Fw: This return receipt is being place "For The Record" : Ignorance Must Be Bliss

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James M. Driskill

Dec 27, 2006, 9:05:39 PM12/27/06
to Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com, Howard Newsom - Phd, bi...@alrp.org, Kym Coppage-CaseMgr, Monica Espiratu-CaseMgr
[As also Attached]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Hirsh" <bi...@alrp.org>
To: "'James M. Driskill'" <jmdri...@post.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: Read: This return receipt is being place "For The Record" : Ignorance Must Be Bliss

Your message

    Cc:  bi...@alrp.org; Howard Newsom - Phd; Kym Coppage-CaseMgr; Monica Espiratu-CaseMgr
    Subject:  12/27/2006 3:24 PM

was read on 12/27/2006 4:31 PM.

Ah Ha!  That brought some attention to have at least prevented the IMMEDIATE DELETE ACTION OF THE LAST ONE...
You all should get some humanity in your work ethic please!
Is there anyway to have a voice in this LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY [ ANY REGION WIDE ] without being an asshole about it?
    [Sara --- Read 1st] Fw: "if we continue to operate in the old way, th..
Teach Ignorance To See, Or Grief To Smile. Safety In Circles. McKean, Elk, Cameron, Potter Preface Go fix some weighty truth; Chain down some passion; do some
James M. Driskill - 2 messages - Apr 9
"Chain down some passion; do some generous deed;
Teach ignorance to see; or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
With warm heart and confidence divine,
Spring up and lay strong hold on Him who made thee."
- Young.
As then too I have already shared this conclusion to you all...
I must have to be proud to be an asshole!!

When people don't agree with me I think they are not listening. I get pissed off and start shouting. You can't enslave me to live your idea of TheGoodLife, I would die first==== You've made up your mind and don't want to be confused by the facts. And I start feeling sorry for myself. Nobody is interested in Truth except me. Everybody else just wants to be right when to learn you must find you are wrong, why can't they GetIt! It's impossible to tell someone something they don't alredy know because they won't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. ====

I went to live in the abandoned mines of aspen mountain as a hermit in 1969 because I thought communication with other human beings was not possible. I thought all the people living ticky tacky lifes in ticky tacky houses offered no real value. I was concerned that my profession, computer science, would be used for evil by the powerful to dehumanize people. After three weeks I realized that everything that was really important to me involved other people. Even a mountains beauty, boy would so-and-so dig that, all my joy and will involed other people. I layed by spring creek in taylor national forest for hours content to be absorbed into the mountain. I had nothing to live for.

I realized that if I chose to live, I'd have to march back to Aspen and become a part of humanity. I savored the bliss I felt laying by the rushing stream for a while longer and then bagan the march back to civilization.

I decided that the best thing to do with my computer knowlege was to use it for humanity. If you can't beat them, join them. I hoped I could help put the power of the computer in the hands of the people. (I am satisfied I've done my part with EIES, WWW and teaching.) I decided to test my hypothosis about human uselessesness. Every time I met someone who seems useless to me, I stoped my travels, I got to know them better, and asked questions like, what is really importnt, or what would you rather be doing. In most cases, within minutes they would teach me something important. I began to realize that other people were cool, I was the jerk.

But 25 years later I still cannot communicate with anyone and here I am trying to actualize a CollectiveIntelligence. How stupid could I be? In well over a decade of teaching objects about 4 of my students really GetIt. Chances are they got it before they started my class. (At least they all learned to write SmallTalk code more or less.) I have no bases to presume I can communicate anything meaningfull to anybody. Nobody understands my InformationPhysics (except wheeler maybe), nobody understands the urgency or relavance of my DeclarationOfInterdependence. I may be a bad teacher but I have 5 children that have to live in this world WE are preparing for them, my mind is open, and God help us, can't we agree on anything==== ====

StarPilot is right, it is hopeless. But I will never give up. I will try and try again and hopefully learn from my failures. Hopefully I can stop abusing visitors to my web site at least... I am a LegendInMyOwnMind.

Well, If you go back in evolution, all higher life evolved from colonies of cells that collaborated to form rings that extended into little worms that took one kind of shit and passed it though the collective extracting nutrients and passing through another kind of shit, effectively an asshole==== We are decended from assholes so it should be no suprise that we are all assholes. ====

Most everybody is selective about their friendships. They choose not to befriend at least 2 out of 3 people they meet. Now if they didn't think they were assholes, they would befriend them, no? Of course they would.. Well, it varies of course, some nice people only call people jerks that call them jerks. Some like everybody but the sand niggers. And for others, just about everybody is a asshole. In any case if on the average the jerk ratio is 2/3 of the rest of the people in the world, than by popular vote, we are all assholes.

