Atomic XCHG based Stack, simple for learning...

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Chris M. Thomasson

Dec 29, 2018, 1:38:50 AM12/29/18
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
This experimental algorithm uses only XCHG at the cost of having a consumer wait for the next pointer to be set in a node. However, it allows for real work to be done before any waits are performed. So, the "real" work should provide a "natural backoff" that might minimize the waiting. The algorithm can be improved upon quite a bit. I have some "interesting" ideas for it. Well, here is the code in the form of a Relacy unit test:

Notice the "hand off" comments and 0xDEADBEEF, this can be made to work much better...
// Simple Atomic Stack
// For Academic and Experimental things... 
// Beginner, Moderate?
// In Good Ol' Relacy! Nice as always.

//#define RL_MSVC_OUTPUT
//#define RL_FORCE_SEQ_CST
//#define RL_GC

#include <relacy/relacy_std.hpp>
#include <iostream>

// Simple macro based redirection of the verbose  std membars.
#define CT_MB_ACQ std::memory_order_acquire
#define CT_MB_REL std::memory_order_release
#define CT_MB_RLX std::memory_order_relaxed
#define CT_MB_ACQ_REL std::memory_order_acq_rel
#define CT_MB_SEQ_CST std::memory_order_seq_cst
#define CT_MB(mp_0) std::atomic_thread_fence(mp_0)

// Some global vars directing the show...
#define THREADS 3
#define ITERS 2

// Experimental Stack
struct ct_ecstack
    #define WAITNEXT ((node*)0xDEADBEEF)

    struct node
        std::atomic<node*> m_next;
        VAR_T(unsigned int) m_data;

        node(unsigned int data) : m_next(nullptr), m_data(data) {}

        void process()
            // simulate some work?
            rl::yield(1 + rl::rand(2), $); // ;^)

        node* next_wait()
            node* next = nullptr;

            while ((next = m_next.load(CT_MB_RLX)) == WAITNEXT)
                // Humm, we can actually do other work right here...
                // Hand off...
                rl::yield(1, $);

            return next;

    std::atomic<node*> m_head;

    ct_ecstack() : m_head(nullptr) {}

    void push(node* n)
        n->, CT_MB_RLX);
        node* head =, CT_MB_REL); // release
        n->, CT_MB_RLX);

    node* flush_try()
        return, CT_MB_ACQ); // acquire

// Relacy Stack Test...
struct ct_ecstack_test
    : rl::test_suite<ct_ecstack_test, THREADS>
    ct_ecstack g_ecstack;

    void process()
        ct_ecstack::node* n = g_ecstack.flush_try(); // flush all

        while (n)
            // Process n first, acts like a backoff for the next wait
            // Hand off some other nodes? Future note...

            // Wait for the next pointer, or hand off?
            ct_ecstack::node* next = n->next_wait();

            // Destroy
            delete n;

            // Loop on...
            n = next;

    void thread(unsigned int tidx)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i)
            g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));
            g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));
            g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));


            g_ecstack.push(new ct_ecstack::node(tidx));


// Test away... Or fly? Humm...
int main()
        rl::test_params p;

        p.iteration_count = 10000000;
        //p.execution_depth_limit = 33333;
        //p.search_type = rl::sched_bound;
        //p.search_type = rl::fair_full_search_scheduler_type;
        //p.search_type = rl::fair_context_bound_scheduler_type;


    return 0;

Any thoughts? This should be fairly basic in nature.

Chris M. Thomasson

Jan 4, 2019, 9:38:06 PM1/4/19
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 10:38:50 PM UTC-8, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
This experimental algorithm uses only XCHG at the cost of having a consumer wait for the next pointer to be set in a node. However, it allows for real work to be done before any waits are performed. So, the "real" work should provide a "natural backoff" that might minimize the waiting. The algorithm can be improved upon quite a bit. I have some "interesting" ideas for it. Well, here is the code in the form of a Relacy unit test:

Fwiw, I finally found the time to code this experimental implementation up in c++11. Here is the code:
(raw text, C code, no ads...)
// Simple XCHG based Atomic Stack
// By: Chris M. Thomasson

#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <functional>
#include <cassert>

// sorry about the macros...
#define THREADS 42
#define ITERS 100000

#define CT_MB_RLX std::memory_order_relaxed
#define CT_MB_ACQ std::memory_order_acquire
#define CT_MB_REL std::memory_order_release

// HACK! Humm...
#define CT_WAIT ((ct_work*)(0xDEADBEEFU))

// Just to track all the dynamic allocations...
static std::atomic<unsigned long> g_allocs(0);
static std::mutex g_cout_mtx;

// A work node
struct ct_work
    std::atomic<ct_work*> m_next;
    std::thread::id m_data;
    ct_work(std::thread::id data) : m_next(nullptr), m_data(data) {}

    void process()
        // Simulate just a tiny little work?

                std::thread::id local = std::this_thread::get_id();

                if (m_data == local)
                   // std::cout << "processing local = " << m_data <<
                   //     " from " << std::this_thread::get_id() << "\n";

                    std::cout << "processing foreign = " << m_data <<
                        " from " << std::this_thread::get_id() << "\n";


    ct_work* get_next() const
        ct_work* w = nullptr;

        while ((w = m_next.load(CT_MB_RLX)) == CT_WAIT)
            // we can spin, or even do other work right here...

        return w;

// Easy Stack, only uses XCHG
struct ct_estack
    std::atomic<ct_work*> m_head;
    ct_estack() : m_head(nullptr) {}

    void push(ct_work* n)
        n->, CT_MB_RLX);
        ct_work* head =, CT_MB_REL); // release
        n->, CT_MB_RLX);

    ct_work* flush_try()
        return, CT_MB_ACQ); // acquire

// Consume an Easy Stack...
void ct_consume(
    ct_estack& estack
) {
    ct_work* w = estack.flush_try();

    while (w)
        // Process FIRST!

        // Now, we can gain the next pointer.
        ct_work* next = w->get_next();

        // Okay, we can delete the work
        delete w;
        g_allocs.fetch_sub(1, CT_MB_RLX); // dec

        w = next;

// Our shared state
struct ct_shared
    ct_estack m_estack;

// Produce some work...
void ct_produce(
    ct_estack& estack
) {
    ct_work* w = new ct_work(std::this_thread::get_id());
    g_allocs.fetch_add(1, CT_MB_RLX); // inc

// Do some work...
void ct_worker(ct_shared& shared)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i)

        std::this_thread::yield(); // little spice...



int main(void)
        ct_shared shared;
        std::thread threads[THREADS];

        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < THREADS; ++i)
            threads[i] = std::thread(ct_worker, std::ref(shared));

        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < THREADS; ++i)

    if (g_allocs.load(CT_MB_RLX) != 0)
        std::cout << "\n\nLEAKED!!!!\n";

    std::cout << "\n\nFIN!\n";

    return 0;

Can anybody get this sucker to compile and run to completion? If so, can you show me some of the output? I am getting some data like in GCC:
processing foreign = 33 from 32
processing foreign = 33 from 32
processing foreign = 33 from 32
processing foreign = 41 from 26
processing foreign = 41 from 26

And some like the following in MSVC, the thread ids are larger there:
processing foreign = 15644 from 9844
processing foreign = 15644 from 9844
processing foreign = 18092 from 19964
processing foreign = 18092 from 19964

Any thoughts? 
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