Fwd: The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill, SSN 547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro Apartments Unit 165

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Real Up Human [.net]

Mar 1, 2009, 3:39:47 AM3/1/09
to Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuph...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 00:29:40 -0800
Subject: Re: The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin
Driskill, SSN 547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro
Apartments Unit 165
To: Elizabeth Delgado <edel...@nationalcore.org>, Kareem Salama
<ksa...@nationalcore.org>, Doug Kaye <do...@rds.com>

THREAD UPDATE : March 1st 2009
Confirm Activity Status [ Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA]

Dear All Concerned,

The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill, SSN
547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro Apartments Unit

I have performed a google group activity test on the group:
[ Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA] --- shown below.

Within the content of this thread contains a block of names from the
LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY in OAKLAND, CA, USA that should be fully aware of
this groups creation and purpose --- and that has decided to have

> To: Sifuentes, George
> Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd; Alan Horwitz; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir;
> MattT...@MattTheCat.com; Marty Kahn; Ron.P...@acgov.org;
> Officeof...@oaklandnet.com; Dr. Lisha Wilson : Oaklnd; Dr Ashraf
> Khan : Upland; East Bay Community Law Center [EBCLC]; Jeremy Kinser;
> Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com; Dr Robert C Scott; Jan
> Nunes; Elizabeth Delgado
> Subject: A "mental health : welfare check" visit from San Diego County
> Sherrif's Department / San Marcos Branch
> Sent: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:21:49 -0700


Just to confirm --- the group [ Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA
] is going to be renamed to:
[ The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill ].

Thank you for in advance for your concern and participation.

Mr James M. Driskill
(760) 798-9193


From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuph...@gmail.com>
To: Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA] Activity Test : Group
[ Local-HIV-Community-OaklandCA ]
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 00:10:29 -0800

Show Full Headers Back To [INBOX]
This is a test be ensure that this group still accepts incoming posts.

