A "mental health : welfare check" visit from San Diego County Sherrif's Department / San Marcos Branch

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James "Real Up Human" Driskill

Jun 11, 2007, 8:21:49 PM6/11/07
to george.s...@sdsheriff.org, Howard Newsom - Phd, Alan Horwitz, Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir, MattT...@mattthecat.com, Marty Kahn, Ron.P...@acgov.org, Officeof...@oaklandnet.com, Dr. Lisha Wilson : Oaklnd, Dr Ashraf Khan : Upland, East Bay Community Law Center [EBCLC], Jeremy Kinser, Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com, Dr Robert C Scott, Jan Nunes, Elizabeth Delgado
San Diego County Sheriff's Department
There Motto: "Keeping the peace since 1850"
162 Santar Place
San Marcos, CA 92069
760-510/5200   : Fax 510-5201

Welfare Check Citizen, Mr. James M. Driskill
480 W. Mission Road #165
San Macros, CA  92069
760-761-0238 / Fax Same [Just call first]
My Motto: "Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace"  
My Motto:
Find truth in every moment we exist --- and to always tell the truth --- as far best can be made --- BUT NEVER deceive.
And NEVER accept the untruths of others if you know them to be untrue later or just common sense tells you so to then repeat them.
Failing that, to best one's ability make amends for these imperfections as just being humanly imperfect.   We all are not perfect.
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some good;
Teach ignorance to see or grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail.— ANON.
--| Read Source.....

When we apply the past reverence to these messages of ethics and morality that are placed into writings of others from our past human history forward into our future -- this is our duty of response to our shared humanity for all of our worldly experiences.
Great Reasons Urbans Will Unite Peace
An Illegal Eviction Case, Oakland CA, Alameda County Case #WG06266106
Defendant's Right of DUE PROCESS VIOLATED throughout this case.
Defendant's day in court never heard : public justice has not been served. 
An Act of Civil Legal Necessity Applies.   
in further "FORCED DIRECTION" factors of persecution elements.
Google [ WG06266106 ] : to access both COURT filed and DEFENDANT documented index.

