John Steinbeck [East of Eden]: the free, roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged : targeted as a community pariah and outcast into the streets into homelessness and into death.

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James M. Driskill

Dec 28, 2006, 10:13:17 PM12/28/06
to Howard Newsom - Phd, Kym Coppage-CaseMgr,,, Monica Espiratu-CaseMgr, Marty Kahn

By disparagement, by starvation, by repressions, forced direction, and the stunning hammerblows of conditioning, the free, roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged.
John Steinbeck
from East of Eden
Viking Press in September 1952,
pursued, roped, blunted, drugged  = targeted as a community pariah and outcast into the streets into homelessness and into death.
Any new readers here?  These are serious "life and death" and "health and wellness" issues
 --- which command a PLEA : SE to your duty attention of humanity in these matters! 
I am here in begging a PLEA one last time.  I am no drama queen!
PLEA : SE --- read and offer me a DIRECT HUMAN RESPONSE REPLY that you actually have taken a consideration of time and actually have taken a humanity care to read my thoughts and the conditions of "the life experience" in these matters herein....
There is much much more of other linking and continued thoughts outside of these if you cannot quite understand the needs of my begging PLEA.
I am placing this item as "return receipt requested".
I will be forwarding all received receipts into the public group forum for world public view.
And any non-received status of these receipts will be also noted.
Thank you.
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.

Doctor Howard: [ Foothill Aids Project Mental Health Director ]
[ A Person of managerial and authoritative capabilities of "client centered" Mental Health assessments of this individual person "of client care status" that is writing here outwardly to the public address and the public world view of humanity concerns ]
I missed you for the celebration party over the holidays.
You know that I informed you by email only on that "scheduled party" day -- I  was a bit confused it would seem. 
I was not thinking "party" as I said that I would see you at "group meeting" tomorrow... out of the wackyness of holiday cheers and the holiday realities.
 --- I just didn't feel inside like a "holiday" or of a "celebrating"  mood.
Why.... and you were given a passing inference to this....
Having to close off open unresolved of issues that I could not allow to remain in the lack of accountability factors in a long standing friendship of 12+ years.  The lack of these accountability factors are just so obviously present and continuously marking themselves as bad emotional influences in my life and mental wellness.
The attempted resolve of these issues over many many months has only offered me dismissed discourse that turns in on itself to my disdain over the influential reasons why....I cannot continue to bond with these sources. It is fatal to me to remain so. 
It is killing me --- and in terms of these influential reasons why -- it is killing us by "forced direction" one by one in our communities.
So I have had other "priority" work to do this holiday --- as you can see -- I have been busy.
Everything of this work this holiday was given to you "piece by piece" in the real time of things for your understanding [ mental assessment ] of the staging of my mental abilities and process [client centered] that I am employing here.
This is to stand for my dignity as a human being -- not of a having any person status of belonging anywhere but in a default in "forced direction" is where I stand --- the place where I GRUW UP.
Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
The duty of unity and the duty of community calls me forth time and time again to these issues....
I cannot continue to be broken. 
I have tears once more as I write --- I have no sense of shame --- in anything that am doing in these matters! 
Someone has to step forward to mend what has been broken of me in all of this situation.
I tell you I HURT!  I tell you I have been mentally abused in this process!!  I still feel like trash & dirt but to much less of a degree that I wrote out to the plaintiff's attorney:
to Mr. Alan Horwitz using a newly assigned .. Driskill To: Alan Horwitz Sent: Tuesday, April .. and fell like trash, junk and dirt. I
Real Up Human [.net] - 11 messages - View in Gmail - May 28
It might be of particular note that this message is being also directed to a public accessible forum and persons of managerial and authoritative capabilities that are involved.
I have no problems signing releases to engage in a collective shared effort in any resolve of issues and matters here!
If no one stands forth out of their humanity, out of their compassion, out of their sympathy, out of their disinterestedness --- YOU ARE ALL EVIL!
It is against God's and Goddess's COMMANDMENTS YOU ALL  --- I HAVE TOLD YOU....
You must be of evil --- you have no sense of accountability, no sense of responsibility and sense of duty!
I cannot ignore or silence my own expressions that are publicly placed long time ago before becoming HIV positive and/or
diagnosed with AIDS in 1999.
These are my principles of my own life being --- IT IS JUST NOT POSSIBLE TO BE QUIET AND SUCK THE FUCK UP!
These addresses of mine will continue until I break apart at the seams of life you all -- at the seams of life.
And for that --- it will be your doing and your responsibly of such event happenings --- it is because of your continuing to have misdirected reverence to "follow the easy and familiar paths of personal ambition" that has been told that you ought to disembark from in this long time ago address. 
"For the fortunate among us, there is the temptation to follow the easy and familiar paths of personal ambition and financial success so grandly spread before those who enjoy the privilege of education. But that is not the road history has marked out for us. Like it or not, we live in times of danger and uncertainty. But they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history. All of us will ultimately be judged, and as the years pass we will surely judge ourselves on the effort we have contributed to building a new world society and the extent to which our ideals and goals have shaped that event." 