-- JimScarver

[ Reader Comments Deleted From Email of December 27th 2006 ]: Read From Onsite Link: IamAnAsshole 

Continuing on to....


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I am pretty lucky to live the good life. I am not rich finacially, but my life is rich. The good life means something different to everyone, but we can recogize it when we see it. The animal or person living well is healthy, content and living fully.

The founding fathers of America had a vision of the good life for everyone. Free enterprise and people unbound to the shakels of government could accomplish great things. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost.

Each of us have our own idea of GoodAndEvil. For us all to live the good life we must accept the simple fact that it is subjective and we can only support each others views of the good life by employing a live and let live SocialContract of CooperativeDiversity.

Wealth is not finite. Our wealth as a civilization depends only of the value we create. What we need first is the vision, and second is the will to create value. Finally we need the means, which we find we have had all along. We have creative minds and the rich resources of the planet, MarsFrontier, galaxy and beyond.

If we manage our shared resources profitably then there is no limit to the value we can create. If we create value, we can all share the freedom to try to live the good life as we see it and fullfil anything we want that does not infringe the freedoms of others.

The DeclarationOfInterdependence is a collaborative attempt to redesign government to reclaim the vision of our founders and thrive in the twentyfirst century.


For more on government redesign see: AmericanVanguard, DeclarationOfInterdependence

For more on having a good mindset see: InTheMindway

Continuing on to....



Comments In Email of December 27th 2006:  Oh Pardon me, I have a true human voice on this site.
Link to my full writings of James M. Driskill, who is the defendant in this "fucked up human" unlawful eviction case.
This defendant is demanding "The Humanity & Dignity & Regard" to the right over wrong application to my own words right here:
James Driskill : In The Mindway : MusicMakr2

Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace

Website: InTheMindway.Org
Multiply.Com : InTheMindway Home : Blog : Music : Profile
Urban Dictionary: Author In The Mindway
Web KeyStones:
We bear forward into history,

take what we like,

handle the expected,

brace for the unexpected,

hold onto what we find sacred,

invite who is honorable,

resist what is harmful,

bend or force or break what we think is fatal,

mend what was broken accidentally.

 This is most beautifull. please give us some links if there are any. You are most welcomed. -- JimScarver

And what about Truth. does anybody care about Truth? We do not know what we think we know because Truth is not abosolute and it is not arbitrary. -- JimScarver 


If it has not yet been understood the demands of this defendant in this case....


I DECLARE THIS SO --- December 27th 2006 Until this situation has been placed truthfully to the world....

Thank You Much

Mr. James M. Driskill

THE SYMPATHY OF CHRIST by Octavius Winslow

Christ's Sympathy with Temptation · Christ's Sympathy with Christian Perseverance · The Disinterestedness of Christ's Sympathy · Christ's Parting Sympathy.
www.gracegems.org/WINSLOW/THE%20SYMPATHY%20OF%20CHRIST.htm - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

The Disinterestedness of Christ's Sympathy

"Are you dejected? Is your mind overcast?
Go, fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion;
do some generous good;
Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile."


McKean, Elk, Cameron, Potter Preface
do some good; Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile; Correct .. McKean, Elk, Cameron, Potter Preface PREFACE. Go fix some weighty
accessible.com/amcnty/PA/McKeanE.../Preface - 20 cached - Dec 8

Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.

Continuing on to....


Nesssity : Declaration of Independence : Massive Mischievous Marvel of An Unlawful Eviction Case : [WG06266106]


Make up your mind ---  how exactly are you going to "Go fix some weighty truth;" in all these circumstances....




What are you going to do? 

Continue to ignore me?


Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace


James M. Driskill

Dec 28, 2006, 5:39:01 PM12/28/06
to Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Hirsh" <bi...@alrp.org>
To: "'James M. Driskill'" <jmdri...@post.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: Read: This return receipt is being place "For The Record" :
Ignorance Must Be Bliss

Your message

To: Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com
Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd; bi...@alrp.org; Kym Coppage-CaseMgr; Monica
Subject: 12/27/2006 6:05 PM

was read on 12/28/2006 9:16 AM.

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