Oh Thank you Kind Sirs for your visit to check up on me. 
Rest assured, this is all having to be documented to get me help.
The real help I deserve.  The real help I need.
The distribution email in this list is showing all of you something --- if you care to find the details.
I have been asking and attempting to get help for way way too long.
I told my therapist in session, "If I had stayed in Oakland with all of the conditions up there, I would NOT be here today"
He agrees.  But time just keeps slipping slipping slipping into the future.  I really need to fly like an eagle.
I have told my father this same statement that I would not be here today.  He also agrees.
I also have told Doctor Howard, that I would not survive another fall. 
Does anyone understand me?
Sure, I can run mindful [you claim mindless] circles around all of this.  
But I know what I know.  I must fly like an eagle.  You just cannot attempt to mold me into your dim-witted universe.
An act of legal necessity in February 2006, places me into the mental care of John George Medical in San Leandro.
A PURPOSEFUL and DOCUMENTED act, in which I knew had to be done. 
For if I had not did that act, I know today, I would be now be dead.
The person I find most promising --- was Emma.
One of the things Emma there was to do --- evaluate my mental state.  [ welfare check ]
Just a short stay there --- about 5 hours --- it was a damn rainy night -- waiting for the BUS after they let me out into the street.
What a drenched out mess I was when I got home.  It just had to be done.
I think [to I know], what I truly forged there between one female Emma and one male there. 
She understood me.
Not by IGNORING ME -- but by LISTENING to me.
In lock up dialog, I told Emma what was happening to me. 
In lock up dialog, I told Emma right then --- "even as we sit here,  my computer was fighting aids."
Her reply..... "just how do you believe that your computer is fighting aids"
I told her.... "Just how do I know my computer is fighting aids" ---- it is [ FIGHTAIDS @ HOME ]
Go to the internet and look! --- !!  Google it.    And I spelled out   "F" "I" "G" "H" "T" "A" "I" "D" "S" "@" "H" "O" "M" "E"
Emma left. 
When she came back --- it was apparent that looking up both the internet and my county medical file --- she took into account what was on record as my spiritual/religion beliefs. 
That last exchange --- is where she knew exactly why I took this side step act --- on purpose.  AND I KNOW IT TRUE!
It was to actually TEST my sanity! 
And to KEEP me from falling flat homeless once again.
She understood me.  
The fact we have a common internet PROVES my sanity ---- PROVES my welfare check.
I know it is not asking too much of any civil side legal matters  ---- to include the medical record details into my eviction case?
That did not happen.  Sara Paul Malan, legal council at Aids Legal Referral Panel tells me there was nothing significant noted.  
And I know that is BULL SHIT!
So, if that failed --- well I guess this one is to replace it.  [ THIS EMAIL RIGHT HERE AND NOW ]
Is it asking too much --- for anyone of you --- to take into consideration ---
My right of DUE PROCESS has been intently violated --- from a myriad of sources and circumstances...
even at that introductory intersecting point of my legal case.  ?
Without the return of my right of DUE PROCESS --- I will not survive another fall.
At least, I will have made a stand --- but fell --- and the documentation of it will not be lost.
For no one can deny that I just have one most unique human identity as being the registrant owner of FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET
But it would be nice to release all of that --- but I will not -- until my RIGHTS and my HUMAN DIGNITY have been repaired and set back RIGHT SIDE up --- to place me back onto my feet --- to step back into a HOME.
I am being drawn to tears --- but no tears have fallen yet.
I have made a promise, that if have a mental break  [ INWARD into INFANTILISM ] not outward to violence --- that I will walk from here to North County Heath. 
Let me guide you in the modern world --- exactly what is the measurement of the number of FT steps that would be?
Do we all know this can be answered?  GoogleEarth people --- GROW UP!
Reply me the answer please.    For I don't have the mental processes to focus on that elementary skill of mine.
Lets also guide these micro-steps [fractals] of my mental state eh?  
You want a welfare check --- well here it is...
Everything placed here keystroke to keystroke is the REAL UP HUMAN truth.
And just find why --- go to urbandictionary and look up "HUMANS" eh? 
Use the hyperlink so that you don't get side tracked by what others view as being human, please.
I told and promised Doctor Howard by phone to his request to walk up the street....
"I will even do you one more up on that.", I promised and told him.   I will make that walk and If I don't think I would make it ---- I will strip off all my clothes [TEARS : CRY : HOLDING ON YOU ALL ] not yet dropped from my --- one drop from my left eye ] ---- so that [ one drop from my right -- stable : DAMN YOU ALL! ] definitely some one will notice and I will make it there.
Do you think this story unfolding right here and now is not real?
It is apparent that my scanner has been damaged.  The light is broken in all of this chaos moving mess.
So, I was not able to take an image these details as I write to the notes of the SD Deps that are here to check me out. 
And I am on that ledge, believe me.  
And their promises made as they depart my residence [not a home] door to read my story.
On the back of the sheriff's promise which I cannot even read.  [at the time I wrote this statement in this text was in that tearful state above, I thought that it was his promise.  But now I realize there is nothing of a promise marker of him],  
All of these things will be finally placed into an image --- just like Dep. Tracy handwritten phone number given to me in Oakland --- believe me.  Plainly visible that this is what appears to be posted on my front door that was filed in court documents.  
Is anyone finally listening to me?
    Deputy Tracy - Alameda County Sherrif 510 268-2956.jpg
926 x 566 pixels, 204k 2956
 ...\Deputy Tracy - Alameda County Sherri - Open folder - Jun 21 2006
Case number: WG06266106
Title: Allen Temple Housing And Development Corporation VS Driskill
Case Type: Civil
Complaint Type: Unlawful Detainer
Case Subtype: General Civil
Filing Date: 04/20/06
Filing Location: Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse
07/10/06 Declaration In reply to plaintiff's opposition to defendant's motion to set aside Filed
Begging once again on my hands and knees once [direct: Alan Horwitz] as your Deps are finalizing their mental state evaluation today.
CITIZEN ONE to OFFICER TWO  : MAN to MEN : KNEELING before trying to make a gentleman's agreement.
Begging on my hands and knees to the FBI agent June 21 2006 in this same conflict.
Begging on my hands and knees to Alan Horwitz, Hayward Sup Court Clerks Office in front line before Mr. Horwitz was to file.  And what happened, he filed it anyway.
Is not anyone getting the gravity of what is going on?
Is not anyone going to help me not make another fall.
If not --- well then you all are going to be part of a MASSIVE MISCHIEVOUS MARVEL OF MOLDING MUCK story!
What part of something that others 200 years from now --- or let's say "The Star Trek Computer" database will show of what the loss of human dignity does to a person in all of this conflict.
This is that exact moment, Dep. G Sifuente #1427 & Dep. E. Chapman # [not given]
On back on that card --- a hand notation  "welfare check  6-11-07"
A FACE TO FACE --- MAN TO MAN ---- a promise by both civil enforcement officers --- they will go online and read my case.
This is the FULL and COMPLETE Truth.
Why does no one give a shit?  
Well --- I will not survive another fall.   
And I can definitely promise you all that.
It is all about what this virus is going to do to me when I give up attempting to FIGHT it within my mental state.

TEARS -- one from my left.   wiping it off.  SOBBING ---HOLDING IT --- HOLD IT --- BREATH --- DAMN YOU ALL!
Do I need to be video taping the next incident of this ----- as I am here documenting my life?
"Apologize or die" -- the reference I stated about what it meant was "We All" [including Mr. Graham] die."
Emma confirmed her implied understanding of all of it now.
For Mr. Graham, as far as I know ---
must be HIV POZ because he is a former client of EBCLC -- forces the issue of "legal conflict" for EBCLC to represent me.
This FACT alone --- Case after case after case -- illegal evictions!    
These FACTS combined --- it is CRIMINAL NEGLECT from : FEDERAL LEVEL CRIMINAL NEGLECT if you take into what is hearsay at this point, that if found by telecom billing evidence.    Resident David Barrow's Case.
These FACTS combined --- Alan Horwtiz --- should be disbarred
These FACTS combined ---  Allen Temple Housing and Development for Allen Temple Manor should lose there HUD 811 status.
These FACTS combined --- Sara Paul Malan -- should be disbarred.
Perhaps with these FACTS combined --- Aids Legal Referral Panel should be as a whole should be questioned.
These FACTS combined --  I deserve a community level apology
These FACTS combined --- I deserve some help
These FACTS combined --- I will not survive another fall
These FACTS combined --- if no attempts are made for amends ---- I WILL DIE!
These FACTS combined --- Can anyone get their heads out of their asses and DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR A CHANGE
Does it really take an act of CRIMINAL LEVEL LEGAL NECESSITY to get some help?

