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James "Real Up Human" Driskill

May 12, 2007, 10:37:29 PM5/12/07
to Howard Newsom - Phd, Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com
This e-mail [below] was has been located in my DRAFT BOX since [ Jan 19 2007 ]:
It was condensed down to what is attached --- and all of this --- for the reasons to email this is apparent.
"You make me feel like shit." :
To place a very notable closing scene in the movie "Jeffery"--- can anyone reply to me what that scene portrays ??? 
WHY HAS NO ONE TRULY MADE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND ME?   If you can answer me back some form of reflection on this -- I will return immedately return all of these balances back to zero for one last time.  If I get no reply... we will continue this interface and Doctor Howard --- every single occurance even after you may depart from our interactive worlds that I feel can be directly related to the bullshit will be placemarked agaist what has happened to me.  And what the hell is wrong with that? 
I have not yet started to speak out that promised email into your voicemail....
for before I DEPART from this place to San Marcos ---truck transportation of my things tomorrow....
But just reflect upon that I changed the head logo of my marvelofmoldingmuck profile.
That action notes this circumstance ----- an image --- and a mathmatical equation.
HISTORY of head logos are stored.

BullShit-!Boxed-BloodyMess.gif (360x480)

BullShit-!TheCenterOakland.gif (360x360)


I guess I will die first before you realize how I HURT  --- you CANNOT MAKE ME AND DRESS ME DOWN....
Make Amends?   Time is ticking away....

BullShit-HourGlass.gif (353x498)

I did not want to have to actually send it this way... but if fucking care...
Dear Doctor Howard:
I are stepping up the notch of media interface to the writings I have placed on:

James' Site

I am using a program -- not the release date:
I was infected with HIV in 1999.
Using this program --- Speak reads my blog joural with the various nitty gritty details of the text
at 2 hours and 34 minutes.
The captured audio of this address has been recorded to a .wav
not yet converted to an mp3.
So, how do you want me to present the "client centered" expressions of this client?
[1] You can read the journal online
[2] I will print the journal however many pages it is myself and give you that copy
[3] you can read the journal online once you have installed Speak youself and have the text read
[4] I can record the audio to a CD for you, CD audio is only about 70mins each -- that means to regular CD Set
[5] I can record the audio only on an DVD --- that you can play either in a computer with a DVD player or on a home dvd with no video.
[6] I can take my own reading of my human voice that condenses down all of the "nitty gritty" details such as S P E L L I N G  O U T terms such as web url and email addresses.
6] MY GOAL: screen capture record the session of both reading the visual online web content at the exact time being
text to speak and record this video and audio to a DVD for mass distrubtion.
So where do we find ourselvef --- waiting until the last moment possible to get housing assistance or better yet
FAILURE OF TIMELESSINESS OF FAP SERVICES : See this timeline of the bullshit?
Am I going to get an answer or appoligy for it?  Is this right?  I am right?  it is wrong to offend my intelligence that
FAP is disserviving me....   Are you FUCKED UP HUMAN or just a lack of AIDSCOMPTENCE?
Should I die before I am place back upright in all of this mess?
January 5, 2007 The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angles Section 8 Speak Programs Operations and Applications 2500 Wilshire Blvd #4 Floor, Los Angeles CA 90057 issues the HEADING BOLD NOTICE : Please Post.
I wil transcribe the entrie bulletin when this gets placed to my website.
But the key phrase reference: ".... recieving a limited amount of funding and will open the HOPWA "Fast Track" Program for registrations via phone on Monday, January 8, 2007.  A limited number of registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-serve bases.  To register, please call the registration phone line at 213-252-6995, Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Janurary 9, 2007 My car had been taken sometime and was first discovered to be missing at around 1:30am.
That event generated my 9 page fax sent and transmitted to FAP [ 1/9/2007 11:03AM ]
This was a fax directed from an email that had just been also sent.
The time of this fax is well established way before knowing
the other relevant events regarding the theft of my vehicle.
[ I would rather not have to place it public -- but I will if I must ]
In this what is very apparent - I am upset.  I state this:
My intelligence to act --- will be of self defense!
Yeah --- I am upset!
It is Tuesday 10:20AM -- I better get phone call from someone over there that has "managerial" or
"authorativie" resolve to change the mood, to change to priority, and to change the direction of
issues in my case!  [ this fax later had my direct phone number included at the end ]
At the hour after 4pm on
Note: [*1]:
It is Saturday Jan 28, 2006 at 08:04PM
After about a 45 minute discussion with my father, "The Real George XM Phone in Personally of The Matt The Cat Show" which the main focus of this discussion was the document [ Riverside / San Bernardino EMA Ryan White Care Act Title I Standards of Service and Care Quality Managment System : preprinted on green paper back in October 2006 which the only reference to the revision of this document seems to be this statement "Standards Committe Approved 03/16/05" [ my next act which I am going to time here for you, do you really need me to provide the link for you?  Start time:  8:13:30 : 08:17:35

