Clojure dojo in ThoughtWorks office - CANCELLED until the end of June

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Mario G

Mar 12, 2020, 5:57:11 PM3/12/20
to London Clojurians
Hi there everybody.

In the wake of the Covid-19 crisis you're all aware of, all ThoughtWorks public events are cancelled until the end of June. Needless to say - for what that matters, I totally support this stance.

I'm sure we can continue the Clojure dojo fun later on in a few months. Co-located solutions are always my favourites but given the circumstances we could explore also here some alternative remote option. Just an idea I am going to process in the next days :) in the meantime there's always the weekly study group also this Saturday.

Take a good care of yourself and stay tuned

Mario Giampietri
Senior Developer
Pronoun: He
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