CFP Deadline August 2 DISCO: Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects at JCDL2021

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Jodi Schneider

Jul 26, 2021, 2:02:35 PM7/26/21
DISCO2021 - Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects at JCDL2021
September 30th, 2021 and October 1, 2021 – Online
Workshop page:
Conference page:
DISCO2021 - The workshop on Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects will be held on September 30th, 2021 and October 1, 2021 in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL2021). DISCO's goal is to raise awareness of quality issues and re-use challenges in digital infrastructures for scholarly content, and collect potential solutions among an audience of diverse expertise.
As digital libraries make the dissemination of research publications easier, they also enable the propagation of invalid or unreliable knowledge. Examples of relevant problems include: retraction and unknowing/unintentional citation and reuse of retracted papers; propagation of errors in literature and scientific databases; non-reproducible papers; known domain-specific issues such as cell line contamination; bias in research datasets and publications; systematic reviews that come up with different conclusions for the same problem at the same time. In the digital environment, which facilitates broad interdisciplinary reuse beyond the originating scientific community, marking known problems and tracing the impact on dependent and follow-on works is an important, but under-addressed problem. Further, context-specific information inside a paper may not be immediately reusable when extracted by automated processes, leading to apparent contradictions. Current mitigating approaches use the underlying reasoning for information retrieval, develop new infrastructures analyzing the reasoning or certainty of statements, or use visualization to highlight possible discrepancies.
We invite original research papers (long) describing new developments, innovative solutions, and practical experiences in the field of digital infrastructures dedicated to handling scholarly content. Moreover, we invite position papers (short) focusing on current challenges, possible game changing technologies, and also surprising negative results as interesting starting points for discussion.
* Fact checking and knowledge updates for scholarly publishing, scholarly databases, and expert knowledge
* “Living” documents and innovation in publishing
* Semantic publishing, metadata, ontologies
* Scholarly database curation and scholarly knowledge graphs
* Argumentation, identifying and tracing dependencies between papers
* Infrastructure for robustness and reproducibility (e.g., multiverse analyses, data storage and citation, etc.)
* Infrastructure for knowledge and evidence synthesis, systematic review, question answering on expert knowledge
* Annotation and integration of scholarly content
* Quality assurance and quality assessment of automatic knowledge mining processes, recovering from retracted, outdated, or inconsistent findings
All dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE):
Paper submission: Monday August 2, 2021
Notification: Friday August 27th
Camera-ready deadline: Tuesday September 14th
Workshop: September 30th & October 1st, online
Submissions must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Since reviewing is not double-blind, submissions do not need to be anonymized. At least 2 Program Committee members will review each submission.
The maximum length of submissions (including bibliography) should be as follows:
Full paper submissions: 10 pages
Position paper submissions: 5 pages
All submissions must be in English, in PDF format. Papers should follow two-column CEUR-ART paper formatting guidelines (see, You can also download an offline version with the style files from containing both LaTeX and MS Word templates.
All papers are to be submitted via the conference’s EasyChair submission system
Each accepted paper must be presented online by at least one of the co-authors. Accepted papers will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( as open access under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign a license agreement at the camera-ready stage.

In addition to the CEUR proceedings, we expect to solicit revised and extended articles for a special issue in a journal.
Wolf-Tilo Balke, University of Braunschweig, Germany
Yuanxi Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Bolin Hua, Peking University, China
Jodi Schneider, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Ningyuan Song, Nanjing University, China
Anita de Waard, Elsevier, USA
Xiaoguang Wang, Wuhan University, China
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