'Zactly. That's what {ja'ai} is: another cmavo of selma'o NAI, the
counterpart to {nai}. Just as {ja'a} is to {na}, {ja'ai} is to {nai}.
> >There is already a positive analogue to "nai", and that is "jo'a".
> >It can be attached to attitudes to make them explicitly positive,
> >or used as a general metalinguistic affirmer: this is so, despite
> >appearances otherwise.
> >
> >Grammatically "jo'a" belongs to UI rather than NAI, but that simply
> >means it cannot be used in place of the non-attitudinal uses of "nai",
> >such as with connectives, tenses, etc. (In practice if you want
> >to say ".ejo'a" it is grammatical 99% of the time.)
Mark Shoulson hrmphed:
> Hrmph. I'm not sure I'm satisfied. If ja'o means the same as my proposed
> ja'ai, then na'i must be the same as nai.
Oops. jo'a is the counterpart of na'i indeed. There is no counterpart
of nai; jo'a = na'inai.
John Cowan co...@ccil.org
I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin
Hrmph. I'm not sure I'm satisfied. If ja'o means the same as my proposed
ja'ai, then na'i must be the same as nai.
Grammatically "jo'a" belongs to UI rather than NAI, but that simply
means it cannot be used in place of the non-attitudinal uses of "nai",
such as with connectives, tenses, etc. (In practice if you want
to say ".ejo'a" it is grammatical 99% of the time.)