Scalable hash map

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Dmitriy V'jukov

Sep 12, 2008, 3:55:06 PM9/12/08
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
I've implemented a scalable concurrent hash map, which uses a bunch of
advanced synchronization techniques, like timestamp based validation,
deferred memory reclamation and cache conscious data layout. Timestamp
based validation is used for validation of read transactions. Deferred
memory reclamation uses a kind of amortized proxy-collector technique,
and together with timestamp based validation provides pure read-only
read transactions, i.e. read transactions don't modify any shared
state. Also read transactions are totally lock-free, i.e. they can
progress concurrently with write transactions and even with concurrent
resize operation. Write transactions use extremely fine-grained
locking, and usually touch/modify only one cache-line.
As a result this implementation beats Intel Threading Building
Blocks's concurrent_hash_map by a factor of 50 on read-mostly workload
on Intel Core 2 Quad (Q6600), and by a factor of 20 on modest write
workload. The cost of read transaction (find operation) is about 30
cycles, which is basically equal to that of single-threaded hash map.
Algorithm also have perfect linear scalability on read-mostly workload
so on greater number of cores/processors it will have even higher
performance difference with traditional lock-based synchronization (on
8 cores I expect >100x).

Here are benchmark results on Q6600.
Element count = 256, readonly workload, 8 threads.
TBB concurrent_hash_map:
Single core: 338 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 436 cycles/op (scaling 1.55)
Cores 0&2: 1080 cycles/op (scaling 0.63)
All cores: 1412 cycles/op (scaling 0.96)

My hash map:
Single core: 30 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 30 cycles/op (scaling 2)
Cores 0&2: 30 cycles/op (scaling 2)
All cores: 28 cycles/op (scaling 4)

Element count = 65536, readonly workload, 8 threads.
TBB concurrent_hash_map:
Single core: 383 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 424 cycles/op (scaling 1.80)
Cores 0&2: 1168 cycles/op (scaling 0.66)
All cores: 1452 cycles/op (scaling 1.06)

My hash map:
Single core: 42 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 42 cycles/op (scaling 2)
Cores 0&2: 42 cycles/op (scaling 2)
All cores: 40 cycles/op (scaling 4)

Element count = 256, mixed workload (4 threads make 100% finds; 4
threads make 50% finds, 25% inserts, 25% removes)
TBB concurrent_hash_map:
Single core: 348 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 424 cycles/op (scaling 1.64)
Cores 0&2: 954 cycles/op (scaling 0.73)
All cores: 1216 cycles/op (scaling 1.14)

My hash map:
Single core: 51 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 54 cycles/op (scaling 1.89)
Cores 0&2: 62 cycles/op (scaling 1.65)
All cores: 60 cycles/op (scaling 3.4)

Element count = 65536, mixed workload (4 threads make 100% finds; 4
threads make 50% finds, 25% inserts, 25% removes)
TBB concurrent_hash_map:
Single core: 377 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 412 cycles/op (scaling 1.83)
Cores 0&2: 1032 cycles/op (scaling 0.73)
All cores: 1288 cycles/op (scaling 1.17)

My hash map:
Single core: 74 cycles/op
Cores 0&1: 70 cycles/op (scaling 2.12)
Cores 0&2: 86 cycles/op (scaling 1.72)
All cores: 88 cycles/op (scaling 3.36)

I will post implementation in following post.

Dmitriy V'jukov

Dmitriy V'jukov

Sep 12, 2008, 3:56:48 PM9/12/08
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
On Sep 12, 11:47 pm, "Dmitriy V'jukov" <> wrote:

> I will post implementation in following post.

Implementation is NOT PRODUCTION READY, it's just an illustration of
the algorithm. Implementation can be compiled only with MSVC/Win32,
but algorithm is fairly portable, only single-word atomic RMW
operations are required, and very little of OS specific stuff.

