stderr on Parameters is None

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Anna Zuckerman

Aug 18, 2021, 4:59:57 PM8/18/21
to lmfit-py
I am relatively new to lmfit, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Essentially, I am trying to fit a certain model to exoplanet transits in stellar lightcurves. I am able to perform the fit setting initial parameter values and only varying some variables. However, it seems that the stderr is None for all parameters. They are not near the boundary values. All parameters do end up near the initial guess values, but this is expected for my model. I have tried googling around for possible solutions to this but those are the only two reasons I've found, and I haven't found a way around this.
Thank you for your time!

Here is code which reproduces this issue:

# import modules
from lmfit import Model
from lmfit import Parameter
import numpy as np
import lightkurve as lk
import batman
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from astroquery.nasa_exoplanet_archive import NasaExoplanetArchive

# get lightcurve 
search_result = lk.search_lightcurve('kepler-69b', author='kepler', cadence='long')
lc_collection = search_result.download_all()
lc = lc_collection.stitch().remove_outliers()
flux = lc.flux.value           # Flux [relative units]
time = lc.time.value + 2454833 # Time  [BKJD days]

# get orbital properties
planet_name = 'Kepler-69b'
planet = NasaExoplanetArchive.query_object(planet_name)
period_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_orbper']).value # Planet period [Days]
t0_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_tranmid']).value # Transit midpoint [Days]
R_p = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_rade']).value * 0.0091577 # Planet radius [Ro]
R_star = np.nanmedian(planet['st_rad']).value  # Star radius [Ro]
impact_parameter_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_imppar']) # impact parameter 
duration_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_trandur']).value / 24 # Planet transit duration [Days]
semi_maj_ax_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_orbsmax']).value # semi-major axis [AU]
inc_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_orbincl']).value # inclination [deg]
arg_of_periastron_guess = np.nanmedian(planet['pl_orblper']) # arguement of periastron [deg]
ecc_guess =  np.nanmedian(planet['pl_orbeccen']) # eccentricity
RpRs_guess = R_p/R_star # Planet star radius ratio = sqrt(transit depth)
u_guess = [0.4012, 0.2627]     
u1_guess = u_guess[0]; u2_guess = u_guess[1]
depth_guess = RpRs_guess**2

# define fit function
def func(x, t0, period, RpRs, a, inc, ecc, w, u1, u2):

 # set up a transit object
  params = batman.TransitParams()
  params.t0 = t0                 # time of inferior conjunction
  params.per = period            # orbital period [days]
  params.rp = RpRs               # planet radius (in units of stellar radii) [Rp/R*]
  params.a = a                   # semi-major axis (in units of stellar radii) = inc               # orbital inclination (in degrees)
  params.ecc = ecc               # eccentricity
  params.w = w                   # longitude of periastron (in degrees) 
  params.u = [u1, u2]            # limb darkening coefficients [u1, u2]
  params.limb_dark = "quadratic" # limb darkening model

  # initialze model + calculate lightcurve
  t = time                               # times to calculate at
  m = batman.TransitModel(params, t)     # initializes model
  model_flux = m.light_curve(params)     # calculates light curve

  return model_flux

# create model
fmodel = Model(func)

# fit the model
result =, x=time,
  period = Parameter('period', value = period_guess, vary = False),
  a = Parameter('a', value = semi_maj_ax_guess, vary = False),
  inc = Parameter('inc', value = inc_guess, vary = False),
  ecc = Parameter('ecc', value = ecc_guess, vary = False),
  w = Parameter('w', value = arg_of_periastron_guess, vary = False),
  u1 = Parameter('u1', value = u1_guess, vary = False),
  u2 = Parameter('u2', value = u2_guess, vary = False),
  RpRs = Parameter('RpRs', value = RpRs_guess , vary = True, min=0.01, max = 0.1),
  t0 = Parameter('t0', value = t0_guess, vary = True))

# print results

Matt Newville

Aug 18, 2021, 5:32:28 PM8/18/21
to lmfit-py
Always print out and read the fit report:


It may tell you exactly where the problem is, or at the very least give you some clues.

Zuckerman, Anna

Aug 18, 2021, 5:48:40 PM8/18/21
Thank you for the suggestion (as I said, I'm new to this). Here's what the fit report states. So clearly some uncertainties couldn't be calculated, but it is not clear to me from this why that is. 

[[Model]] Model(func) [[Fit Statistics]] # fitting method = leastsq # function evals = 3 # data points = 80 # variables = 2 chi-square = 2.82303780 reduced chi-square = 0.03619279 Akaike info crit = -263.537048 Bayesian info crit = -258.772994 ## Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated: t0: at initial value RpRs: at initial value [[Variables]] t0: 2454970.84 (init = 2454971) period: 13.72237 (fixed) RpRs: 0.02209477 (init = 0.02209477) a: 0.1048 (fixed) inc: 89.38 (fixed) ecc: 0 (fixed) w: nan (fixed) u1: 0.4012 (fixed) u2: 0.2627 (fixed)

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Matt Newville

Aug 18, 2021, 5:56:11 PM8/18/21
to lmfit-py
On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 4:48 PM Zuckerman, Anna <> wrote:
Thank you for the suggestion (as I said, I'm new to this). Here's what the fit report states. So clearly some uncertainties couldn't be calculated, but it is not clear to me from this why that is. 

Well, `t0` and `RpRs` are at their initial values.  Now you can read up in the FAQ about why that might be the case.
More importantly, `w` is NaN, which is probably why there are only 3 functions evaluations.  Parameters cannot be NaN.

[[Model]] Model(func) [[Fit Statistics]] # fitting method = leastsq # function evals = 3 # data points = 80 # variables = 2 chi-square = 2.82303780 reduced chi-square = 0.03619279 Akaike info crit = -263.537048 Bayesian info crit = -258.772994 ## Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated: t0: at initial value RpRs: at initial value [[Variables]] t0: 2454970.84 (init = 2454971) period: 13.72237 (fixed) RpRs: 0.02209477 (init = 0.02209477) a: 0.1048 (fixed) inc: 89.38 (fixed) ecc: 0 (fixed) w: nan (fixed) u1: 0.4012 (fixed) u2: 0.2627 (fixed)

On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 2:32 PM Matt Newville <> wrote:
Always print out and read the fit report:


It may tell you exactly where the problem is, or at the very least give you some clues.

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Zuckerman, Anna

Aug 18, 2021, 6:11:20 PM8/18/21
Thank you. 
 w is Nan because I determine it programmatically from a database that occasionally contains Nans. However if I set it to some arbitrary value, I am able to obtain uncertainty values on t0 and RpRs without the warning about being set to the initial values. The fit is obviously terrible because w is a random guess, but this does fix my initial issue. Thanks!

Marc William Pound

Aug 19, 2021, 9:13:02 AM8/19/21
to lmfit-py

Glad you located the issue with Matt's help.   Just as a follow-up,  I have found when Parameters.stderr is None it means the fit "failed" for some reason.    Sometimes this can be bad Parameter values as you found, other times it can be because the model is a very bad match for the data.  In addition to fit_report(), I have found result.plot() to be very helpful in the latter case. 


Zuckerman, Anna

Aug 19, 2021, 12:01:10 PM8/19/21
Thank you for the tips!

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