On 28.10.2017 23:55,
shadowf...@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm way out of my depth here. Can someone give me some pointers on how
> to say "except for"? Example: "Except for eels, I like all fish".
> Is this some sort of relative clause that I've not seen?
"everything except for X" is equivalent to "everything that is not X".
The usual way to express this in Lojban is:
mi nelci ro finpe poi [ke'a] na .angila
I like every fish which [it] not eel
"I like every fish except for eels."
When you have referents that are the exception, then {po'u nai} can be
used to save space:
mi nelci ro finpe po'u nai ti
"I like every fish except for this one."
({po'u nai} is short for {poi ke'a na du})
Splitting the phrases as in your example is not really possible in
Lojban, because it would be ambiguous what the "except for eels"
attaches to, though if you wanted, you could say {fi'o nafselte'i lo'e
.angila mi nelci ro finpe}. I don't recommend it.
~~~mi'e la solpa'i
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