/*********************** hash_map.h ***********************/

#pragma once
#include "pcx.h"
#include <new>
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x500
#include <windows.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic (_InterlockedExchange)

namespace rl

template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct concurrent_hash_map_traits
typedef key_t key_in_t;
typedef key_t& key_out_t;
typedef value_t value_in_t;
typedef value_t& value_out_t;

static size_t hash(key_in_t k)
return static_cast<size_t>(k);

static bool compare_key(key_in_t k1, key_in_t k2)
return k1 == k2;

static void copy_key(key_out_t k1, key_in_t k2)
k1 = k2;

static void copy_value(value_out_t v1, value_in_t v2)
v1 = v2;

static void atomic_copy_value(value_out_t v1, value_in_t v2)
v1 = v2;

static void construct_key(void* k)
new (k) key_t ();

static void construct_value(void* v)
new (v) value_t ();

static void destroy_key(key_t* k)

static void destroy_value(value_t* v)


template<typename type>
struct is_pod
static bool const result = __is_pod(type);


template<> struct is_pod<int>
{static bool const result = true;};
template<> struct is_pod<unsigned int>
{static bool const result = true;};
template<> struct is_pod<long>
{static bool const result = true;};
template<> struct is_pod<unsigned long>
{static bool const result = true;};
template<> struct is_pod<__int64>
{static bool const result = true;};
template<> struct is_pod<unsigned __int64>
{static bool const result = true;};

template<typename key_t, typename value_t,
size_t key_size, bool key_pod, size_t value_size, bool value_pod>
struct concurrent_hash_map_layout;

template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct concurrent_hash_map_layout<key_t, value_t, 4, true, 4, true>
static size_t const initial_size = 256;
static size_t const cell_to_add_cell_ratio = 128;
static size_t const cell_item_count = 3;
static size_t const add_cell_item_count = 10;

static unsigned const state_count = 0x1;
static unsigned const state_count_mask = 0x3;
static unsigned const state_mask_bit = 0x4;
static unsigned const state_add_list = 0x40;
static unsigned const state_lock = 0x80;
static unsigned const state_ver = 0x100;

struct add_item_t
add_item_t* volatile next_;
key_t key_;
value_t value_;

struct add_cell_t
unsigned volatile lock_;
add_item_t* head_;
add_item_t item_ [add_cell_item_count];


template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct concurrent_hash_map_layout<key_t, value_t, 8, true, 8, true>
static size_t const initial_size = 256;
static size_t const cell_to_add_cell_ratio = 128;
static size_t const cell_item_count = 3;
static size_t const add_cell_item_count = 10;

static unsigned const state_count = 0x1;
static unsigned const state_count_mask = 0x3;
static unsigned const state_mask_bit = 0x4;
static unsigned const state_add_list = 0x40;
static unsigned const state_lock = 0x80;
static unsigned const state_ver = 0x100;

struct add_item_t
add_item_t* volatile next_;
key_t key_;
value_t value_;

struct add_cell_t
unsigned volatile lock_;
add_item_t* head_;
add_item_t item_ [add_cell_item_count];
char unused_pad_ [8];


template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct concurrent_hash_map_layout<key_t, value_t, 4, true, 8, true>
static size_t const initial_size = 256;
static size_t const cell_to_add_cell_ratio = 128;
static size_t const cell_item_count = 4;
static size_t const add_cell_item_count = 7;

static unsigned const state_count = 0x1;
static unsigned const state_count_mask = 0x3;
static unsigned const state_mask_bit = 0x4;
static unsigned const state_add_list = 0x40;
static unsigned const state_lock = 0x80;
static unsigned const state_ver = 0x100;

struct add_item_t
add_item_t* volatile next_;
key_t key_;
value_t value_;

struct add_cell_t
unsigned volatile lock_;
add_item_t* head_;
add_item_t item_ [add_cell_item_count];
char unused_pad_ [8];


template<typename key_t, typename value_t>
struct concurrent_hash_map_layout<key_t, value_t, 8, true, 4, true>
static size_t const initial_size = 256;
static size_t const cell_to_add_cell_ratio = 128;
static size_t const cell_item_count = 4;
static size_t const add_cell_item_count = 7;

static unsigned const state_count = 0x1;
static unsigned const state_count_mask = 0x3;
static unsigned const state_mask_bit = 0x4;
static unsigned const state_add_list = 0x40;
static unsigned const state_lock = 0x80;
static unsigned const state_ver = 0x100;

static size_t const add_item_size = 128;

struct add_item_t
key_t key_;
value_t value_;
add_item_t* volatile next_;

struct add_cell_t
unsigned volatile lock_;
add_item_t* head_;
add_item_t item_ [add_cell_item_count];
char unused_pad_ [8];


template<typename key_t, typename value_t,
typename traits_t = concurrent_hash_map_traits<key_t, value_t> >
class concurrent_hash_map
typedef typename traits_t::key_in_t key_in_t;
typedef typename traits_t::key_out_t key_out_t;
typedef typename traits_t::value_in_t value_in_t;
typedef typename traits_t::value_out_t value_out_t;
typedef size_t hash_t;
typedef concurrent_hash_map_layout<key_t, value_t,
sizeof(key_t), is_pod<key_t>::result,
sizeof(value_t), is_pod<value_t>::result> layout_t;

