Manhunt now has a celebrity cruise director --- HACKED PROFILE -- CYBERHASSMENT -- FBI would not get involved -- wonder if he would....

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James "Real Up Human" Driskill

Jun 11, 2007, 5:53:34 AM6/11/07
to Alan Horwitz, Howard Newsom - Phd,
Oh Kind Sir Human Alan Horwitz:
Here is the bottom line.  I did the right thing in all of what happened to save my life. 
If I had stayed under your neglectful care at Allen Temple Manor and the Oakland HIV supportive services....
Both my therapist, Doctor Howard and my father agree with my personal assessment statement here.
A hacked profile out here --- born from the cyber-stocking and harassment I was receiving.
FBI would not involve themselves --- no resources for such a task..  
I reported it to them anyway.   I reported the data to the Mayor of Oakland. 
And I reported the activities to the MANHUNT admin VIA VOICE CUSTOMER LEVEL COMPLAINTS. 
Manhunt now has a celebrity cruise director on staff.  I wonder what he would think of these events?
What was apparent back then ---- Several sites were being used and about 3 individuals [my brain mapping estimate] were involved among all of these sites.  
Manhunt could not basically handle such customer complaint since it involved other sites.  I report ALL of the activity FORCED at them via email anyway.
All of those correspondences were in late August 2005.  In September 2005, I created my TRAP account.
And amazing enough it got HACKED!
What is also a "SEPARATE and APART" ---- the site I used to place the trap was OUTSIDE of the sites I was experiencing the source harassment from. 
FURTHERMORE, I never contacted that sites admin at any time even to this day, 
Completely  independent from one to the other. 
The details to this profile is already disclosed.
Mr. Horwitz -- the entire situation is going to get very nasty for you all --- and VERY quick.
IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CONCEDE and offer me up REPAIR for these "FEDERAL LEVEL CRIMINAL NEGLECT" you have BROUGHT DOWN onto me and most likely a majority [>50%] of all eviction cases filed since Mr. Graham was placed there as Allen Temple's First Staff Building Administrator at first opening.
It is time to pause here.  
What do you think should be your offer of repair just for my case alone?
If I place a complaint at a federal level --- not only shall I be seeking the disbarring of you --- I will be seeking termination of Allen Temples 811 housing status.  Class action complaints --- definitely in 6 digit figures.... perhaps 7!
I am not kidding around, Mr. Horwitz ---- you have 72 hours to make some form of contact to me.
Mr. James M. Driskill
To Alan Horwitz -- HACKED PROFILE!.jpg
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