On 2/27/09, Real Up Human [.net] <realuph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This conversation forwarded as [ Fwd: Delivery Status Notification
> (Failure)
> ] has been directed to my @REALUPHUMAN.NET domain.
> New Subject [ The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill,
> SSN 547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro Apartments Unit
> 165 ]
> Invited Listeners / Participants will be primarily taken from this e-mail
> header - - as given in thread conversation below.
> To: Sifuentes, George
> Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd; Alan Horwitz; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir;
> MattT...@MattTheCat.com; Marty Kahn; Ron.P...@acgov.org;
> Officeof...@oaklandnet.com; Dr. Lisha Wilson : Oaklnd; Dr Ashraf
> Khan : Upland; East Bay Community Law Center [EBCLC]; Jeremy Kinser;
> Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com; Dr Robert C Scott; Jan
> Nunes; Elizabeth Delgado
> Subject: A "mental health : welfare check" visit from San Diego County
> Sherrif's Department / San Marcos Branch
> Sent: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:21:49 -0700
> And my story will follow.....
> First, to identify all of the intended recipients above and invite their
> confirmed participation.
> Failure to participate implies certain doom and gloom:
> Google [ "Teach Ignorance To See; Or Grief To
> Smile"<http://www.google.com/search?q=%22teach+ignorance+to+see%3B+or+grief+to+smile%22&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_en___US230>]
> Google [ "go fix some weighty
> truth"<http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_en___US230&q=%22go+fix+some+weighty+truth%22&btnG=Search>]
> Badges | SpokenWord.org <http://spokenword.org/badge/autobiographer>I
> aspire
> to live up to these words: *Go fix some weighty truth*; Chain down some
> passion; do some good; Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile; *...*
> spokenword.org/badge/autobiographer - 31k -
> Cached<>-
> Similar
> pages<http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_en___US230&q=related:spokenword.org/badge/autobiographer>-
> Winslow<http://www.davidcox.com.mx/library/W/Winslow,%20Octavius%20-%20The%20Sympathy%20of%20Christ%20%28b%29.pdf>File
> Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
> *Go, fix some weighty truth*;. Chain down some passion; do some generous
> good;. Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile." Then shall the
> benedictions of the *...*
> www.davidcox.com.mx/library/W/Winslow,%20Octavius%20-%20The%20Sympathy%20of%20Christ%20(b).pdf-
> Similar
> pages<http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_en___US230&q=related:www.davidcox.com.mx/library/W/Winslow,%2520Octavius%2520-%2520The%2520Sympathy%2520of%2520Christ%2520%28b%29.pdf>-
> Moral and Religious Quotations from the Poets: Topically Arranged, ... -
> Google Books
> Result<http://books.google.com/books?id=JZkQAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA333&lpg=PA333&dq=%22go+fix+some+weighty+truth%22&source=bl&ots=X4ekdDGNNu&sig=3ZErbtFpB6gTerDPCqQqiLLRsuQ&hl=en&ei=m8yoSdbOI4TSnQe_3PzIDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=7&ct=result>by
> William Rice - 1861 - Quotations - 338 pages
> To chase thy gloom, *go fix some weighty truth*; Chain down some passion;
> do
> some generous good; Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile ; Correct thy
> *...*
> books.google.com/books?id=JZkQAAAAYAAJ*...
> *Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality: On Life, Death and ... -
> Google Books
> Result<http://books.google.com/books?id=UziSH-ZTS9MC&pg=PA209&lpg=PA209&dq=%22go+fix+some+weighty+truth%22&source=bl&ots=35Aw5tUu2v&sig=H27SfVdcJuH-Ymz3vd_uGGe7Ov8&hl=en&ei=m8yoSdbOI4TSnQe_3PzIDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=2&ct=result>by
> Edward Young - 1818 - 301 pages
> 73;"i Amid h?r fair ones, thou the fairest choose, To chase thy gloom — *
> *Go,
> fix some weighty truth* ; Chain down some passion ; do some gen'rous good *
> ...*
> books.google.com/books?id=UziSH-ZTS9MC*...
> *History of the Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania ... -
> Google Books
> Result<http://books.google.com/books?id=bx4VAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR3&lpg=PR3&dq=%22Teach+ignorance+to+see%3B+or+grief+to+smile%22&source=bl&ots=AQYrDSi86t&sig=3BJWjoH3uD-ypV6kKOEVIjVwx6M&hl=en&ei=0cyoSe6tOpL4MPab3dEC&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result>by
> M A Leeson, J.H. Beers & Co - 1800 - McKean County (Pa.)
> Chain down some passion: do some good; *Teach ignorance to see or grief to
> smile*; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe: Be just in all
> things; *...*
> books.google.com/books?id=bx4VAAAAYAAJ*...
> *
> Go fix some weighty truth; .
> Chain down some passion: do some good;
> Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
> Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
> Be just in all things; make amends
