Global optimization algorithms are stuck in parameters boundaries

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Yehor Kosiachkin

Mar 19, 2024, 2:14:07 PMMar 19
to lmfit-py
Dear colleagues, good afternoon.

Thanks for your work.

I am currently trying to fit a system of 4 ODEs to an experimental data. While I managed to do that with local minimization algorithms (least_squares, nelder, powell, ... ) I can not proceed with Global optimization algorithms (to be sure that I am landing somewhere nearby global minima). It is resulting with a much worth fit and parameters being stuck on boarder values. Could you check, what I am doing wrong, please?

My simplified list of steps in the script:

 1. I am defining solver for ODE system with scipy.solve_ivp
 2. I am defining residual function

def residual_step(params, tt, init, data_pc, data_pv, data_sst, data_vip):
    Difference between model and data for further minimization
 model = simulate_step(tt, init, params)
    pc_r = np.array(model['f_e'].values - data_pc)*weights.ravel() #/np.array(pc_sen_err_new)
    pv_r = np.array(model['f_pv'].values - data_pv)*weights.ravel()
    sst_r = np.array(model['f_sst'].values - data_sst)*weights.ravel()
    vip_r = np.array(model['f_vip'].values - data_vip)*weights.ravel()
    arr = np.concatenate((pc_r,pv_r,sst_r,vip_r), axis=0)
return arr

 3. setting up parameters 

params = Parameters()
params.add('w_0', value = w[0] , vary = True, min = 0.1, max = 7)
params.add('w_1', value = w[1] , vary = True, min = 0.1, max = 7)
params.add('w_2', value = w[2] , vary = True, min = 0.1, max = 7)
... (that means that some similar parameters are here as well)
params.add('tau_0', value = tau[0] , vary = True, min = 0.01, max = 0.08)
params.add('tau_1', value = tau[1] , vary = True, min = 0.01, max = 0.08)
... (that means that some similar parameters are here as well)
params.add('i_0', value = i[0] , vary = True, min = 0.005, max = 1)
params.add('i_1', value = i[1] , vary = True, min = 0.005, max = 1)
... (that means that some similar parameters are here as well)
params.add('ampl_1', value = ampl_1 , vary = True, min = 0.1, max = 7)
params.add('ampl_2', value = ampl_2 , vary = False, min = 0, max = 7)
params.add('kl_1', value = kl_1 , vary = False, min = -15, max = 7)
params.add('kl_2', value = kl_2 , vary = False, min = 0, max = 10)
params.add('s_1', value = s_1 , vary = True, min = 0.005, max = 2)

 4. Defining local minimization (that works: finds model closely matching data points)


%matplotlib inline

result_nelder = minimize(residual_step, params, method='nelder', args=(t_exp, init, data_pc_all, data_pv, data_sst, data_vip), max_nfev=2000, nan_policy='propagate', tol=1e-13)

 5. Defining different global optimizers (basinhopping, ampgo, shgo, dual_annealing)

%matplotlib inline
result_ampgo = minimize(residual_step, params, method='ampgo', args=(t_exp, init, data_pc_all, data_pv, data_sst, data_vip), nan_policy='propagate', max_nfev=4*max_nfev, local = 'Nelder-Mead')

And at this point all global optimizers gives final result that lies on almost all parameters being stuck to min (or max, less probably) boarder and chi-square is 100 times higher than local minimization result . I am plotting resulting fit during each iteration and clearly see "better" (fits closer to data) fits than final result. Also I was playing with parameters of optimization algorithms, that did not help as well.

Could you please guide me, what I am doing wrong with global optimization? Maybe, accessing optimization result is a different way than report_fit function? 

Please, let me know if any additional information needed.

Looking forward hearing from you.

With kind regards, 

Yehor Kosiachkin

Mar 19, 2024, 9:14:07 PMMar 19
to lmfit-py
Sorry for the misleading information. It seems, that dual_annealing is not stucking on the boundaries. It gives better results. However, the problem with ampgo and basinhopping remains: I see better fits in intermediate results, but the final result consists of almost all parameters being on their boundary value.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
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