GSOC ASPIRANT ( (Implement BLAS wrappers in FLINT to improve linear algebra performance )

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Mar 23, 2015, 5:37:40 AM3/23/15
Hello sir,

I would like to work on improving the MATRIX multiplication algorithm.

I am a 2nd year undergraduate doing Bachelors in Computer Science at Amrita School of Engineering, Kerala, India.

My research interests include Artificial Intelligence development, Android development, Security exploitation with a keen interest on writing my own source codes for popular puzzle games and designing bots to solve them. I do competitive programming in C++.


An implementation of the popular 2048 game in C/C++ .

Worked on designing an AI that solves the 2048 game using expectimax ( C++ ).

Authored couple of articles for the OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU magazine, Asia’s biggest publication for Open-source and Linux.

All of which can be found here :


I am deeply interested in mathematics with a love for calculus. Received A grade for mathematics in the National level CBSE ( Central Board of Secondary Education ) examination conducted in 2011 and 2013.

Our university follows 

Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreysig

I have completed the course on MATRIX and LINEAR ALGEBRA.

I use Linux operating system, an avid KDE user. I am a fast learner, I know C, C++ and python. But I do most of my programming in C++, so I’m well versed in C++.

Would I be right for the part ? 
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