Street Outreach Worker I : Clarifications : Understanding the City of Pomona's "Continuum of Care"

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James M. Driskill

Dec 21, 2006, 1:57:26 AM12/21/06
to,, Howard Newsom - Phd, Debbie Mccray, Kym Coppage-CaseMgr,, CITY AIDS AMERICAS
Brad: [ First Name Basis apparently at FAP ]
My name is James and I live in the City of San Bernardino. 
I am pausing a moment as I write this to focus and really think about what I am about to "attempt" to "communicate" to you....
and I am going to timestamp this pause.  [Begin 8:42PM ]  [ End 8:52PM ].
I have an outline of thoughts penciled on a piece of paper.
Let me start by saying I am a client of FAP here in San Bernardino. 
As you read this then, your thought next action of cause is:  "This is not my responsibility"  right? 
and just pass it to who is my case manager... 
Well, that is already done as addressed herein, you don't need to pass it to anyone else. Thank you
Please continue reading...
I am one human considered homeless due to an unlawful eviction case in Oakland California involving the ability to receive a proper level of PROVIDER ASSISTANCE IN HIV SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES both in residency and as well region wide -- which would be fully identified as "LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY OAKLAND CA USA".
To understand the full extent of this identification label:
Although factually inaccurate AT ALL ACCOUNTS particularly being the 1st, returns this:
2:15pm BRIEF REMARKS at Grand Opening of Allen Temple Manor, 1st U.S.A.HIV Supportive Housing Facility Celebration Allen Temple Manor, 7607 International ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
My style and approach went on for over a year before my final day of residency of July 15th 2006 and technically my first day of homeless on July 16th 2006.
That is when I registered the following internet domains:
Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
This is when I choose to fly back with the mechanical assistance of an airplane to where I GRUW UP instead of a promised walk with my human feet step by step with no mechanical assistance in protest.
That is the place for which I am currently of "homeless status" and writing out to fully understand what has happened to me to place me at your doorstep 5 days before Christmas in this year 2006 to get a proper face validity of answers and a new promise walk date of protest March 1st 2007.
For what remains instilled is my ability to receive a proper level of PROVIDER ASSISTANCE IN HIV SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES here in San Bernardino as being a person living with AIDS, on SSDI disability, and instilled homeless from this unlawful eviction case for this statement is very much provable:
I was unduly labeled as a community pariah and separated from my ability of homeness and was successfully outcast into the street.
This for me [and us] is to be separated from housing is a sentence of death.
This for me [and us] is to be separated from the network of care [ Continuum of Care ] is a sentence of death.
Furthermore and strongly I duly need to address that I HAVE NEVER BEEN DISCONNECTED FROM HIV CASE MANAGEMENT [ network of care ] SINCE FIRST BEING DIAGNOSED WITH AN AIDS STATUS IN 1999. 
Any break in services is directly related to the improper level of managed care in my case, both in of residency and of region care services. 
The policy that effects "housing readiness" locally that in-part apparently remains me instilled to homeless is profoundly unfair to my case.
Most generally speaking to it's most extreme MAY effect my health to which that WILL affect my untimely death.
In my eviction case, my rights of DUE PROCESS in my ABILITY to secure any legal aid defense [at any level] failed and my rights of DUE PROCESS VIOLATED.
Continuing on as a person who has spent enormous thought and process of mechanics to receive a proper level of SUPPORTIVE CARE
SERVICES to claim I have merit of defense was also VIOLATED by their taking advantage of the circumstances in my inability to completely understand the system as a defendant IN PRO PER.
Continuing on, the desperate and force-ability of their deception efforts was continuous to the final end of the case.
And as of this date, my status remains unchanged of homelessness, remains unchecked and/or linked to any reasonable assessment of timeliness outside of the [ standards of care ] required of provider service in my individual case.  Remains a sentence of death.
This is a fact of my personal medical history during my last "history of homelessness" back in 2002.  It was only 40 days in a homeless shelter but SPIKED MY HIV STATS for which I never returned back to undetectable status until just last December.  This is when I basically had enough to remain instilled and encapsulated in fear factors to actually merit something ACTIONABLE in my ability to receive a proper level of PROVIDER ASSISTANCE IN HIV SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES.
That ACTIONABLE address of course remained ignored, silenced, and oppressed... but I know the facts of what is wrong and what is right.  And those facts were recorded and given to an outsider named "City Aids Americas" a project of "city to city exchange" for which the Oakland region of supportive care services was a target community noted as needing "grassroots efforts" in which that is exactly at what level I was engaged and instilled into.
PRESSING ON : For all of my troubles worth, I have remained so far checked as undetectable HIV status even with the stress of the actual legal process that began in March out of an act of "legal necessity" and within state of state of "legal duress" for which my defense was never able to be heard in court.  Of course, as a civil level legal matter, I was not offered any free court provided legal assistance. 
Does it actually take an criminal act of "legal necessity" in "legal duress" to get justice from evil?
I would not go that far to a criminal act, as I told Mr. Horwitz in court that day May 19th.
That is the day when the actual act of the court clerk caused my rights of due process to be initiated.
But who is next on their target list just may.  
GO FOR IT whoever you are.... if you are reading this publicly....
My last blood draw for HIV status was last week which I should be able to get my results in the days just after Christmas this year.
My mission is being of sound mind and of sound body and of sound spirit and of sound principle from a place of sound residence [preferred: of sound home] before I initiate any "direct correspondence" with the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council that results in the types of return asinine dysfunctional agendas that is all marked up of my inner "life mission" attempts for more than a year before being swept off into the streets to death in that final last day of residence in Oakland into homelessness.
I am giving some sort of your opportunity to find a face validity of resolve before doing so.
Who has the intelligence around this region to offer me a proper level of PROVIDER ASSISTANCE IN HIV SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES specially in homeless outreach here in San Bernardino.  [ ref: ]
If none is available here, we must apply [ standards of care ] on timeliness to "personally link" me by referral elsewhere. [ PERIOD : FACT : TRUTH : NECESSITY ]
It is not my job as a client to perform the duties myself. [ PERIOD : FACT : TRUTH : NECESSITY ]
But I probably could [ and started doing so actually ].
But what that leads me to have to be on my own then have to explain --- the eviction case that is on my record.
Thank you for your time to read this client complaint.
Don't cut me down -- cut me off --  shut me up --- I deserve a response.  I deserve a face validity answer.
Thank you once again for any time ---
Mr. James M. Driskill 
[End of Draft 10:19PM ]
[End of SpellCheck 10:22OPM ] Proofreading...
[End of Proofreed/Edits 10:55PM ] 
[End of Last Spellcheck 10:56PM ]