Perhaps that is why Chris from Cox called in a welfare check. 
Thank you Chris for the push upward in your "check mark promise" on my door to save my life.
I better not get another phone call from "The Undertaker" on my CID ---
That might just place me over this ledge.

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James' Site - Pathway of.. - Allen Temple Manor [WG06266106 ]Jun 9, 07 12


Case number:, WG06266106. Title:, Allen Temple Housing And Development Corporation VS Driskill. Case Type:, Civil. Complaint Type:, Unlawful Detainer ...
apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitgeneralinfo.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrBatchNbr=1 - 3k - Cached - Similar pages


Date, Action, Image (Java), Image (TIFF). 04/20/06, Complaint Unlawful Detainer Filed. Image · Image. 04/20/06, Civil Case Cover Sheet Filed for Allen ...
apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitactioninfo.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrBatchNbr=1 - 56k - Cached - Similar pages


Attorney Name :, Horwitz, Alan. Representing :, Allen Temple Housing And Development Corporation. Firm Name :, Law Offices of Todd Rothbard ...
apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitattorneyinfo.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrBatchNbr=1 - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitminute.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrbatchNbr=1 - 2k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages


apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitrelatedcaseinfo.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrBatchNbr=1 - 2k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages


apps.alameda.courts.ca.gov/.../complitparty.html&CaseNbr=WG06266106&CurrBatchNbr=1 - 2k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Encyclopedia Chaotic

CASE [ WG06266106 ]. Read the pretext of this story here before it was a case. The oppression in this land is massive. I am being outcased and outcasted as ...
www.poee.org/living/ - 112k - Cached - Similar pages

Encyclopedia Chaotic

CASE [ WG06266106 ]. Read the pretext of this story here before it was a case. The oppression in this land is massive. I am being outcased and outcasted as ...
poee.org/living/SubmitPage.aspx - 108k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

James' Site - Act of Civil Legal Necessity - Massive Mischievous ...

Addressing vulnerability _ Oakland _ [WG06266106].tif ... Massive Mischievous Marvel of An Unlawful Eviction Case : Alameda County [WG06266106] ...
inthemindway.multiply.com/journal/item/5 - 100k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

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The Tip of the Iceberg, Mr Horwitz Redirect Billing for Verizon to Allen Temple Manor [ WG06266106 ]

----- Original Message ----- From: James "Real Up Human" Driskill To: Alan Horwitz Cc: Howard Newsom - Phd ; Bill Hirsh, Exec Dir ; Local-HIV-Comm...@googlegroups.com Sent: Friday,... more
Previous blog entries:
Jan 16 - HIV/AIDS HOMELESSNESS = DEATH : I've Been There -- Did That! : Once Again I am in Boink!
Jan 14 - No HIV/AIDS Policy Pathways Available to clients in n Oakland CA : An Open Letter to the American and World People... : An Outcast for Standing Up : Betrayal and Persecution continues after an unlawful unlawful eviction case.
Jan 8 - Unlawful Unlawful Eviction Case [ So Claimed & Filed as "Indecipherable emails" ] few selected notables of email exchanges from September / October / November 2005 between Allen Temple Manor building Administrator Jamal Graham and defendant.
How about making something of it..... Join me to FIGHT AIDS:
BUT AT LEAST : Please Understand me....

Mental Health Advocacy Ltr Jan-23-2007 (1187x1495)

Hiarchy of Needs-jpeg.jpg (678x890)

Can you Help - UNLAWFUL EVICTION CASE DEFENDANT IDENTITY CRISIS [WG06266106] BS! or US!.png (1725x1275)

TRIAL NOTE [05182006].png (1700x2210)
Finally, My signature:


"The pathway that the mind travels..."

We know it exists today because so many of us have personally experience it and speak about it with face to face language. We have it, but it has an unusual characteristic that provides no means of a historical chronicle should it decay to ruins. It is silent to our ears; no audio recording can exist. It is invisable to our eyes; no photographs can be taken. Can't touch it, no smell or taste. It does exist and what exists around our world usually follows either natural effects of time decay and withering away by accidental or hostile acts of destruction. Should it disappear it will be lost.

- An Individual Human Thought-
Monday, October 14th, 1996 07:48PM PT
The Birth of "In The Mindway"
Deputy Tracy - Alameda County Sherrif 510 268-2956.jpg
Please Understand Me[1].jpg
Please Understand Me[2].jpg
Please Understand Me[3].jpg
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