Date Duration Calculator: Days between two dates

Time and date duration - Calculate between exact times (not just dates); Date calculator - add (or subtract) days, months, years to a date ...
www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Duration calculation results

From and including: Sunday, January 28, 2007 at 8:13:30 PM
To, but not including : Sunday, January 28, 2007 at 8:17:35 PM

The duration is 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 5 seconds

Or 4 minutes, 5 seconds

That document was a bit more harder to find that I expected it woud be.  To find something interesting about the document --- apparently its direct page text content is not indexed to google.  And for reason that I will find out why.... So I had to use my own knowledge of from my brain to get to the document.
Jan 28 2007
And the actualized log of these events -- even the little mini icon is someone out there supportive of these informational tools...  See that search inland empire hiv council [ the first one mispelled quickly fixed ] 
How many times have I accessed this site?  1+2+6+8+10+2+1+1+6= quickly now --- google can do it too...
  1 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 6 = 37
    More about calculator.
When was the first time?  As about "October" was right out of brain memory... October 17th 2006 in out of my computer memory people!
[ direct relevance to hiv medical effects on brain function solutions ]  and that topic is EXACTLY has been the TRUE PINPOINT purpose of why I care to detail my life this way.... so that details if and when the later stages of HIV diseases becomes realized --- to place a very notable closing scene in the movie "Jeffery"--- can anyone reply to me what that scene portrays ???  YOU IGNORANT FOOLS !!!  WHY HAS NO ONE TRULY MADE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND ME? 
The reasons for the addressing and sending of this email is obvious :

Take Offense?  I sure hope not!

[now inversed]

cringe : flinch : shrink
shrink : cringe : flinch
flinch : shrink : cringe
As Ms Espiratu [Previous Case Manager] states this in a "face to face" with me... and I quote:
"You make people feel like shit."
IT IS RIGHT HERE AND NOW, I CALL YOU ON IT PRIVATELY --- but how will the future of all humanity reflect on this single one event?
The reference of Human Doctor Howard Newsome about the events that created the label above is linked to this additional marker in the same memespace which also has "terms in common":
Kym_Coppage_fapinfo.org-Housing-deliveryofservice-OUTOFSTANDARDSOFCARE-JAN2007 @ FUCKEDUPHUMAN

