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zo ta'u

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Adam Raizen

Oct 27, 1999, 2:32:44 PM10/27/99
.i ma se valsi zo ta'u .i le du'u finti le tanru ji le du'u pejgau le tanru
.i le ma'oste cu xusra frica le gerna cukta .i pe'i le du'u pejgau le
tanru cu ka'e selplimau

What is the meaning of "ta'u"? "making a tanru" or "expanding a
tanru"? The ma'oste and the grammar book say different things. I
think that "expanding a tanru" is more useful.

.i co'o mi'e adam

Adam Raizen
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
--George Washington

Bob LeChevalier (lojbab)

Oct 27, 1999, 3:59:45 PM10/27/99
At 08:32 PM 10/27/99 +0200, Adam Raizen wrote:
>From: "Adam Raizen" <>

>.i ma se valsi zo ta'u .i le du'u finti le tanru ji le du'u pejgau le tanru
>.i le ma'oste cu xusra frica le gerna cukta .i pe'i le du'u pejgau le
>tanru cu ka'e selplimau
>What is the meaning of "ta'u"? "making a tanru" or "expanding a
>tanru"? The ma'oste and the grammar book say different things. I
>think that "expanding a tanru" is more useful.

Given the apparent conflict between the two, the book is the later
publication and the harder to fix, so it will stand.


lojbab ***NOTE NEW ADDRESS***
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
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