great. So far i got 4 feedbacks from you - Chi Phuong, Dung, Thanh, and Thuy indicate that you are free on Saturday/Sunday afternoon/evening. So may i propose for our first date: Sat evening: 6pm-8.30pm, 6 December, what does this sound?
Where do you want to do this? I can say the community house is available for us to use if we all agree and still remember where it is;-).

So from now till then, we have over 2 weeks, would you prefer to look at Sheila's instruction first so that we all can come up with one case. (i assume you still keep the manual with you. It is in Level 2-Deepening System Thinking. Just now i cannot attach the file. So if you don't have it with you, do let me know or i can send it to you later).

Thank you for all responses and those who are still thinking and look forward to having some interesting discussion with you all.

Today is Vietnamese Teacher's Day - SO HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY TO Ms.SHEILA - who helps us to understand and apply the work of Peter Senge and related ones. Thank you Teacher Sheila.

Cheers with beers,
Connection => Correction => Direction [Instruction - Encouragement - Patient]

Y! ID: nganlek6n1     Skype ID: nganlek6n11      +8...



From: Sheila Damodaran <>
To: ngan le <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:03:52 PM
Subject: Re: LO-Sheila comes back please!

Dear Ngan and all,

Here's a little exercise for all who have attended the workshops.

It may been a little while since you looked at your notes on the
Learning Organization Workshop
Go to the Level 2 workshop manual and open the pages to the System
Point your finger to any one that you would like to choose as one
archetype (it can be a simple one or perhaps one that you really like)
Keep the picture of that archetype in your mind for a few days or a
week - you may put that by your computer or the desk or just by your
At the end of the week, share a story here or with someone you would
like to discuss with that in your mind that story comes close to the
way the drawing describes the archetype that you have chosen
At the end of the discussion the archetype or the story may or may not
be complete.  It does not quite as matter.  For now, figure, if you
were the uncle, what you would do to solve the issue (tip:  Look for
the reinforcing loop in the archetype).
Go back to the reality, and notice what people are doing or not doing
to "solve" the issue

Repeat the exercise a month later on another archetype that you like.

This exercise is meant to help us internalize the ten archetypes
eventually.  Now when that has happened for you, gradually graduate
your thinking to looking at issues and then look for the archetypes.
I am sure when you are there, I would be back.  We are currently
looking at very early 2010.  I am sure we would have rather exciting
conversations then.

For now look at archetypes and then map a story.  Do that for a
while.  Let me know here what you notice.

I do hope all are well.  In my heart, I know all of you can do this
exercise.  Do it by yourself or do it in small groups or you could do
it here.


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