Why not ACT in the SCIENCE while YOUR COMPUTER is just sitting IDLE doing nothing ELSE USEFUL?

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, estimated that in 2004 there were more than 40 million people around the world living with HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus has affected the lives of men, women and children all over the world. Currently, there is no cure in sight, only treatment with a variety of drugs.

Prof. Arthur J. Olson's laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) is studying computational ways to design new anti-HIV drugs based on molecular structure. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the function of a molecule — a substance made up of many atoms — is related to its three-dimensional shape. Olson's target is HIV protease ("pro-tee-ace"), a key molecular machine of the virus that when blocked stops the virus from maturing. These blockers, known as "protease inhibitors", are thus a way of avoiding the onset of AIDS and prolonging life.

Even more challenging, HIV is a "sloppy copier," so it is constantly evolving new variants, some of which are resistant to current drugs. It is therefore vital that scientists continue their search for new and better drugs to combat this moving target. [View More]

See Also: Distributed Computing Projects

More future projects to come. Keep informed if you dont like any of these!


James M. Driskill

Dec 21, 2006, 2:09:17 AM12/21/06
to,, Howard Newsom - Phd, Debbie Mccray, Kym Coppage-CaseMgr,, CITY AIDS AMERICAS
Revised major clarification error:
"That is the day when the actual act initiated by the court clerk substantially caused my rights of due process to be violated."

That is the day when the actual act initiated by the court clerk substantially caused my rights of due process to be violated.
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