Computation Pub - pick a date! (w/c 15 Oct)

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Simon Coffey

Oct 9, 2018, 3:26:20 PM10/9/18
Hi all,

Due to a flurry of illness, our last meeting (intended to be an off-book meeting on Idris) was cancelled at the last moment. From discussion on Slack there seems to be a lack of appetite for a further 7ML7W meeting, but rather than let the book end with a sad trombone noise, let's go to the pub next week!

If you're interested in coming along (and all are welcome), please fill out the following doodle to let us know which days work for you:

If you can't come to the pub, then our next meeting (date TBD) will be to decide what the club does next, so please have a think about books or subjects you'd be interested in studying together, and join us on Slack if you'd like to discuss ideas.

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