> For follies past, and, with warm heart,
> Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
> Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
> And then thy counsels will be strong,
> Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.
> THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they
> I elude forever his grasp, and weave them into a harmonious web to which
> the
> "art preservative" may give immortality. Therefore he, who would rescue
> from
> fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community, and send them on to
> futurity in an imperishable record, should deliver a plain, unvarnished
> tale. In such a spirit have the compilers of the following pages [ James
> Martin Driskill ] approached the work of detailing the history embodied
> therein, and trust they have been fairly faithful to the task imposed. It
> has been their honest endeavor to trace the history of the development of
> this section from that period when it was in the indisputed possession of
> the red man to the present, and to place before the reader an authentic
> narrative of its rise and progress to the prominent position it now
> occupies
> in [ Paseo Del Oro Apartments, Unit 165 ] the Keystone State.
> Any comments from the introduction of my address so far?
> James M. Driskill
> 480 W. Mission Road, Apt 165
> San Marcos, CA, USA
> (760) 798-9193
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: James Driskill <inthem...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:20 PM
> Subject: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To: TheSuicidePreventionOfUsC...@realuphuman.net,
> Conversation...@gruwup.net, SpokenV...@gruwup.net,
> HudPublicHousing-Corru...@fuckeduphuman.net
> Forwarded conversation
> Subject: Conversations Network Annual Survey
> ------------------------
> From: *Doug Kaye* <do...@rds.com>
> Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:10 PM
> To: conversati...@inthemindway.org
> _______________________________________________________________
> It's Annual Survey Time
> _______________________________________________________________
> Yes, it's that special time of year once again. It's time for
> you to take our 10-minute survey.
> Your feedback is VERY important to us!
> Not only do we review the totals and read every custom response,
> we also use the demographic data to help convince underwriters
> to support our non-profit efforts.
> Please complete our survey:
> http://ipost.com/rd/9z1zs8u16p4s7past2v9nnkhko71s9k6eo4r2glvos8
> _______________________________________________________________
> Subscription and Contact Info
> _______________________________________________________________
> This newsletter from The Conversations Network was sent to
> conversati...@inthemindway.org.
> Forward to a friend:
> http://ipost.com/f2f/9z1zqk4qo5un7dlvdt1lkukrut3e2mh2ptglsr8u0no
> The best way to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage other options:
> http://ipost.com/rd/9z1ziai62ogi4s50a4it8uf1hcrvk8r60j2doeihueo
> As a fallback, you can opt-out from newsletters and
> announcements from The Conversations Network:
> http://ipost.com/rd/9z1z52br0jcmlv59h44hrql1aiqfjh82ac07bvsiol0
> In case of difficulty, contact our webmaster:
> sup...@conversationsnetwork.org
> Copyright (c)2009 The Conversations Network
> A California 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation
> Postal requests: 113 Terrace Ave., Kentfield, CA 94904
> Powered by iPost <http://www.ipost.com/>
> ----------
> From: *James Driskill* <inthem...@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:50 PM
> To: Elizabeth Delgado <edel...@nationalcore.org>, Kareem Salama <
> ksa...@nationalcore.org>
> Cc: Doug Kaye <do...@rds.com>
> Dear Ms. Delgado and Mr. Salama,
> On facebook [ which you do not currently have membership ] you will find a
> post that references [ spokenvoice.org ] for a business meeting that I
> would
> like to engage in.
> The comments are a part of my "work" of current actions [ James Driskill
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>]:
> I am requesting such a community affairs meeting with Paseo Del Oro
> Apartments, NationalCore.ORG and by your proxy --- Hope Through Housing
> [.org].
> Within the scope of this meeting would be World Summit of the Information
> Society [ needs no link ], World Community Grid [needs no link ] and
> WSIS *Position* Paper <http://www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp> , and
> finally Eviction Case WG06266106, Alameda County, CA, USA,
> But for this quick reference below [ the formats are lost in email ], I am
> brining you my lastest facebook status update actions [ so far disregarded
> and opressed ] of current matters to bring upon a new respectful regard to
> these issues:
> Ms Delgado, please consider [ Conversations Network : Spoken Voice ] as NON
> PERSONAL and APPROPRIATE directed email.
> Thank you,
> Mr James M. Driskill
> (760) 798-9193
> Mr Kaye, would you please accept my friends request on facebook ---
> effective understanding this.