static size_t const initial_size = layout_t::initial_size;
static size_t const cell_to_add_cell_ratio =
static size_t const cell_item_count = layout_t::cell_item_count;
static size_t const add_cell_item_count =

static unsigned const state_count = layout_t::state_count;
static unsigned const state_count_mask =
static unsigned const state_mask_bit = layout_t::state_mask_bit;
static unsigned const state_add_list = layout_t::state_add_list;
static unsigned const state_lock = layout_t::state_lock;
static unsigned const state_ver = layout_t::state_ver;

typedef typename layout_t::add_item_t add_item_t;
typedef typename layout_t::add_cell_t add_cell_t;

struct cell_t
unsigned volatile state_;
add_item_t* volatile head_;
key_t key_ [cell_item_count];
value_t value_ [cell_item_count];

struct block_hdr_t : pcx_node
hash_t cell_mask_;
size_t cell_count_;
size_t add_cell_count_;
cell_t* cell_;
add_cell_t* add_cell_;
void* mem_;

struct handle_t
cell_t* cell_;
unsigned state_;
value_t* value_;

anchor_ = create_block(initial_size);
resizing_ = 0;


bool find(key_in_t k, value_out_t v)
hash_t const hash = traits_t::hash(k);
block_hdr_t* b = anchor_; // memory_order_consume
size_t const cell_idx = hash & b->cell_mask_;
cell_t& cell = b->cell_[cell_idx];
unsigned const state = cell.state_; // load_acquire_wrt_loads
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
if (item_count > 0)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[0]))
if (state & (state_mask_bit << 0))
traits_t::copy_value(v, cell.value_[0]);
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return true;
goto retry;
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return false;
goto retry;

if (item_count > 1)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[1]))
if (state & (state_mask_bit << 1))
traits_t::copy_value(v, cell.value_[1]);
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return true;
goto retry;
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return false;
goto retry;

if (item_count > 2)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[2]))
if (state & (state_mask_bit << 2))
traits_t::copy_value(v, cell.value_[2]);
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return true;
goto retry;
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return false;
goto retry;

add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
while (aitem)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, aitem->key_))
traits_t::copy_value(v, aitem->value_);
// load_release_wrt_loads
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_;
if (state == state2)
return true;
goto retry;
aitem = aitem->next_;
unsigned const state2 = cell.state_; // load_release_wrt_loads
if (state == state2)
return false;
goto retry;

bool find_and_lock(key_in_t k, value_out_t v, handle_t& h)
size_t const hash = traits_t::hash(k);
block_hdr_t* b;
unsigned state;
cell_t& cell = lock_cell(hash, b, state);
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != item_count; ++i)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[i]))
traits_t::copy_value(v, cell.value_[i]);
h.cell_ = &cell;
h.state_ = state;
h.value_ = &cell.value_[i];
return true;
add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
while (aitem)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, aitem->key_))
traits_t::copy_value(v, aitem->value_);
h.cell_ = &cell;
h.state_ = state;
h.value_ = &aitem->value_;
return true;
aitem = aitem->next_;
unsigned const state2 = state & ~state_lock;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
return false;

void update_and_unlock(value_in_t v, handle_t const& h)
traits_t::atomic_copy_value(*h.value_, v);
unsigned const state2 = (h.state_ & ~state_lock) + state_ver;
h.cell_->state_ = state2; // memory_order_release

void unlock(handle_t const& h)
unsigned const state2 = h.state_ & ~state_lock;
h.cell_->state_ = state2;

bool insert(key_in_t k, value_in_t v)
size_t const hash = traits_t::hash(k);
block_hdr_t* b;
unsigned state;
cell_t& cell = lock_cell(hash, b, state);
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != item_count; ++i)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[i]))
unsigned const state2 = state & ~state_lock;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return false;
add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
while (aitem)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, aitem->key_))
unsigned const state2 = state & ~state_lock;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return false;
aitem = aitem->next_;
if (item_count < cell_item_count)
traits_t::copy_key(cell.key_[item_count], k);
traits_t::copy_value(cell.value_[item_count], v);
unsigned const state2 = ((state & ~state_lock)
| (state_mask_bit << item_count))
+ state_count + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return true;
add_item_t* aitem = alloc_add_item(b, hash);
if (0 == aitem)
grow(cell, state);
goto retry;
traits_t::copy_key(aitem->key_, k);
traits_t::copy_value(aitem->value_, v);
aitem->next_ = cell.head_;
cell.head_ = aitem; // memory_order_release
unsigned const state2 = ((state & ~state_lock)
| state_add_list) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return true;

