Hi all,
Quite a few people I've inducted recently have talked about wanting to help out around the space but not having a clear idea of what they could do that would be useful. And that's totally fair if you're a new member still trying to figure out how we operate!
To that end we've put up a whiteboard (currently in the clean activity area between the CNC routers, but looking for a more permanent home).
On the board are a few suggestions of little projects that would give you a chance to contribute back, and in some cases also get some practice in on tools you've recently been inducted on.
I just a stuck down a few ideas of mine - mostly wood and metal focused - for now but to anyone involved in running/ organising any areas of the space, please please add any ideas you come up with as and when.
Obviously the board should be limited to relatively simple tasks you'd be happy for anyone to have a go at. If you're a bit more skilled in any particular area we will definitely have some more complex tasks in need of someone to take them on, please continue to ask the maintainers as and when.