12th June: Consent / Ethics / Data Security Workshop

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Johnston, Caroline

May 28, 2014, 5:51:44 AM5/28/14
to dobson-group Mailman List, Arno, Matthew, Gunasinghe, Cerisse, Kumar Jacob, KHP: SLaM: Barnett, Juliet, KHP: SLaM: Hardy, Tanya, Cameron, Anne, KHP: SLaM: Soncul, Murat, Gillett, Cheryl, Howe, Veronica, KHP: SLaM: Little, Ryan, Broadbent, Matthew, KHP: SLaM: Jackson, Richard George, KHP: SLaM: Ball, Michael, brc-linuxcluster-users Mailman List, brcf Mailman List, redcap-users Mailman List, londonb...@googlegroups.com, McGrath, Tegan
Maudsley Digital and the Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health are organising a workshop to look at consent, ethics and data security for handling patient data in research.  The workshop will be held on June 12th at the Ortus Learning Centre, Denmark Hill.

Attendance is free, but please register at eventbrite so we have an idea of numbers:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/consent-ethics-and-data-security-workshop-tickets-11753602341

Talks in the morning will provide an introduction to informed consent, about your data protection responsibilities and about the ethics and governance around accessing clinical data that has not been explicitly consented. 

Talks in the afternoon will introduce some of the KCL / SLaM projects that are gathering and providing datasets for research use.  

Group sessions will provide a chance to discuss existing consenting and data management practices to help us improve our research computing infrastructure to better support these requirements.

Please circulate to anyone who might be interested in attending.  


9:30: Coffee

10am: Intro

10:10am Workshop on existing data practises

10:40 Data protection, security, ethics, consent

10:40-11:00 Anne Cameron – An intro to the Data Protection Act for researchers and how to handle breaches

11:00-11:20 Murat Soncul – Governance and Ethics when using clinical data for research

11:20-11:40 Cheryl Gillett – Human Tissue Act, biobanking

11:40-12:00 Veronica Howe – Research Data Management at KCL

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Available data resources and services:

1:00-1:20 Ryan Little – Clinical Data Linkage Service

1:20-1:40 Cerisse Gunasinghe – Bioresource

1:40-2:00 Matthew Broadbent – CRIS

2:00-2:20 TBC

2:20: Coffee

2:40: Workshop to capture existing consent forms / practices

3:20: Coffee, Workshop Round-up, Close.

Caroline Johnston
Bioinformatician / HPC Systems Administrator
Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health
King’s College London
0207 848 0924
07813 068 493

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