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Nov 22, 2020, 3:44:10 PM11/22/20

coi ro do

binxo = x1 becomes/changes/converts/transforms into x2 under conditions x3

What does that “under conditions x3” mean?

I've always tended to read it as an irrealis condition, like an “if” clause, which would render that slot more annoying than helpful in practice (for example saying {ti ca binxo su'o tutci} would not mean "this is becoming a tool" but rather "now, if some unspecified condition is met, this becomes a tool").

However I've seen somebody else apparently interpreting it more like something along the lines of “… and this happens with circumstances x3 being the case”, i.e. the event of becoming does happen and the third slot merely adds some sort of circumstantial background, although it's not clear what would be its exact relation with regard to the event of becoming.

What was the original intent of the gismu creators when they added “under conditions” slots?

What do you think would be the most appropriate meaning for these slots?

—mu'o mi'e la .ilmen.

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