Day of Affirmation Address :

Robert F. Kennedy
Capetown, South Africa June 6, 1966

 : audio Listen to this speech

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And again I tell now, so now what are you waiting for ?  More death?  More suffering? 
Out of my personal disdain of expressions of your misdirected reference this path are of murderous factors, one by one, that is killing us in this community..... 
I would rather be totally lost and broken down in public view and to DIE FIRST of  in these murderous paths that you persist a presence all of what I have been though and have experienced directly for the past two years --- it remains to instills us into conditions of "forced direction" in this community.
John Steinbeck
from East of Eden

And now the forces mashaled around the concept of the group have declared a war of extermination on that preciousness, the mind of man. By disparagement, by starvation, by repressions, forced direction, and the stunning hammerblows of conditioning, the free, roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged. It is a sad suicidal course our species seems to have taken.

And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about. I can understand why a system built on a pattern must try to destroy the free mind, for that is the one thing which can by inspection destroy such a system. Surely I can understand this, and I hate it and I will fight against it to preserve the one thing that separates us from the uncreative beasts. If the glory can be killed, we are lost.
pursued, roped, blunted, drugged = outcast me as a pariah into the streets of homelessness to death.
I will be contacting several places for a new address of your evil minded allowance of these matters --
Such as this very introductory list from the sources of the above:
Paul Fusco
Published by:
Umbrage Editions Inc.
515 Canal St.
New York, NY 10013 
And it is not of my doing --- a massive detail of an unlawful eviction case ---
where my rights of due process have been violated continuously throughout the entire case.
Its pretty much has been placed of this holiday priority work of mine to the judgements of "public option"....
--- which it definitely shows every miss-placed "forced direction" in all of your efforts against me to be able
to defend myself from an desperate act of civil legal necessity.
That placement alters what is your "force direction" to some other "direction" that you must choose to return to me
 --- and also to sort our your duty to community and your duty to humanity.
Is it your responsibility "COLLECTIVELY" to make right! 
I know what is wrong --- and I know what is right!
You absolutely wrong and I am absolutely right!
--- Do have you any guilt? 
--- Do have you any shame? 
Beyond that:
--- Do you have any fortitude to even minimize your damages in this case that is just over your horizon and will be bearing down on you?
Are you working from a complete separation of sense --- in denial?
Your the ones who are mentally impaired --- not me!
A little crazy --- you might think --- but NOT!
"Is it a way of mind dementia twisted in conflict of many many many levels and dimensions of space that we are still learning and exploring ourselves of anyway. One will never truly understand another ones dementia this way --- but serves no dementia of illness but of dementia of wellness." --- In The Mindway Skin
If you don't want to have a transfer of understanding of anything from me --- this is the reality --- these are my expressions of thoughts on meme:
Common misconceptions
Truly defined broadly over some form of individual examples given above -- single meme are indexes in the mechanics of the mind's process (Ego, Superego and Id) that represent partial_thoughts as best conceptually understood and thus sigilized to the recipient in the transfer.
Incorporated with the initiation and termination period of human interactions of habit, continuously encountering these semi-familiar meme indexes begins to define a full realized meme complex -- call it "human habitation" between more than two humans. human evolution

This is the beginning constructs of culture, human bonding, unity, community, disunity, etc. What starts to appear is the human fear of what is externally observed as unfamiliar meme-complexes outside of experienced conceptions. Very basically defined as the traditional usage of queer.

Result: Cultural Wars begin. Understanding meme structures themselves overcomes the barrier of the unknown in the real time meme drift that occurs with unfamiliar ideals being expressed. 

Just as this applies to Marlon Riggs:

I Shall Not Be Removed: The Life of Marlon Riggs (1996)

I shall not be lost: [ ORIGINAL MEME PARTIAL_THOUGHT ]
  • Sabemos que existe hoy porque tan muchos de nosotros tienen personalmente experiencia él y hablamos sobre él con la cara a la lengua de la cara. La tenemos, pero tiene una característica inusual que no proporcione ningún medio de un chronicle histórico si se decae a las ruinas. Es silenciosa a nuestros oídos; ninguna grabación audio puede existir. Es invisable a nuestros ojos; ningunas fotografías pueden ser tomadas. No puede tocar la, ningún olor o gusto. Existe y qué existe alrededor de nuestro mundo sigue generalmente cualquier efectos naturales del decaimiento y de marchitar del tiempo lejos por actos accidentales u hostiles de la destrucción. Si desaparece será perdida.

