Fwd: Can You Be Trusted?

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Real Up Human [.net]

Feb 6, 2010, 11:29:55 PM2/6/10
to James McKinley, Paul Schuman, Harrison Barnes, Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com
Please note the Google Group Posting address in the CC:
Quoted from: Can You Be Trusted?  
"I would estimate at least five to ten percent of all careers in the legal sector experience long term, negative results because an attorney has done something dishonest, or not credible. When you probe the reasons why top attorneys from exceptional backgrounds do not get interviews or hired, it is most often because when their references are checked others believe they cannot be trusted. While some credibility lapses are obvious – for example, stealing client money or lying in court – most often the issues are far subtler. If an attorney shades the truth with superiors or does not make important information known to a client, the results can be disastrous to his or her career."
  --- Harrison Barnes 
Mr Mckinley, Attorney for National Community Renaissance [ http://nationalcore.org ] in case Socal Housing V. Driskill,  you know as well as I that the reasons for your client issuing a 60 day notice are full of holes.
You are seeking to rid yourself of someone who represents full 100% honesty, creditability, honor, and integrity.  Why I ask you?  You may have not understood who I was when your client issued the
directive to you to issue this 60 day notice.  But if you have fully read everything that I have sent and delivered to your office...
Do you not see the truth after all I have sent to you in the real time of documenting [ from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community ] the actions and statements made of Ms Delgado and Mr Salama between and involved in the management to tenant relationship and history of my tenancy with your client?
I have utilized FORCED WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS via fax so that there would be a record, which they have objected to, from the beginning of my tenancy.  I am not ashamed of any single word written in these communcations. 
In the mental abuse that occurred in my last tenancy, with my witz gone and confusion all around me --- I was not really capable of being my best to defend myself at that stage in my life.
But I would not allow myself to have what occurred as trickery then occur again.  But what I do know -- there is no legal ramifications or liable set forth against me for my published
statements made in that case.   And so there will not be in this one.
Would I be so bold as I have with the other attorney involved with my other housing conflicts to label him: Alan.H...@fuckeduphuman.net
Well this is as close to the label as I publicly placed in the time of the conflict... his name spelled backwards.  Google Search [ "ztiwroh fuckeduphuman" ]

@FUCKEDUPHUMAN maharG lamaJ : senuN naJ : ztiwroH nalA : reyepS nnA : dnalkaO ronaM elpmeT nalA-----@????UPHUMAN nalaM luaP araS : ynakeS ymA