> Thank you.
> Today
> Edit
> James updated his World Community
> Grid<http://apps.facebook.com/worldcommunitygrid/>Trophy Case.
> 11:46am - Comment - LikeUnlike
> You like this.
> Write a comment...
> Edit
> James is overviewing the next steps in the last two emailing contacts --
> Invite HopeThroughHousing.Org to become a World Community Grid Partner!
> 11:33am - Comment - LikeUnlike - Show Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1)
> You like this.
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 11:50am February 26
> Note: As of Yesterday,
> James is now friends with Tara Williams. 7:48am [ February 25th 2009 ]
> Tara Williams and LIonel Bilezikian are now friends.
> Tara Williams and Jennifer Quan are now friends.
> Tara Williams and Lan Arbis are now friends
> David C. Tapscott joined the group Six Degrees Of Separation - The
> Experiment
> Tara Williams updated her ... Read MoreWorld Community Grid Trophy Case
> Who is Tara Williams, you might ask?
> Information
> Networks: East Bay, CA : IBM
> Birthday: May 13, 1971
> Current City: Oakland, CA
> Her facebook actions yesterday reflect:
> Yesterday
> Tara updated her World Community Grid Trophy Case. 7:56am -
> Tara is now friends with LIonel Bilezikian, Lan Arbis, Jennifer Quan,
> Manisha Nagrani and James Driskill. 7:49am
> Facebook Application:
> Application: World Community Grid
> Developer: Juergen Spanger, Boris and 3 other people
> Description: Unites facebook users in donating their idle computing time to
> humanitarian research.
> Other: Tara Williams (East Bay, CA)
> Write a comment...
> Edit
> James is overviewing the next steps in the last two emailing contacts ---
> Invite NationalCore.Org to become a World Community Grid Partner! 11:31am -
> Comment - LikeUnlike
> You like this.
> Write a comment...
> Edit
> James is watching cnn.com/live --- while overviewing the next steps in the
> last two emailing contacts --- Invite Dep. George Sifuentes to join
> facebook. 11:30am - Comment - LikeUnlike
> You like this.
> Write a comment...
> Edit
> James is composing an email to: San Diego Country Sheriff Deputy George
> Sifuentes [ <george.s...@sdsheriff.org> ]. 1:56am - Comment - Like
> Unlike
> You like this.
> Write a comment...
> Yesterday
> Edit
> James is composing an email to: Elizabeth Delgado [ Paseo Del Oro
> Apartments
> Community Manager ]. 6:06pm - Comment - LikeUnlike - Show Feedback (5)Hide
> Feedback (5)
> You like this.
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 9:50pm February 25
> Elizabeth [ :) ): Referring the subject this fax --- along with Pres. Obama
> Address to Congress email I received today that I just forward by fax....
> Ms
> Jan Nunes of American Baptist Homes of the West promised me in December
> 2005
> after a failed re-certification meeting with the building administrator,
> Jamal Graham that she would inter-mediate any conflicts I was having.
> Immediately after that failed meeting, I spent more than an hour and a half
> on an 800 dialed number with her to their corporate office ---- SOBBING,
> CRYING, and is complete distress over what had been happening to me in my
> life. Human Elizabeth, I am being drawn again to tears as I remember these
> events.
> Her promise was empty. It took me over and over and over to press her for a
> mtg on the issue of why I needed to sit down with her to discuss things.
> All
> of the time in mental anguish over all of the continuing persecution
> elements still happening in my life.
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 9:52pm February 25
> I had not yet gotten any way to express myself without the aid of both
> email
> and/or my computer. I wanted to bring my computer to this meeting. Attempts
> to assert a "common business level" standard --- fail. She would ONLY
> discuss issues over the PHONE. This again is WRONG.
> Her promise empty. Are the words of equal ideal promise mentioned in the
> Paseo Del Oro Apartment newsletters also as empty? Taken now Feb/2009
> resources of such the remarkable merits as SpokenVoice.Org --- are you
> willing to take the extra preparatory time to such a type of
> meeting/affairs
> that I am now proposing?
> If not, you all suck! What is going on to make you suck at what are basic
> communication, business, and community, standards in the year 2009? Make
> way
> for CHANGE!
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 10:11pm February 25
> [To Public]: I am a tenant of Paseo Del Oro Apartments in San Marcos, CA,
> USA. This is a hud low income housing apartment complex.
> There are communication issues I am having with my attempts to bring
> positive change into the community in which I live.
> Among other issues that I know could be placed into action for the
> betterment of our community,
> An issue still remaining outstanding since October first introduced with
> Ms.
> Elizabeth Degado, Community Manager of Paseo Del Oro Apartments is to have
> their corporate citizenship participation in the World Community Grid. Many
