CLLv1.1 help request

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Robin Lee Powell

Apr 30, 2012, 2:27:56 PM4/30/12

CLLv1.1 is the next big thing we need to work on to advance the
state of the language. It's basically just a move of the CLL into a
format that we can easily work on and use to generate all the output
formats we need (PDF, HTML, ebook).

Unfortunately, all the easy/brain-dead stuff is basically gone, as
Arnt recently discovered. Having said that, I'm willing to train
people up on whatever. It would be nice if you know how to run an
editor on a unix box and pull things from git, but even if not we
can work around that.

What I *do* need is someone who can actually commit to doing some
work, instead of disappearing after a week as most of my other
"helpers" have done.


-- : Our last, best hope for a fantastic future.
.i ko na cpedu lo nu stidi vau loi jbopre .i danfu lu na go'i li'u .e
lu go'i li'u .i ji'a go'i lu na'e go'i li'u .e lu go'i na'i li'u .e
lu no'e go'i li'u .e lu to'e go'i li'u .e lu lo mamta be do cu sofybakni li'u


Apr 30, 2012, 10:03:13 PM4/30/12
could you provide some more details on exactly what needs to be done?


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