bool insert_or_update(key_in_t k, value_in_t v)
size_t const hash = traits_t::hash(k);
block_hdr_t* b;
unsigned state;
cell_t& cell = lock_cell(hash, b, state);
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != item_count; ++i)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[i]))
traits_t::atomic_copy_value(cell.value_[i], v);
unsigned const state2 =
(state & ~state_lock) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
return false;
add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
while (aitem)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, aitem->key_))
traits_t::atomic_copy_value(aitem->value_, v);
unsigned const state2 =
(state & ~state_lock) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
return false;
aitem = aitem->next_;
if (item_count < cell_item_count)
traits_t::copy_key(cell.key_[item_count], k);
traits_t::copy_value(cell.value_[item_count], v);
unsigned const state2 = ((state & ~state_lock)
| (state_mask_bit << item_count))
+ state_count + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
return true;
add_item_t* aitem = alloc_add_item(b, hash);
if (0 == aitem)
grow(cell, state);
goto retry;
traits_t::copy_key(aitem->key_, k);
traits_t::copy_value(aitem->value_, v);
aitem->next_ = cell.head_;
cell.head_ = aitem; // memory_order_release
if (aitem->next_)
unsigned const state2 =
state & ~state_lock) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
unsigned const state2 =
((state & ~state_lock) | state_add_list)
+ state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
return true;

bool remove(key_in_t k)
size_t const hash = traits_t::hash(k);
block_hdr_t* b;
unsigned state;
cell_t& cell = lock_cell(hash, b, state);
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != item_count; ++i)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, cell.key_[i]))
unsigned const state2 =
(state & ~(state_mask_bit << i)) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
if (cell.head_)
add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
traits_t::copy_key(cell.key_[i], aitem->key_);
(cell.value_[i], aitem->value_);
unsigned const state3 = state + 2 * state_ver;
cell.state_ = state3; // memory_order_release
add_item_t* aitem_next = aitem->next_;
cell.head_ = aitem_next;
if (aitem_next)
unsigned const state4 =
(state & ~state_lock) + 3 * state_ver;
cell.state_ = state4; // memory_order_release
unsigned const state4 =
((state & ~state_lock) & ~state_add_list)
+ 3 * state_ver;
cell.state_ = state4; // memory_order_release
else if (i != item_count - 1)
cell.key_[item_count - 1]);
cell.value_[item_count - 1]);
unsigned state3 = (state & ~state_lock)
- state_count + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state3; // memory_order_release
unsigned state3 =
(state & ~state_lock)
- state_count + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state3; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return true;
add_item_t* volatile* aitem_prev = &cell.head_;
add_item_t* aitem = *aitem_prev;
while (aitem)
if (traits_t::compare_key(k, aitem->key_))
add_item_t* aitem_next = aitem->next_;
*aitem_prev = aitem_next;
if (cell.head_)
unsigned state2 =
(state & ~state_lock) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
unsigned state2 = ((state & ~state_lock)
& ~state_add_list) + state_ver;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return true;
aitem_prev = &aitem->next_;
aitem = *aitem_prev;
unsigned const state2 = state & ~state_lock;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
assert(0 == (cell.state_ & state_lock));
return false;

block_hdr_t* volatile anchor_;
unsigned volatile resizing_;

block_hdr_t* create_block(size_t cell_count)
size_t add_cell_count =
cell_count / cell_to_add_cell_ratio;
size_t size =
sizeof(block_hdr_t) + sizeof(cell_t) * cell_count
+ sizeof(add_cell_t) * add_cell_count;
void* mem = _aligned_offset_malloc
(size, cacheline_size, sizeof(block_hdr_t));
block_hdr_t* b = new (mem) block_hdr_t;
b->cell_mask_ = cell_count - 1;
b->cell_count_ = cell_count;
b->add_cell_count_ = add_cell_count;
b->cell_ = (cell_t*)((char*)b + sizeof(block_hdr_t));
b->add_cell_ = (add_cell_t*)((char*)b + sizeof(block_hdr_t)
+ sizeof(cell_t) * cell_count);
b->mem_ = mem;
cell_t* cell = (cell_t*)((char*)mem + sizeof(block_hdr_t));
// for now support only for pod types
// if block is very big than use non-temporal stores
memset(cell, 0, size - sizeof(block_hdr_t));
return b;