> of my emails directed to their web domain [ @nationalcore.org : National
> Community Renaissance ] are returned back to me error code 554 : Denied.
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 10:12pm February 25
> Therefore, I have no other option but to resort to paper waste by faxing my
> communication messages. This method dysfunction -- but may service a higher
> reason --- to make sure all of my communcations to their office are filed [
> TENANT FILE: James M. Driskill, Apt 165 ]
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360> at
> 10:12pm February 25
> It is my goal to have faxes on this subject linked here to facebook --- for
> public review --- should I get no resolve in these matters. One message of
> due notation delivered in this way [ excerpt here ]:
> CNN.com - Transcripts : National Prayer Service
> http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0901/21/cnr.02.html
> god, in whom we live, move and have our belief, how excellent is thy
> name....
> "We have been taught through your servant that we are all connected,
> impacted by what we do and what we refuse to do. Oh, God, as our words go
> out, in all forms of communication, in writing, in speaking grant that the
> words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts will be acceptable in
> by
> sight. . Be with every phase of this government that afflictions will be
> healed, oppression will forever be broken, day by day. In the name of our
> Lord. Amen."
> Write a comment...
> Edit
> James updated his World Community
> Grid<http://apps.facebook.com/worldcommunitygrid/>Trophy Case.
> 10:45am - Comment - Like
> ==========================================================================
> *Who is San Diego Country Sheriff Deputy George Sifuentes ?*
> Facebook Mail:
> Contact Confirmation Request : Are U?
> george.s...@sdsheriff.orgBetween George
> SiFuentes <http://www.facebook.com/s.php?k=100000080&id=1006236242>
> and You<http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> James Driskill <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1295702360>
> Today at 1:32am
> Dear George Sifuentes on @facebook [ 5 matches ]
> I live in San Marcos -- which is in North San Diego County, California,
> USA.
> On facebook, there is no location details within your profile details ---
> and it even looks as if the facebook profile is not actively used for any
> purpose. I want to confirm if you are the same George Sifuentes that I have
> met. Please respond, back. This is rather important to me. More likely than
> not, there is not a match. But I thought I would give it try.
> Thank you.
> On June 11th 2007, Sheriff Deputy George Sifuentes visited me at my home to
> conduct a citizen mental welfare check. Both he and his partner deputy was
> personally invited into my home for a brief stay of less than 15 minutes.
> I got Dep Sifuentes contact business card, for which he noted on the back
> "Welfare Check 6/11/2009"
> On their departure, I asked them to read something that I had hardcopy
> printed and posted on the wall basically at my front door.
> Although I had a hardcopy, I allowed them to depart my home only on the
> promise that they would read it online.
> I provided them with the full URL:
> http://inthemindway.multiply.com/journal/item/5 12/24/2006
> Which of course is printed on the bottom of every page --- 1 through 14.
> I never received a confirmation that he actually read it.
> Updated as of today, a full presentation of my story begins:
> http://inthemindway.multiply.com/journal
> Following this brief encounter event, I proceeded to write an email
> directed
> to the email listed on the card with read receipt enabled.
> I have this confirmation:
> ====
> Your message
> To: Sifuentes, George
> Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd; Alan Horwitz; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir;
> MattT...@MattTheCat.com; Marty Kahn; Ron.P...@acgov.org;
> Officeof...@oaklandnet.com; Dr. Lisha Wilson : Oaklnd; Dr Ashraf
> Khan : Upland; East Bay Community Law Center [EBCLC]; Jeremy Kinser;
> Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com; Dr Robert C Scott; Jan
> Nunes; Elizabeth Delgado
> Subject: A "mental health : welfare check" visit from San Diego County
> Sherrif's Department / San Marcos Branch
> Sent: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:21:49 -0700
> was read on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 23:24:27 -0700
> ===
> I would like to establish a reasonable business "friend" link here on
> facebook --- if only temporary --- for him to understand the email I sent
> him today --- in response to what is placed as an facebook status update
> today --- publicly visible on my profile.
> Thank You.
> Direct Email:
> jmdri...@gruwup.net
> Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
> ----------
> From: *James Driskill* <inthem...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:36 AM
> To: Doug Kaye <do...@rds.com>
> Cc: Elizabeth Delgado <edel...@nationalcore.org>, Kareem Salama <
