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This is a reflector list for the LNC Business Group showing all LNC discussions. This is a read only list. The archives for the LNC Business List can be found here: 

To subscribe to this group please email: lncvotes+subscribe@googlegroups.com

You will then receive an email verifying your subscription request. Please simply click on "reply" then "send" to be added to this group and receive emails each time someone on the LNC votes.

NOTE: If you "join" using your Gmail Profile - be sure to select how you want to be notified of group activity. The "default" setting in "no emails" so you'll need to change this to daily digest or to get an email each time an email is posted. The default setting for those who join this group via email subscription to lncvotes+subscribe@googlegroups.com is to receive an email each time a vote is posted to this group.

If you have any questions, please email the LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos at secretary@lp.org