static void block_dtor(pcx_node* n)

add_item_t* alloc_add_item(block_hdr_t* b, size_t hash)
size_t const add_cell_count = b->add_cell_count_;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter != 2; ++iter)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != add_cell_count; ++idx)
size_t const add_cell_idx =
(hash + idx) % add_cell_count;
add_cell_t& add_cell = b->add_cell_[add_cell_idx];
for (;;)
if (state_lock != _InterlockedExchange
((long*)&add_cell.lock_, state_lock))
if (add_cell.head_)
add_item_t* aitem = add_cell.head_;
add_cell.head_ = aitem->next_;
add_cell.lock_ = 0;
return aitem;
add_cell.lock_ = 0;
return 0;

void free_add_item(add_item_t* item)
add_cell_t& add_cell =
- (intptr_t)item % sizeof(add_cell_t));
for (;;)
if (state_lock != _InterlockedExchange
((long*)add_cell.lock_, state_lock))
item->next_ = add_cell.head_;
add_cell.head_ = item;
add_cell.lock_ = 0;

cell_t& lock_cell
(hash_t hash, block_hdr_t*& block, unsigned& state)
for (;;)
block_hdr_t* b = anchor_; // memory_order_consume
size_t const cell_idx = hash & b->cell_mask_;
cell_t& cell = b->cell_[cell_idx];
unsigned const st = cell.state_;
if (st & state_lock)
if (st == (unsigned)_InterlockedCompareExchange
((long*)&cell.state_, st | state_lock, st))
block = b;
state = st | state_lock;
return cell;

void grow(cell_t& cell, unsigned state)
unsigned const already_resizing =
(long*)&resizing_, state_lock);
unsigned const state2 = state & ~state_lock;
cell.state_ = state2; // memory_order_release
if (already_resizing)
while (resizing_)
block_hdr_t* b = anchor_;
size_t const cell_count = b->cell_count_;
block_hdr_t* new_block = create_block(cell_count * 4);
for (size_t i = 0; i != cell_count; ++i)
block_hdr_t* bb;
unsigned state;
lock_cell(i, bb, state);
for (size_t cell_idx = 0; cell_idx != cell_count;
cell_t& cell = b->cell_[cell_idx];
unsigned const state = cell.state_;
unsigned const item_count = state & state_count_mask;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != item_count; ++i)
hash_t hash = traits_t::hash(cell.key_[i]);
cell_t& new_cell = new_block->cell_
[hash & new_block->cell_mask_];
unsigned new_cell_count =
new_cell.state_ & state_count_mask;
new_cell.state_ = new_cell.state_ + state_count
+ (state_mask_bit << new_cell_count);
add_item_t* aitem = cell.head_;
while (aitem)
hash_t hash = traits_t::hash(aitem->key_);
cell_t& new_cell = new_block->cell_
[hash & new_block->cell_mask_];
unsigned new_cell_count =
new_cell.state_ & state_count_mask;
if (new_cell_count < cell_item_count)
[new_cell_count], aitem->key_);
[new_cell_count], aitem->value_);
new_cell.state_ = new_cell.state_
+ state_count
+ (state_mask_bit << new_cell_count);
add_item_t* new_aitem =
alloc_add_item(new_block, hash);
(new_aitem->key_, aitem->key_);
(new_aitem->value_, aitem->value_);
new_aitem->next_ = new_cell.head_;
new_cell.head_ = new_aitem;
new_cell.state_ =
new_cell.state_ | state_add_list;
aitem = aitem->next_;
anchor_ = new_block; // memory_order_release
resizing_ = 0;
pcx_thread& th = pcx_thread::get();
th.defer(b, &concurrent_hash_map::block_dtor);

concurrent_hash_map(concurrent_hash_map const&);
concurrent_hash_map& operator = (concurrent_hash_map const&);