And a side about "up" vs. "down" [ a -touched on subject in session ]
The quanified and qualfied statement here [not on site] it is better to be fucked up human than it is to be dumbed down ignorant.
Now lets break these memes into its sub parts:
[which is activated the moment I send this email, not before as I compose it and time slice notation that is way way before you may or may not read down to this part of my words here ]
Before you read --- you may want to brief yourself on this science of theory as it directly relates to issues of our client to provider mental therapy.  I really think the level of mental dysfunction [as you call me advanced] stems from some elements of my continued implementations of memetic thinking at every single time focus of my life.
I cannot claim such expertise of knowledge from your field of expertise. This is a science that I do believe is very very very much particular elements of the final scientific understanding of magick.
Memetics often takes concepts from the theory of evolution (especially population genetics) and applies them to human culture. Memetics also uses mathematical models to try to explain many very controversial subjects such as religion and political systems. Principal criticisms of memetics include the claim that memetics ignores established advances in the fields (such as sociology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, etc.) most relevant to the claims and methodologies of memetics.
Memeticists generate much memetic terminology by prepending 'mem(e)-' to an existing, usually biological, term or by putting 'mem(e)' in place of 'gen(e)' in various terms. Examples include: meme pool, memotype, memetic engineer, meme-complex.
Also realize this Doctor Howard:
My field of expertise of memetics [or at least my understandings of it ] as my direct label [ in the mindway ] identifies must be found some way practicle to inter-communicate with me -- for it is very considerable topic of humans globally.... whether you think it is valid or not --- it is a matter of fact that there is and will be a need to upward bring yourself into something --- a book or web.
I have faith that you are truly attempting the understanding of me.... [ whether your impressed of me overall from your usage statement "advanced" in last session --- which I don't hold any quantified assurance mentally speaking I still feel like trash. --- that is distracting my way and distracting your way to help me --- perhaps we can move upward [downward never] and forward always.  Thank you.

Intelligent Universe

This blog exists to explore the emergence and expansion of Intelligence in Universe, from the emergent order arising in vast clouds of insterstellar hydrogen that ultimately results in solar systems and life, to the nature and workings of human intelligence, to intelligent actions humans can take and are taking to make the world work for everyone, and open the way to the stars and life's unlimited potential.

Monday, November 28, 2005

[excerpt content read full article is basically full requested ]


In this sense there are a range of ways the future can be used. These include:

      Memetic Change. Memes- here being reductionist -function similar to genes. They become defining ideas. Globalization qua economic rationalism has become defining in the last decade, part of the challenge is to develop (and here not in conferences solely but throughout the full sphere of where we learn) different notions of globalization or use the resources of other linguistic traditions to develop new compelling images of the future. Certainly, Glo-calization is one. Khalifate is another though perhaps less appreciated outside the Islamic world. Memes that have begun the process of legitimation but died quick deaths include "the end of history" and “the clash of civilizations”. This does not mean they have disappeared but rather in the cycle of gaining full legitimation they have fallen short.

Thus, as we begin to think of a better future, we need to contextualize this in terms of how we use the future. Rephrasing McCluhan, we shape the future, and thereafter it shapes us. And, of course, this is why we need to remember, Nandy's comment that utopia have doors of entry but few have exits. Thus, the use of the future as well begins to touch upon achieving an alternative future.

THE FUTURES WORKSHOP- a small step forward

The future thus can be seen in technical terms as forecast, or as I have argued above, as a resource for transformation. Within this framework, there are a series of efforts, both small and big, that can be used to create alternative futures. At the small level, the method par excellence is the futures workshops. These consist of workshops where a series of steps are followed to achieve a pathway forward.


Origins and concepts

Richard Dawkins coined the term meme, which first came into popular use with the publication of his book The Selfish Gene in 1976. Dawkins based the word on a shortening of the Greek "mimeme" (something imitated), making it sound similar to "gene". The concept received relatively little attention until the late 1980s when several academics took it up, most prominently American philosopher and cognitive scientist, Daniel Dennett, who promoted the idea firstly in his book on the philosophy of mind, Consciousness Explained (1991), and then in Darwin's Dangerous Idea (1995). Dawkins used the term to refer to any cultural entity (such as a song, an idea or a religion) that an observer might consider a replicator. He hypothesised that people could view many cultural entities as replicators, generally replicating through exposure to humans, who have evolved as efficient (though not perfect) copiers of information and behaviour. Memes do not always get copied perfectly, and might indeed become refined, combined or otherwise modified with other ideas, resulting in new memes. These memes may themselves prove more (or less) efficient replicators than their predecessors, thus providing a framework for a theory of cultural evolution, analogous to the theory of biological evolution based on genes.