However, yahoo search [ Alan.H...@fuckeduphuman.net ] and you will find it is publicly declared as a part of another post. 
Note that old Poetry.com no longer is operational!
I promise you --- I am making these final statements to you as a matter of discourse of my intent before we discuss these issues face to face.
In Public I will define and post: James.M...@fuckeduphuman.net --- attached to the link to Mr Barnes article "Can You Be Trusted?"
should you attempt to play games and trickery in court or out of it.  I am not kidding around.  There can be no defamation or liable when
what I have publicly placed for the record is the 100% TRUTH. [  from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community ]
For the record, anything declared and placed under the label @fuckeduphuman is my right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH and what
what systems of reprimands I have defined is the power I have in our informational society in this current year which will last for
my immortality of my deeds in all of these matters... in another words.... F O R E V E R !
I am about to lose my place of residency here at UTHC so if you want to contact me, I think it would be best to rectify these matters
ASAP by contact to me via Paul Schuman (760) 726-4228 (Just Call Paul).
To clarify my last statements of demands.
(1) RESTORE my HOPWA housing effective immediately.
  -- I am willing to relocate locally only a acceptable location within to the city of San Diego, or to the inner geographical locations of Los Angeles or
Hollywood areas, within the city of San Francisco, or out of state of California within in the city of Chicago, within the City of Washington DC, or within the City of Atlanta, GA,
or within the city of Miami Florida.  Any costs of moving expenses shall me covered in our settlement agreement.
(2)  Rent credit from August 1st 2009 to January 6th 2010.
(3) Written Letter of Apology issued by Paseo Del Oro Apartments which would also include and confirm (1) they will no longer
utilize or issue such "Car Wash Police" notifications on tenant's vehicles and (2) will abide by the recommendations set forth in the
warning section of the user's manual of their Smoke Detectors installed in tenant units when circumstances apply which require
immediate FULL UNIT REPLACEMENT rather than just replacement of batteries.
(4) Good faith effort to intermediate a letter of apology in regards to my prior failed HOPWA oriented housing tenancy
in Oakland CA that was managed by American Baptist Homes of the West with an explication to me to what occurred there.
--- If you need legal releases to contant them, I will provide them freely.
Once all of these have been satified, I will remove my blog postings [ Living in a tent with HIV ] with a letter of graitude for
finally being REAL UP HUMAN and GRUW UP afterall.
Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.
Respectuflly and Sincerley,
Mr James M. Driskill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 9:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: Can You Be Trusted?
To: Harrison Barnes <con...@hound.com>, James McKinley <James.M...@kts-law.com>
Dear Mr Barnes,
You seem to be a quiet one in regards to replying to any of my messages directed at you and the situation that places me on your site.
See email address below that you sent "Can you be Trusted?" to me.
Wow --- I just have to reply once again to this....
Here is a new one that has been scanned into the list that I have not yet read of publications since around 1790.
George Eliot - 2009 - Literary Collections - 216 pages
In the one he gives "Lorenzo" this excellent recipe for obtaining cheerfulness: "Go, fix some weighty truth; Chain down some passion; do some generous good; ...
But my favorite usage of these words are from:
Michael A. Leeson, J.H. Beers & Co - 1800 - McKean County (Pa.)
Chain down some passion: do some good; Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe: Be just in all things; ...
Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.
THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they I elude forever his grasp, and weave them into a harmonious web to which the "art preservative" may give immortality. Therefore he, who would rescue from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community, and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record, should deliver a plain, unvarnished tale.
 The weighty truth of Eviction Case WG06266106 is just such truth that needs to be fixed.
And what is of the current year 2010 that has occurred.
Living In A Tent With HIV
Subject: Why Living In A Tent With HIV vs. Suicide is my current circumstance that is happening in my life.
Paseo Del Oro Apartments [ http://www.liveatpaseodeloro.com/ ]
National Community Renaissance [ http://nationalcore.org ]
% Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP [ http://www.kts-law.com ]
1202 Kettner Blvd, 5th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
RE: SoCal Housing V. Driskill
The Blogspot Living In a Tent with HIV is incomplete to the whole story of events that unfolded.  Especially the Events of November 3rd in a business meetting called by the tenant (ME)
where by the discussion materials prepared in advance the night before to include:
Mental Health Advocacy Ltr Jan-23-2007
(Note: For some reason the image insert above seems to not be working, please you the direct
url link if this image is missing in your email -- thank you )
WAS REFUSED TO BE READ BY KAREEM SALAMA of National Community Rennesanse.
Mr Mckinley,
Here is the current situation at UTHC.
Renegoations of a new lease with the landlord Glen Bullock of 16424 Old Guejito Grade Road naming me
James M. Driskill as one of the residences here has failed.  This would have been effective Feburary 1st.
After 3 revisions of the contract, final word of failure of finding a meeting of the minds between us (The
remaining UTHC community) and the landlord has failed.
Currently this property is under a 5 day sherrif's writ of possession order to expire on Monday Feburary 8th at 6:00am.
This from an eviction process and a negoations failures of more than 6 months ago with the former tenant of the UTHC.
So effective Monday I will once again be homeless as an HIV infected person for the 3rd time in my life.
My demands of National Community Renaissance [ http://nationalcore.org ] is to RESTORE my HOPWA housing
effective immedately and rent credit from August when my attempt to pay "RENT IN PROTEST" one cent short
in my resounding commitment and attempts to apply corrective resolve to conflicted matters FAILS and leads to Ms. Delgado
threathening to issue a 3 day notice for a penny.
Further my demands will include a written letter of appology to me from Paseo Del Oro Apartments and for the intermediation
of obtaining a letter of appology and settlements from American Baptist Homes of the West.
Failure to resolve these matters will result in a lawsut of descrimination for all factors WHICH I WILL NOT PROCEED AFTER FILING
These are serious matters.
and I know I have the TRUTH and GOD on my side.
Thank you,
Mr James M. Driskill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harrison Barnes <con...@hound.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:10 AM
Subject: Can You Be Trusted?
Search Jobs Direct from Employer Career Pages
by Harrison Barnes
Can you be trusted?
This is more important than any other single question. Regardless of how motivated you are, regardless of where you went to school, regardless of your work history, if you slip up in this area, you might as well forget about a good career in any profession.
Certainly, there are many people who rise quickly by playing fast and loose with the rules. I’ve seen this more times than I can count during my career. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, no matter how far an individual gets, they almost always come crashing down if they are not trustworthy. When this happens, it’s major. Careers end. more...
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