> ksa...@nationalcore.org>
> Survey Completed:
> 3. SpokenWord.org
> SpokenWord.org <http://spokenword.org/> is our new web site for finding and
> sharing audio and video spoken-word recordings from all over the Internet.
> 7. Are you a registered member of SpokenWord.org
> <http://spokenword.org/>(as opposed to just an anonymous visitor)?Yes
> 8. Have you created any Collections on SpokenWord.org?No, but would be very
> interested in creating a new collection titled [ Reasons For My Suicide ]
> 11. Were you aware that SpokenWord.org is a project of The Conversations
> Network, a (U.S.) 501(c)(3) non-profit and that the site depends on dues
> and
> donations?Yes
> 13. Do you have any other comments about SpokenWord.org?
> I waz here:
> Conversation...@RealUpHuman.net
> Conversation...@Gruwup.net
> SpokenV...@RealUpHuman.net
> SpokenV...@Gruwup.net
> ----
> [G]reat [R]easons [U]rbanites [W]ill [U]nite [P]eace
> ---
> Unspoken -- but written,
> Per introductory email sent to Doug Kaye, a need for a conversation re:
> World Summit of the Information Society, World Community Grid, Persons with
> Disabilities in the Information Society [ Position Paper ], and Wrongful
> Eviction Case WG06266106, Alameda County, CA, USA with my current HOPWA
> housing provider.
> Case WG06266106 [ Defendant Documentation Avail - Out of Court -- Rights of
> Due Process Intentionally and vigorously violated -- Inalienable human
> rights Intentionally and vigorously violated ]
> Valid whitehouse.gov / change.gov email registration is:
> HUDPublicHousing-Corru...@Fuckeduphuman.net
> Other References Apply:
> AmericanBaptis...@Fuckeduphuman.net
> Project 10 to the 100th -- Google Project -- Submitted --- Currently Under
> Review [ til March 17th 2009 ]
> "@REALUPHUMAN : @GRUWUP : @**CKEDUPHUMAN.NET : A Morality Correctiveness
> Model"===
> I hope this formats into email:
> My checks are not.
> 22. What priorities should we give to the following topics on the Social
> Innovation Conversations channel? Low PriorityModerate PriorityHigh
> Priority Social EntrepreneurshipWhat priorities should we give to the
> following topics on the Social Innovation Conversations channel? Social
> Entrepreneurship Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Social InvestingSocial Investing Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Philanthropy and FoundationsPhilanthropy and Foundations Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Animal WelfareAnimal Welfare Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Public PolicyPublic Policy Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Civic Society, Human Rights, Public PolicyCivic Society, Human Rights,
> Public Policy Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> International Development, MicrofinanceInternational Development,
> Microfinance Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Health and Human ServicesHealth and Human Services Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> ReligionReligion Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Arts, Culture, and HumanitiesArts, Culture, and Humanities Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Environment and EnergyEnvironment and Energy Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Children Youth and FamiliesChildren Youth and Families Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Community and Economic DevelopmentCommunity and Economic Development Low
> Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> EducationEducation Low Priority
> Moderate Priority
> High Priority
> Thank you very much for taking our survey. If you have any questions or
> additional feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me by email.
> Doug Kaye
> Executive Director
> The Conversations Network
> do...@conversationsnetwork.org
> ----------
> From: *Mail Delivery Subsystem* <mailer...@googlemail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:36 AM
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> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 00:36:29 -0800
> Message-ID: <3d46e3620902270036h256...@mail.gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Conversations Network Annual Survey
> From: James Driskill <inthem...@gmail.com>
> To: Doug Kaye <do...@rds.com>
> Cc: Elizabeth Delgado <edel...@nationalcore.org>, Kareem Salama <
> ksa...@nationalcore.org>
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> SpokenWord.org <http://spokenword.org/> is our new web site for finding and
> <http://spokenword.org/>(as opposed to just an anonymous visitor)?
> ----- Message truncated -----
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> From: *Mail Delivery Subsystem* <mailer...@googlemail.com>
> Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:36 AM
> To: inthem...@gmail.com
> ksa...@nationalcore.org
> SpokenWord.org <http://spokenword.org/> is our new web site for finding and
> <http://spokenword.org/>(as opposed to just an anonymous visitor)?
> ----- Message truncated -----

