Garbled log lines - Unable to parse IIS logs using Promtail in Windows server 2016

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Sep 12, 2023, 1:15:56 PM9/12/23
to lokiproject

Here are my environment detals:

Loki: v2.8.4 - Running on Azure AKS. Installed using the Bitnami helm chart for Grafana Loki Promtail: v2.8.2 - Running on Window server 2016 English

I have also described this question at:

Here is my Promtail configuration:

server: http_listen_port: 5000 grpc_listen_port: 0 positions: filename: D:/promtail/promtail/positions.yaml clients: - url: scrape_configs: - job_name: IIS-W3SVC1 encoding: UTF-8 static_configs: - targets: - localhost labels: job: IIS-W3SVC1 __path__: C:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles/W3SVC1/* pipeline_stages: - match: selector: '{job="IIS-W3SVC1"}' stages: - drop: expression: "(?i)(\\W|^)(#Version|#Software:|#Date:|#Fields:)(\\W|$)" - match: selector: '{job="IIS-W3SVC1"} != "#Fields"' stages: - regex: expression: "^(?s)(?P<Date>\\S+?) (?P<Time>\\S+?) (?P<Server_IP_Address>\\S+?) (?P<CS_Method>\\S+?) (?P<CS_Uri_Stem>\\S+?) (?P<CS_Uri_Query>\\S+?) (?P<Server_Port>\\S+?) (?P<Client_User_Name>\\S+?) (?P<Client_IP_Address>\\S+?) (?P<CS_User_Agent>\\S+?) (?P<CS_Referer>\\S+?) (?P<HTTP_Status>\\S+?) (?P<SC_Substatus>\\S+?) (?P<Win32_Status>\\S+?) (?P<Time_Taken>.*)$" - template: source: Time template: '{{ .Date }}T{{ .Time }}Z' - timestamp: source: Time format: RFC3339 - labels: Server_IP_Address: - labeldrop: - filename - match: selector: '{job = "IIS-W3SVC1"}' stages: - drop: older_than: 168h

Description of the issue The Promtail executable is being run on a Windows server 2016 on the command line and is pointing to the Loki running on Azure AKS. When i search for the ingested log lines being shipped into Loki with the labels as chosen in the below image, i see garbled output:

enter image description here

I have inspected the IIS log file using Notepad++ and the encoding of the log file states that it is utf-8.

I have also observed the following:

-When i search by the label named: Server_IP_Address, i see absolutely no output.

-When i enable live log line trailing to see the log lines being ingested into Loki, i see that the correct log line is being ingested.

enter image description here

I am at loss to understand what could possibly be wrong. At the outset, it seems like an encoding issue. However, i have already set the encoding to utf-8 in Promtail and still continue to see this issue.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Kiran Hegde

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