Considerable controversy surrounds the term "meme" and its associated discipline, memetics. In part this arises because a number of possible (though not mutually exclusive) interpretations of the nature of the concept have arisen:

  1. The least controversial claim suggests that memes provide a useful philosophical perspective with which to examine cultural evolution. Proponents of this view argue that considering cultural developments from a meme's eye view — as if memes acted to maximise their own replication and survival — can lead to useful insights and yield valuable predictions into how culture develops over time. Dawkins himself seems to have favoured this approach.
  2. Other theorists, such as Francis Heylighen, have focused on the need to provide an empirical grounding for memetics in order for people to regard it as a real and useful scientific discipline. Given the nebulous (and in many cases subjective) nature of many memes, providing such an empirical grounding has to date proved challenging.
  3. A third approach, exemplified by Dennett and by Susan Blackmore in her book The Meme Machine (1999), seeks to place memes at the centre of a radical and counter-intuitive naturalistic theory of mind and of personal identity.

The concept of memetic-replication is not my goal here in private usage --- But publically speaking --- multiply.com obviously serves that purpose of my reasoned memetic model. And I will use the servibility of human tools at my reach --- you cannot stop me --- I attempt my own ethical foundation to move something from private to public --- and always have a "justified foundation" that I attempted and attempted and attempted --- and failed to find a "common bonding" of a "shared working" relationship --- I cannot see that I am the one who is unjustifed wrong.
But I am just that one human to realize the interdyamics of all of this.  And the basis of my understanding of these things were directly introduced into my mindset and life work focus of my studies of my spirituality, to my identifiable harmony to the choice of my religion and practice, and thus into the workings of magick.  And one can site this reference, obviously I have the book.
[ Sir James George Frazier : "The Golden Bough" introspective to define and reflect into "homosexual savagrary 2005" ]

The Golden Bough - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion is a wide-ranging comparative study ... J.M.W. Turner's painting of the Golden Bough incident in the Aeneid ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Bough - 33k - Cached - Similar pages
And that I have that a part of the reference on my site to what is happening in the community level memeplex cause and effect.  Something is wrong, very very wrong..... I am -- I must -- find out why and do something about it. 

I am GUIDED FROM ABOVE --- and I have proof of that too --- confluense.
I am not crazy.  If you think I am crazy, then you have to call this dude too.  I don't think you can --- can you?

