First Minikanren meeting writeup, and poll for next meeting date

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Simon Coffey

Aug 22, 2018, 3:30:14 PM8/22/18
Hi all,

Yesterday we met to discuss all three days of the Minikanren chapter from 7 More Languages in 7 Weeks. You can read the writeup here.

We didn't actually get through all 3 days of the chapter, but decided that we'd like to do a second meeting in which we mob an implementation of some logic-programmingy problem, rather than follow the book content.

We'd like to decide when to hold the meeting, so if you're interested in attending, please fill out this doodle poll:

We'll announce the date ASAP, so please do get clicking. In the meantime, we'll be talking about what problem to tackle in Slack, so join us there and let us know what you think.

Looking forward to seeing you all next time!

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