/************************* pcx.h *************************/

#pragma once

#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic (_InterlockedExchangeAdd)
#pragma intrinsic (_InterlockedCompareExchange)

namespace rl

size_t const cacheline_size = 64;

struct pcx_node
typedef void (*pcx_dtor_t)(pcx_node*);
pcx_node* pcx_next_;
pcx_dtor_t pcx_dtor_;


namespace pcx_int
unsigned const word_bits = 32;
unsigned const collector_bits = 4;
unsigned const collector_count = 1 << collector_bits;
unsigned const counter_inc = 1 << (collector_bits * 2);
unsigned const is_current_inc = 1;
unsigned const back_link_inc = 2;

struct master;
struct collector;

struct local_collector
pcx_node* defer_head_;
pcx_node defer_tail_;
unsigned defer_size_;

struct thread_int
pcx_int::master* master_;
pcx_int::collector* collectors_;
unsigned recursion_count_;
unsigned is_acquired_;
unsigned collector_index_;
unsigned last_seen_collector_index_;
unsigned flush_tail_;
pcx_node* defer_head_;
pcx_node defer_tail_;
unsigned defer_size_;
unsigned promote_;
local_collector local_collectors_ [collector_count];


class pcx_thread : private pcx_int::thread_int
static pcx_thread& get();

void acquire();
void release();
void defer(pcx_node* node, pcx_node::pcx_dtor_t dtor);
void flush();
void promote();
void quiescent();

void init();
void deinit();
unsigned acquire_impl();
void release_impl(unsigned, unsigned);
void flush_impl();
void local_flush();
void quiescent_impl();
friend void init();
friend void deinit();
friend void thread_callback(bool);


namespace pcx_int
struct master
char pad0_ [64];

unsigned garbage_threshold_;

char pad1_ [64];

struct state_part
unsigned current_collector_ : collector_bits;
unsigned collector_tail_ : collector_bits;
unsigned outer_counter_ :
word_bits - 2 * collector_bits;

union state
long whole_;
state_part part_;

state state_;

char pad2_ [64];

state state_copy_;

char pad3_ [64];

struct collector
char pad0_ [64];

pcx_node* defer_list_head_;
unsigned defer_list_size_;

char pad1_ [64];

struct state_part
unsigned is_current_ : 1;
unsigned back_link_ : 1;
unsigned pad_ : collector_bits * 2 - 2;
unsigned inner_counter_ :
word_bits - 2 * collector_bits;

union state
long whole_;
state_part part_;

state state_;

char pad2_ [64];

master g_master;
collector g_collectors [collector_count];
__declspec(selectany, thread)
thread_int g_thread_instance;

typedef void (__stdcall nt_tls_cb_t)(void*, unsigned long, void*);
nt_tls_cb_t on_tls_callback;

#pragma data_seg(push, old_seg)
#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XLB")
__declspec(selectany, dllexport)
nt_tls_cb_t* volatile p_thread_callback = on_tls_callback;
#pragma data_seg(pop, old_seg)

inline void __stdcall on_tls_callback
(void*, unsigned long reason, void*)
if (1 == reason)
else if (0 == reason)
if (2 == reason)
else if (3 == reason)


inline void init()
using namespace pcx_int;
master& m = g_master;
m.garbage_threshold_ = 128;
m.state_.part_.current_collector_ = 0;
m.state_.part_.collector_tail_ = 0;
m.state_.part_.outer_counter_ = 0;
m.state_copy_.part_.current_collector_ = 0;
m.state_copy_.part_.collector_tail_ = 0;
m.state_copy_.part_.outer_counter_ = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != collector_count; ++i)
collector& c = g_collectors[i];
c.defer_list_head_ = 0;
c.defer_list_size_ = 0;
c.state_.part_.is_current_ = 1;
c.state_.part_.back_link_ = 1;
c.state_.part_.inner_counter_ = 0;
g_collectors[0].state_.part_.back_link_ = 0;


inline void deinit()
using namespace pcx_int;
g_master.state_.part_.current_collector_, is_current_inc);


inline void thread_callback(bool init)
if (init)


inline pcx_thread& pcx_thread::get()
return static_cast<pcx_thread&>(pcx_int::g_thread_instance);


inline unsigned pcx_thread::acquire_impl()
using namespace pcx_int;
long const prev =
&master_->state_.whole_, counter_inc);
master::state_part u = {prev};
if (u.current_collector_ == flush_tail_
&& local_collectors_[flush_tail_].defer_size_)

return u.current_collector_;


inline void pcx_thread::release_impl(unsigned index, unsigned count)
using namespace pcx_int;
collector& c = collectors_[index];
unsigned const prev =
&c.state_.whole_, (unsigned)-(int)count);
if (0 == prev - count)
pcx_node* curr = c.defer_list_head_;
while (curr)
pcx_node* next = curr->pcx_next_;
curr = next;
c.defer_list_head_ = 0;
c.defer_list_size_ = 0;
c.state_.part_.back_link_ = 1;
c.state_.part_.is_current_ = 1;