Eric M. Dashofy - Magic

Some days there's more magic than others. Some days you're too distracted to notice. But it happens. Magic happens when an improbable confluence of factors ...
www.ics.uci.edu/~edashofy/magic.html - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
Back to memetic science : The breakdown below is absolutely uncessarity for them to be placed into cause and effect --- for it is truly more to less autorelated to me by the global and remember freebased  e-tools I have installed here on my computer for which I actually had implenmented some of these by self-program designed along time ago of my own of human work tools before the web based of self-actualized humans outside of the "molding muck" that I have remained "stuck in".
For now these concepts are really accessible to every one who choose to reach upward upward upward upward upward rather than downward downward downward --- and all of this right now here is being said so that you competely understand me to become a part of my advocacy and not a fearful individal of all of my true intents behind it. 
By my side and not advasarial --- and everyone else intersecing my life from this point forward must be able to manage to handle my style and my care for humanity sake.
 --- I still finds myself quantifing the subparts of every event has merritable meme decay or anti-decay factors we can keep disecting into the most smaller elements to zero decay to ever be lost to our ability to track into recall these things.
I realize these are higher thought elements of constructs that are really not a apart of our client/provider service except for one fact if it remains and holds true --- this is "client centered" supportive care.   This human client's validity is being absolutly thawarted into chastity away from my self-actualization of my human caring existance. That is the exact convergence of why I am so mis-applied and mis-understood --- if we all could be on the same page with the rest of the world --- perhaps that can change the focus 1000% fold.
Among the many bizarre characteristics is the quantum Zeno paradox, ... Our project will explain the mathematical basis behind the Zeno/anti-Zeno effect as ...
www.ececs.uc.edu/~harthnb/Quantum/abstract.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
"Howard_Newsom"  : "up human" TOTAL NET VALUE : -01 ] : [ A single human name idenity ]
"Kym_Coppage"      : "up human" TOTAL NET VALUE : -01 ] : [ A single human name identiy] 
"fapinfo.org"            : "up human" TOTAL NET VALUE : -02 + subline line -01 = -03 ] : [ a hiv purblic service provider, non-profit organization, as well by global design a unique label of a "cybermark".
meme term: "ClientCentered"   : "up human" TOTAL NET VALUE : -02 ]                                            : 
general term: "Advocacy" : "up human" TOTAL NET VALUE : -02 ] : [ also relates man to man integrity ]     :
purpose term: "FALURETRACKING" :
Kym_Coppage_fapinfo.org-Housing-deliveryofservice-OUTOFSTANDARDSOFCARE-JAN2007 @ FUCKEDUPHUMAN
[ 1 reference :First Reference :  PRIVATE [.net omitted ]   :
[ "Howard_Newsom" [ -1 "up human" reference ]
[ " fapinfo.org" ]
+1 reference :First Reference :  PRIVATE [.net omitted ]   :
Marked by the sent time of this email : etched in the full @inthemindway memespace [ of James M. Driskill ] FOR ALL TIME which begins at the exact time point marked in milliseconds at the sent time of this email and logged by several indexing features here on my digital assistant. 
The only auto generated reversal option will be if I get a automated return to sender from some digital server assistant out there in the cyberworld that respects me to offer a "standards of care" of a "provided service" that I can actually rely on as a "communication standard" in this year 2007.  FACT!
But there is a way and a message at [marvelofmoldingmuck.multiply.com] that reflects how these memetic labels work and a message of reveranced virtue of morality, ethics, and imortality to your return back duty here to make resolve amends [as directly stated in the label itself here as your capasity as advocate ] for the circumstances of this event.
When that occurs, I will reverse this to @REALUPHUMAN and perhaps even give a few extra bumps upward --- perhaps to a value over 10 or 100??? 
And if it never occurs, well... you get the picture... right?
You think you will not be a part of all time human history Doctor Howard on this quote from that Kennedy Speech?  [ The Eulogy - A Living Legacy! ]
And surely we can begin to work a little harder
to bind up the wounds among us, and to become,
in our own hearts, brothers & countrymen once again.
Some believe there is nothing one man,
or one woman, can do against the enormous array
of the world's ills.
Yet many of the world's great movements of thought
& action have flowed from the work of a single man.

These people moved the world, and so can we all.
Few will have the greatness to bend history itself,
but each of us can work to change
a small portion of events,
and in the total of all those acts, will be written,
the history of this generation.

Few are willing to brave the disapproval
of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues,
the wrath of their society.
Moral courage is a rarer commodity
than bravery in battle, or great intelligence.
Yet, it is the one essential, vital quality,
for those who seek to change the world,
that yields most painfully to change.

And I believe that in this generation,
those with the courage to enter this moral conflict,
will find themselves with companions
in every corner of the globe.

All of us will ultimately be judged,
& as the years pass, we will surely judge ourselves,
on the effort we have contributed to building
a new world society, & the extent to which
our ideals & goals have shaped that event.

Our future may lie beyond our vision,
but it is not completely beyond our control.
It is the shaping impulse of America that,
neither faith, nor nature,
nor the irresistable tides of history,
but the works of our own hands,
matched to reason & principle,
will determine our destiny."

There is pride in that, even arrogance,
but there is also experience & truth,
& in any event, it is the only way we can live.

It is the only way I can live.

I hear the beckconed calls --- do you?

