promtail regex not match log with ANSI color

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Dongyu Shen

Sep 5, 2023, 9:34:43 PM9/5/23
to lokiproject
I am using regular expressions to process my logs.

My promtail config is:
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
    - docker: {}
    - regex:
         expression: '^(?P<timestamp>[0-9 :.-]+?) \| \\u001b\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<logLevel>[DIWEF])\\u001b\[0m \| (?P<traceID>.*) \| (?P<location>[^\s]+:\d+) \\u001b\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<message>.+)\\u001b\[0m.*$'
    - labels:
        timestamp: timestamp
        logLevel: logLevel
        traceID: traceID
        location: location
        message: message

My log is like:
09-04 18:22:07.415 | \u001b[0;00;32mI\u001b[0m |  | handler.go:383 \u001b[0;00;32mget all robot stop plan info\u001b[0m\n

I got the error message from promtail debug log:
level=debug ts=2023-09-06T01:27:27.313448004Z caller=regex.go:121 component=file_pipeline component=stage type=regex msg="regex did not match" input="09-04 18:22:07.415 | \u001b[0;00;32mI\u001b[0m |  | handler.go:383 \u001b[0;00;32mget all robot stop plan info\u001b[0m\n" regex="^(?P<timestamp>[0-9 :.-]+?) \\| \\\\u001b\\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<logLevel>[DIWEF])\\\\u001b\\[0m \\| (?P<traceID>.*) \\| (?P<location>[^\\s]+:\\d+) \\\\u001b\\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<message>.+)\\\\u001b\\[0m.*$"

But I tested the regex in Go and it was correct.

package main

import (

func main() {
logLine := `09-04 18:22:07.415 | \u001b[0;00;32mI\u001b[0m |  | handler.go:383 \u001b[0;00;32mget all robot stop plan info\u001b[0m\n`
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P<timestamp>[0-9 :.-]+?) \| \\u001b\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<logLevel>[DIWEF])\\u001b\[0m \| (?P<traceID>.*) \| (?P<location>[^\s]+:\d+) \\u001b\[0;00;[0-9]+m(?P<message>.+)\\u001b\[0m.*$`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(logLine)

if match != nil {
groups := make(map[string]string)
for i, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
if name != "" {
groups[name] = match[i]

fmt.Printf("Timestamp: %s\n", groups["timestamp"])
fmt.Printf("Log Level: %s\n", groups["logLevel"])
fmt.Printf("Trace ID: %s\n", groups["traceID"])
fmt.Printf("Location: %s\n", groups["location"])
fmt.Printf("Message: %s\n", groups["message"])
} else {
fmt.Println("Log line does not match the expected format.")

Timestamp: 09-04 18:22:07.415
Log Level: I
Trace ID:
Location: handler.go:383
Message: get all robot stop plan info

Who can tell me where the problem is? THX!
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