long u;
if (index != collector_count - 1)
u = collector_count;
u = -(long)(collector_count * (collector_count - 1));
_InterlockedExchangeAdd(&master_->state_.whole_, u);

release_impl((index + 1) % collector_count, back_link_inc);


inline void pcx_thread::flush_impl()
using namespace pcx_int;
master::state state = master_->state_;
last_seen_collector_index_ = state.part_.current_collector_;
collector& gc = collectors_[state.part_.current_collector_];
local_collector& lc = local_collectors_
lc.defer_head_->pcx_next_ = defer_tail_.pcx_next_;
lc.defer_head_ = defer_tail_.pcx_next_;
lc.defer_size_ += defer_size_;
defer_head_ = &defer_tail_;
defer_tail_.pcx_next_ = 0;
defer_size_ = 0;
if (master_->garbage_threshold_ < lc.defer_size_ || promote_)
master::state cmp;
master::state val;
cmp = master_->state_;
if (cmp.part_.current_collector_ !=
promote_ = 0;
unsigned next_index =
(last_seen_collector_index_ + 1) % collector_count;
if (cmp.part_.collector_tail_ == next_index)
val = cmp;
val.part_.current_collector_ += 1;
val.part_.outer_counter_ = 0;
while (cmp.whole_ != _InterlockedCompareExchange(
(long*)&master_->state_.whole_, val.whole_, cmp.whole_));
last_seen_collector_index_ = val.part_.current_collector_;
promote_ = 0;
cmp.part_.outer_counter_ * counter_inc - is_current_inc);


inline void pcx_thread::local_flush()
using namespace pcx_int;
if (flush_tail_ == master_->state_.part_.collector_tail_)
local_collector& lc = local_collectors_[flush_tail_];
pcx_node* curr = lc.defer_tail_.pcx_next_;
while (curr)
pcx_node* next = curr->pcx_next_;
curr = next;
lc.defer_head_ = &lc.defer_tail_;
lc.defer_tail_.pcx_next_ = 0;
lc.defer_size_ = 0;
flush_tail_ = (flush_tail_ + 1) % collector_count;


inline void pcx_thread::quiescent_impl()
using namespace pcx_int;
if (defer_size_)
release_impl(collector_index_, counter_inc);
collector_index_ = acquire_impl();


inline void pcx_thread::acquire()
using namespace pcx_int;
recursion_count_ += 1;
if (1 != recursion_count_)
if (is_acquired_)
collector_index_ = acquire_impl();
last_seen_collector_index_ = collector_index_;
is_acquired_ = 1;


inline void pcx_thread::release()
using namespace pcx_int;
recursion_count_ -= 1;
if (0 == recursion_count_)
if (master_->state_copy_.part_.current_collector_ !=
|| promote_)
if (defer_size_)
release_impl(collector_index_, counter_inc);
is_acquired_ = 0;
if (flush_tail_ != last_seen_collector_index_)


inline void pcx_thread::quiescent()
if (master_->state_copy_.part_.current_collector_ !=
|| promote_)
if (flush_tail_ != last_seen_collector_index_)


inline void pcx_thread::defer
(pcx_node* node, pcx_node::pcx_dtor_t dtor)
using namespace pcx_int;
node->pcx_next_ = 0;
node->pcx_dtor_ = dtor;
defer_head_->pcx_next_ = node;
defer_head_ = node;
defer_size_ += 1;


inline void pcx_thread::flush()
using namespace pcx_int;
if (recursion_count_)
if (0 == is_acquired_)
if (defer_size_)
release_impl(collector_index_, counter_inc);
is_acquired_ = 0;


inline void pcx_thread::promote()
promote_ = 1;


inline void pcx_thread::init()
using namespace pcx_int;
master_ = &g_master;
collectors_ = g_collectors;
defer_head_ = &defer_tail_;
defer_tail_.pcx_next_ = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != collector_count; ++i)
local_collectors_[i].defer_head_ =


inline void pcx_thread::deinit()


/********************** hash_map.cpp **********************/

#include "pcx.h"
#include "hash_map.h"

int main()
rl::concurrent_hash_map<int, int> m;

rl::pcx_thread& th = rl::pcx_thread::get();

// insert
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
bool inserted = m.insert(i, i + 1);

// find
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
int value;
bool found = m.find(i, value);
if (found)
// use value

// update or insert
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
bool inserted = m.insert_or_update(i, i + 2);

// update inplace
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
int value;
rl::concurrent_hash_map<int, int>::handle_t h;
bool found = m.find_and_lock(i, value, h);
if (found)
if (rand() % 2)
m.update_and_unlock(value + 100, h);



Dmitriy V'jukov

Dmitriy V'jukov

Mar 5, 2009, 9:22:56 AM3/5/09
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: lsalamon <>
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: Scalable hash map

I tried to enlarge the use to include strings in template hash_map,
but my knowledge is limited. Could you suggest how I do it?
Tanks in advance.