Real Up Human [.net]

Mar 1, 2009, 7:23:18 PM3/1/09
to Kareem Salama, Elizabeth Delgado, Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com, Doug Kaye, do...@conversationsnetwork.org


powering offline action. Using the power of online to get teens to do good stuff offline... More


This is a site directed to teens.

We are all adults here --- And I am trying to do something --- and no one wants to do something back with me in return.  That ain't very nice.  This will lead me to again a road of mental duress -- just like before --- is that what you all want to have happen?  I know a better way --- are you listening to me?

Can't reply in email?  Can you speak?

SpokenVoice.Org ?

This is the year 2009.


Words of Wisdom, Ms Delgado:

Google [ "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" ] 

Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books - Google Books Result

by John Milton - 1850 - 294 pages
Go, fix some weighty truth ; Chain down some passion ; Jo some generous good ; Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile ; Correct thy friend ; befriend thy ...

Google [ "Teach ignorance to see; or grief to smile" ]

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Go, fix some weighty truth;. Chain down some passion; do some generous good;. Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile." Then shall the benedictions of the ...
www.davidcox.com.mx/library/W/Winslow,%20Octavius%20-%20The%20Sympathy%20of%20Christ%20(b).pdf - Similar pages -

Here is a two new ones added I have not yet seen in the list nor read:

Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate - Google Books Result

edited by Henry Southgate - 1862
Go. fix some weighty truth ; Chain down some passion ; do some ...

A voice from the cloud of witnesses: letters memorial of mrs. ... - Google Books Result

by David Martin - 1850
... "Go, fix some weighty truth ; chain down some passion; Do some generous good ; teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile ; Correct thy friend ; befriend ...

by William Rice - 1861 - Quotations, English - 338 pages
To chase thy gloom, go fix some weighty truth ; Chain down some passion; do some generous good ; Teach ignorance to see, or grief to smile ; Correct thy ...

I personally like the reference from:

by M A Leeson, J.H. Beers & Co - 1800 - McKean County (Pa.)
Go fix some weighty truth; . Chain down some passion: do some good; Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe: ...

Go fix some weighty truth; .
Chain down some passion: do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe:
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.—Anon.

THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they I elude forever his grasp, and weave them into a harmonious web to which the "art preservative" may give immortality. Therefore he, who would rescue from fast-gathering oblivion the deeds of a community, and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record, should deliver a plain, unvarnished tale.

Are we going to continue in this dysfunctional conversations state?

James M. Driskill

(760) 798-9193

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill, SSN 547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro Apartments Unit 165
To: Kareem Salama <ksa...@nationalcore.org>, Elizabeth Delgado <edel...@nationalcore.org>, Doug Kaye <do...@rds.com>, do...@conversationsnetwork.org

THREAD UPDATE : March 2nd 2009

Confirm Activity Status [ Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA]

Dear All Concerned,

The Suicide Prevention Of US Citizen, James Martin Driskill, SSN
547453504 : HOPWA Public Housing Tenant, Paseo Del Oro Apartments U
Unspoken -- but written,

Per introductory email sent to Doug Kaye, a need for a conversation re: World Summit of the Information Society, World Community Grid, Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society [ Position Paper ], and Wrongful Eviction Case WG06266106, Alameda County, CA, USA with my current HOPWA housing provider.

Case WG06266106 [ Defendant Documentation Avail - Out of Court -- Rights of Due Process Intentionally and vigorously violated -- Inalienable human rights Intentionally and vigorously violated ]

Valid whitehouse.gov / change.gov email registration is:


Note Attached ScreenShot Jpg Images of Tara Williams Facebook Page, Facebook App Developer World Community Grid

Tara updated her World Community Grid Trophy Case. 7:56am

FaceBook[Tara Williams] - The Suicide Prevention of James Martin Driskill.jpg 91K
FaceBook[Tara Williams] - The Suicide Prevention of James Martin Driskill[2].jpg 74K

It should not take four delayed months to get an answer --- YES or NO -- from you NationalCore.org / HopeThroughHousing.Org.

What's the delay?  Should I have Tara Williams Contact you?  Friend to Friend To Friend?

FaceBook[Tara Williams] - The Suicide Prevention of James Martin Driskill.jpg
FaceBook[Tara Williams] - The Suicide Prevention of James Martin Driskill[2].jpg

Real Up Human [.net]

Mar 1, 2009, 8:53:45 PM3/1/09
to Kareem Salama, Elizabeth Delgado, Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com, Doug Kaye, do...@conversationsnetwork.org
laptop.org - The Suicide Prevention of US Citizen James Martin Driskill.jpg 42K

We are all adults here --- And I am trying to do something.

Using the power of offline [ Paseo Del Oro Apts / Real Community ] to do good stuff online [ World Community Grid ]

Per World Summit of the Information Society Ideals

Where have you all been?   It is the year 2009

This is the last email on this subject until next weekend.  That gives you 7 days to read all of the materials enclosed in this thread.  I am expecting voice phone calls ---- Your commitment to join and unite with me,

@GRUWUP.NET : Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace

James M. Driskill
(760) 798-9193
laptop.org - The Suicide Prevention of US Citizen James Martin Driskill.jpg
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