Fwd: Berkeley Weekly Update - 6/25/24

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Alan Gould

Jun 27, 2024, 12:25:58 AM (6 days ago) Jun 27

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From: Mayor Jesse Arreguin <ma...@cityofberkeley.info>
Subject: Berkeley Weekly Update - 6/25/24
Date: June 25, 2024 at 5:03:40 PM PDT

Council to Adopt Biennial Budget
Tonight, the City Council will adopt the biennial Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Budget (Item 53). Approving a balanced budget is one of the key responsibilities of the City Council. Increasing expenditures and decreasing revenues, a trend seen throughout jurisdictions on all levels of government, has made this budget one of the most challenging to address in recent history. Difficult decisions have to be made to ensure that our budget is balanced while reflecting the needs and desires of our community. My budget proposal achieves this, prioritizing funding to programs and services that address the biggest needs in the City. 

We all deserve to feel safe where we live. Rising crime throughout the region and increased wildfire threats has caused concern among residents. To address this, I am proposing funding to help the continued implementation of our regimagining public safety process while making our Police Department more efficient and desirable. This includes training for Fair and Impartial Policing, while also providing funding to support recruitment and wellness within BPD. For our Fire Department, I am proposing increased funds to keep fire apparatuses and protective equipment up to date. There are many projects being funded that address traffic safety and citywide bicycle and pedestrian improvements, especially near parks and schools, including incorporating elements of Vision Zero into our bicycle boulevards and more crossing guards. 

Supporting our youth, the next generation of leaders, is another key priority. Still reeling from the impacts of the pandemic, we need to make sure our children have the resources not just to catch up, but to thrive. I am proposing increased funding for youth services that specialize in violence prevention, supporting underserved youth by funding programs such as Junior Jackets and Supply Bank, in addition to funding workforce and youth development programming.

On affordable housing, we have several existing funding mechanisms that have helped create and preserve hundreds of units of affordable housing in recent years, such as Measures U1, O, and P, in addition to the Housing Trust Fund. One program that has seen recent success is the Small Sites Program, which acquires existing small multifamily properties (5-25 units) and renovates and converts it into permanently affordable housing. This program will be expanded under my proposed budget. 

Berkeley is a community that places deep value in the arts, and has become internationally recognized because of it. We helped keep many arts organizations alive during the pandemic, and must continue those efforts today as attendance at some venues are lower than pre-pandemic levels. This budget proposes an emergency grant to Aurora Theatre. We will also continue to support UC Theatre’s Concert and Careers program, providing invaluable experience and education to people pursuing a career in the live music industry. Community events such as the Solano Stroll will also receive funding to help support the hosting and logistics behind such events. 

Access to an open and transparent government is a core component of our democratic institutions. When the pandemic shut down in-person meetings, we switched to virtual platforms. Today, Council meetings are conducted in a hybrid format, but most commissions are just in-person. Having a virtual option creates increased flexibility and community engagement, and funding has been reserved to acquire equipment for hybrid commission meetings. The Council recently approved the creation of a whistleblower program, and funding is being allocated to provide the infrastructure needed to launch this program. 

The above examples are a sample of the many programs and projects I am planning on funding during this two-year budget cycle, which also includes installing more public restrooms, new City Staff positions, parks and building maintenance, and community program support. The proposal also looks into future funding opportunities during future amendments to the budget. Overall, this budget will help expand upon the work we are doing and meet our legal obligation to keep the budget balanced, all without the need for any layoffs.   

Advancing Innovation Through Berkeley Ventures, Berkeley Values
BV² partners with educational institutions such as Berkeley High to give students opportunities for careers in STEM. 
Berkeley is a place of innovation, being home to over 400 startups in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and Research & Development. To help support this growing industry, in 2019 the Berkeley Startup Cluster, in partnership with City of Berkeley, UC Berkeley, the Berkeley Lab, Berkeley Chamber, and the Downtown Berkeley Association, launched Berkeley Ventures, Berkeley Values(BV²). BV² aims to align the growth of Berkeley’s innovation sector with the community values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Since its creation, BV² has engaged with more than 115 companies and hundreds of students. This includes partnering with educational institutions to prompt STEM careers, hosting and organizing events that promote diverse workplaces and leadership, and providing tools and resources to support diversity, equity, and inclusion. Recent events include working with students from UC Berkeley and Berkeley City College by connecting them with companies at the cutting edge of future jobs, such as in the fields of artificial intelligence, climate resilience, biotechnology, and robotics. To learn more about the work that BV² has achieved and future plans, click here.

National Night Out 2024
National Night Out is an annual nationwide event on the first Tuesday in August (August 6, 2024) where neighborhoods come together to strengthen relationships and create safer, more resilient neighborhoods. Typically, dozens of events are scheduled in Berkeley, with gatherings taking place between 5pm-9pm. If you are interested in hosting an event, register here. If you want to close your street for a block party, you must complete a block party permit by July 21. You can also choose to invite City staff, officials, police officers, and/or firefighters to your event, however due to demand there is no guarantee of attendance. 

For more information about National Night Out, click here.

Fire Department Training Exercises
Expect an increased presence of fire trucks in the Berkeley Hills this week during training exercises.
With California’s wildfire season beginning, being ready and prepared for emergencies is important for the protection of our community. This week, the Berkeley Fire Department will be conducting a series of training exercises in the Berkeley Hills and Tilden Park, along with fire departments from neighboring jurisdictions. The first exercise took place yesterday, with two more exercises to take place on June 26 and 28 from 8:30am-3pm. Given that this response will mimic a real emergency, residents in the area should not be alarmed if they see multiple fire trucks in their neighborhood.  

With the passage of Measure FF in 2020, a parcel tax that raises $8.5 million for improved fire services, emergency communication, hazard mitigation, and wildfire prevention, the City has launched several programs to improve wildfire safety. Highlights include the Safe Passages program to improve evacuation routes, expanding emergency alerts and installing a new emergency siren network, increasing vegetation management, and approving the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

Upcoming City, Council, and Commission Meetings
Below is a list of City meetings over the next week. Check the City’s Events webpage for a full list of meetings and for any changes to meetings.  

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