Dmitriy Vyukov

Mar 8, 2009, 4:49:45 PM3/8/09
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
I've uploaded modified hash map which supports strings (and any other
satellite data) as keys/values:
There is example included which uses strings as both keys and values.
The main idea is that satellite data (strings) must be passed through
PDR (Partial-copy-on-write Deferred Reclamation) system (PCX in this
case) before deleting (reusing) - thus there are 2 additional methods
in the traits: deferred_delete_key()/deferred_delete_value().
Also I've fixed a bunch of errors in both hash map and PCX

Dmitriy V'jukov

Dmitriy Vyukov

Mar 12, 2009, 9:15:17 AM3/12/09
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
On Mar 8, 11:49 pm, Dmitriy Vyukov <> wrote:
> > I tried to enlarge the use to include strings in template hash_map,
> > but my knowledge is limited. Could you suggest how I do it?
> > Tanks in advance.
> I've uploaded modified hash map which supports strings (and any other
> satellite data) as keys/values:
> There is example included which uses strings as both keys and values.
> The main idea is that satellite data (strings) must be passed through
> PDR (Partial-copy-on-write Deferred Reclamation) system (PCX in this
> case) before deleting (reusing) - thus there are 2 additional methods
> in the traits: deferred_delete_key()/deferred_delete_value().
> Also I've fixed a bunch of errors in both hash map and PCX
> implementations.

I've uploaded new version. One more serious bug is fixed. +BSD-style
license included.

Dmitriy V'jukov

Dec 28, 2018, 7:22:42 AM12/28/18
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms

sorry for resurrecting this old thread!

The link to the files ( no longer works.
I've downloaded the file from your homepage, but this version of the code only supports pod-types of 4 or 8 bytes. I am particularly interested in your solution to support non-trivial key/value types. Any chance this code is still available somewhere?


Dmitry Vyukov

Dec 28, 2018, 7:25:35 AM12/28/18
Hi Manuel,

Maybe non-trivial key/types were never supported? I don't think there
were 2 different versions.

Manuel Pöter

Dec 28, 2018, 7:57:08 AM12/28/18
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
Hi Dmitry,

in one of your last post you wrote:

I've uploaded modified hash map which supports strings (and any other
satellite data) as keys/values:
There is example included which uses strings as both keys and values.

That made me think there was a version that supported non-trivial types.
But reading on it says:
The main idea is that satellite data (strings) must be passed through
PDR (Partial-copy-on-write Deferred Reclamation) system [...]

I missed that part when I read that post the first time. So basically you would
have to work with an additional indirection - allocate a pcx-node that holds the
string (or whatever type you are using) and use a pointer to that node as key/value.
And of course define a specialization of the concurrent_hash_map_traits for that
node type. Correct?


Manuel Pöter

Dec 29, 2018, 9:24:56 AM12/29/18
to Scalable Synchronization Algorithms
BTW - I think a found a race condition that causes find to incorrectly return false.
Consider the following scenario:

Thread A removes an entry with key k1 which is stored directly in the cell.
The cell's head points to an add_item with key k2, so thread A first updates
the cell's state to reflect that the item that contained k1 is now invalid, then it
copies key and value from the add_item into the item where k1 used to be, then
updates the cell's state again to reflect that the item is now again valid before
removing the add_item from the linked list.

Now thread B is concurrently calling find with k2. It could happen that thread B
finds k2 in the item marked as invalid. Now assume that the reload of the cell's
state is executed before the update by thread A that restores the bit to mark the
item as valid, i.e., the reload returns the same value. Then thread B would (incorrectly)
assume that k2 is currently getting removed and return false.

IMHO instead of returning early, find has to ignore items marked as invalid and continue
the search. If the find is faster than the remove, we would find the matching add_item; if
the remove is faster, the find would encounter an updated state and restart.

What do you think?
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