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Definition of load time

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Jie Hui

Jan 19, 2012, 4:29:24 AM1/19/12
to Loadtimer
Hello Steve,
I am very excited to finally find a tool can do the page loading time
test from user experience point of view.
I would like to ask you to define your load time. Does it include all
components as defined in the navigation timing API?

Or in simple terms, do you consider all the below? If feasible, may I
suggest your LoadTimer to give breakdown of each components as well?

Webpage Loading Time (ms) =T0+ T1+T2+T3+T4+T5+T6
• T0: Time from user clicks the enter Key for the URL to time when
DNS query is sent (including redirect time if any ..)
• T1: DNS lookup Time
• T2: TCP Connect Time
• T3: Time to first Byte
• T4: Content time (of the main object till starting of the
• T5: Processing Time
• T6: Rending Time

Not sure if you are familiar with Mobile Web Performance, there is
some uniqueness of mobile web than desktop web. Do you have any plan
to add some statistics about radio related info that you can obtain
from Android standard APIs?

It is great knowing the existence of this group. My passion is to
optimize the mobile browsing user experience.

Best Regards,

Steve Souders

Jan 19, 2012, 12:33:52 PM1/19/12
to Loadtimer
Hi, Jie.

Yes, Loadtimer measures T0 thru T6.

It's not possible to record the time for each resource until the
Timing spec is done and implemented.

I'm not planning on adding any radio info. The project is open source
so feel free to contribute or fork.

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