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.
It is up to you in duty response collectively by doing the return accountability of the right thing back onto me for functional "client centered" basic humans needs of life over death.
Doctor Robert C. Scott, the founder of Allen Temple Manor is an associated principle "leader" in the LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY OAKLAND CA USA 
I continue to associate this "leaders" influential powers against me and wholeheartedly believe this is true. 
[ As also this expression of mine is disclosed in an email statement to the plaintiff's lawyer ]
The person of a longstanding 12+ year friendship that I had to break ties of this holiday is a direct patient of Doctor Scott.
Why exactly did I need to break off these ties?  [most important is detailed in the email below]
One might find confluence right here in this google desktop search results of 0.03seconds:
Go to Google Desktop  Search [ allen temple leader community ]
Desktop:   All - 2 emails - 3 files - 0 web history - 0 chats - 0 other   1-5 of 5 (0.03s)

    Emailing: Mother of Peace
Allen Temple Aids Ministry" are not .. James Driskill Allen Temple Manor Resident .. our circle of community. Our circle of community
Real Up Human [.NET] - Nov 19 2005
    Emailing: CollectiveIntelligence : and being a friend
manger here at Allen Temple. for which .. difficult to achieve on-line. Groups with an elected leader did better. I programmed the "computer leader" which combined
James M. Driskill - Sep 16 2005
There is NO ACCOUNTABILITY returns all sources of community, peers, and including my direct friends. 
In terms of influence factors --- the community is encapsulated by their own state of fear factors of reprisals just being associated to me -- as just being one more victim to their process that I have a merit of demonstration that is reality and not mere speculation and definitely not from a mental state of delusion.  I am not the first victim of this process --- and if things remain -- will definitely not be the last.
But this is where I break apart for a legal act of necessity to get the fuck out of their direct line of fire against me!
For now:
Anyone who chooses to remain in these fear factors over accountability -- including a long standing friendship --- is no friend of mine.
For circumstances of discovery of "unlocked status" of my "oakland storage unit" --- does not honor and fails true friendship.
My father agrees.
When I was at FAP to deliver my honor of the request CD of my music to you Doctor Howard, I spoke my case manager Kym in causal conversation about these same troubling emotional recent events of friendship. 
I think Kym also finds a degree of understanding to also then agree.
Anyone not having an accountability factors for community [conflict of community interest] cannot remain bonded in my life
or be allowed to be a friend of mine.
And exactly what does it take to be or not to be a friend of mine: 
Something much higher than ignorance and dismissal for this email below to this same friend I terminated this holiday season:
And please read the details to what I attempt to empower in my life.... and this is the person that remains broken.
Thank you for a consideration of concern.
Mr James M. Driskill
By following the same degrees of the "father biased filtering" instructions below in an email of Sep 16 2005....
Anyone of public view reading this can find my phone number and call me voice to offer a human response --- if so desired.
A voice response of from the sea of humanity would truly inspirational and truly be nice.
And this email states back then --- "not friends."
Homeless now ---- so where should I find a calling of new home and of new friends?
Thank you.
This email is not perfect... and is provided AS IS:
  Emailing: CollectiveIntelligence : and being a friend

From: James M. Driskill <>
To: [Private] <[Private]t>
Date: Sep 16 2005 - 7:21pm







Why not ACT in the SCIENCE while YOUR COMPUTER is just sitting IDLE doing nothing ELSE USEFUL?

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, estimated that in 2004 there were more than 40 million people around the world living with HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus has affected the lives of men, women and children all over the world. Currently, there is no cure in sight, only treatment with a variety of drugs.

Prof. Arthur J. Olson's laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) is studying computational ways to design new anti-HIV drugs based on molecular structure. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the function of a molecule — a substance made up of many atoms — is related to its three-dimensional shape. Olson's target is HIV protease ("pro-tee-ace"), a key molecular machine of the virus that when blocked stops the virus from maturing. These blockers, known as "protease inhibitors", are thus a way of avoiding the onset of AIDS and prolonging life.

Even more challenging, HIV is a "sloppy copier," so it is constantly evolving new variants, some of which are resistant to current drugs. It is therefore vital that scientists continue their search for new and better drugs to combat this moving target. [View More]

See Also: Distributed Computing Projects

More future projects to come. Keep informed if you dont like any of these!


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