Or will it be my reckconing that you all do to this humanity of this person who attempts the faith in these words every single moment of my life existance.  " DO NO EVIL! " I try... I try.. . I try..

[ 1st usage reference : PRIVATE AT THIS TIME [omitted .net ] and is timestamp marked at the sent time of this email --- even if you do not open it or read it ]
[ Your Total Net Value of being real up human advocacy is now set at -0001 ]  : I am at this moment of time doing this fully manually --- automation is a goal.
Side note: THIS IS NOT A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS even though the autolinking feature of outlook places it so.  You might want to take a history of
a public post of mine that addresses this issue: 

Posts by InTheMindway

This is because he has failed to make his email address public. ... See my point? James Driskill Oakland, CA, USA InTheMindway[.org] ...
einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_user_posts.php?userid=62887 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
That is one of those computing grid projects you all people!
[ direct relevance to hiv medical effects on brain function and memory --- this is a solid function vs disfunction address both in private data or public data ]
So that details if and when the later stages of HIV diseases becomes realized in my life... well there is something working in tandem to keep it all into retrospect. 
To place a very notable closing scene in the movie "Jeffery"--- can anyone reply to me what that scene portrays ???  YOU IGNORANT FOOLS !!! 
WHY HAS NO ONE TRULY MADE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND ME?   If you can answer me back some form of reflection on this -- I will return immedately return all of these balances back to zero for one last time.  If I get no reply... we will continue this interface and Doctor Howard --- every single occurance even after you may depart from our interactive worlds that I feel can be directly related to the bullshit will be placemarked agaist what has happened to me.  And what the hell is wrong with that? 
For these to be placed out of reference [ balanced ] I will need to issue these from being @realuphuman.net
[ God I have the power --- Goddess I must -- Forgive them their day when the world will judge this mess if they actually are engaged to kill me ]
 from last occurace to make a note of before our client session commitment of "life force integrity -- eye to eye -- began --- therefore I immedaly issue this:
Don't fret too much yet.... care to reverse these to being real up human back to me?

Cached versions    1 - 10 of 10 versions of www.iehpc.org/about/standardsCare.htm - Google cached 

Jan 28 2007 - 8:14pm
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Dec 29 2006 - 10:10pm
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Dec 29 2006 - 9:40pm
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Dec 20 2006 - 10:53pm
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Dec 11 2006 - 5:27pm
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Nov 24 2006 - 12:03pm
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Nov 23 2006 - 3:04pm
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Nov 22 2006 - 7:58pm
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Nov 6 2006 - 2:11pm
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Oct 17 2006 - 6:27pm
- 33k Timeline

ron.p...@acgov.org Can you Help - UNLAWFUL EVICTION CASE DEFENDANT IDENTITY CRISIS [WG06266106] BS! or US!9 hours ago
sfma...@aol.com Can you Help - UNLAWFUL EVICTION CASE DEFENDANT IDENTITY CRISIS [WG06266106] BS! or US!1 day ago

Why not ACT in the SCIENCE while YOUR COMPUTER is just sitting IDLE doing nothing ELSE USEFUL?

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, estimated that in 2004 there were more than 40 million people around the world living with HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus has affected the lives of men, women and children all over the world. Currently, there is no cure in sight, only treatment with a variety of drugs.

Prof. Arthur J. Olson's laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) is studying computational ways to design new anti-HIV drugs based on molecular structure. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the function of a molecule — a substance made up of many atoms — is related to its three-dimensional shape. Olson's target is HIV protease ("pro-tee-ace"), a key molecular machine of the virus that when blocked stops the virus from maturing. These blockers, known as "protease inhibitors", are thus a way of avoiding the onset of AIDS and prolonging life.

Even more challenging, HIV is a "sloppy copier," so it is constantly evolving new variants, some of which are resistant to current drugs. It is therefore vital that scientists continue their search for new and better drugs to combat this moving target. [View More]

See Also: Distributed Computing Projects

More future projects to come. Keep informed if you dont like any of these!


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