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Festive Show & Tell This Tuesday, 3rd December from 6:30 pm at Techspace Shoreditch

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Paul Mucur

Nov 30, 2019, 7:14:04 AM11/30/19
Good afternoon all!

Please join us at Techspace Shoreditch ( from 6:30 pm on Tuesday, 3rd December for our annual Festive Show & Tell!

As some of us (myself included) can't easily make the regular meetings anymore, it'd be wonderful to see faces old and new for a bit of a club reunion and to hear what computational adventures people have been up to over the past year!
If you have no idea what to expect: see our write-ups from the past two years at and

It'd be great to see people from all the great eras of the club from the heady early days of Tom Stuart's "Understanding Computation" and "The Little Schemer" through the unbelievable thrill of playing "Square Dance" and NAND2Tetris to Dewdney's compendium of computational wonders and the rollercoaster of covariance and contravariance that was "Types & Programming Languages" to the time every single person was convinced Factor was the programming language of the future and marvelling at reflective, raytraced spheres to the smorgasbord of technical papers it is today.

You can sign up to attend at and I hope to see you all there.

Kind regards,

— Paul
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