The Cactus Conservation Institute (CCI) is working to obtain a
scientific understanding of the biological and ecological requirements
of the cactus species peyote (Lophophora williamsii) and star cactus
(Astrophytum asterias), as well as gaining the community support
needed to acquire and maintain a large enough tract of land in the
South Texas habitat in order to ensure that both of these plants have
a permanent and protected sanctuary.
If you want to support this important work it is now possible to make
donations via the CCI PayPal ( account:
PayPal4CCI [at] cactusconservation [dot] org
(substitute [at] with "@" and [dot] with "." to get a valid email
You can read more details at
(I also did a blog post on this subject:
All contributions help - you can also support the CCI by spreading the
word on internet forums and boards, blog posts or via mail. Donations
are tax deductible for US citizens.
For the record, I'm not affiliated with the CCI.