Help with gaussian2d and data formats?

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Tom Caradoc-Davies

Jun 25, 2024, 6:53:10 AM (5 days ago) Jun 25
to lmfit-py

I have detector data that I have as a 2D numpy array (shape of 4362x4148 and typeof uInt32 intensity values).

What I am confused by is that in the example the x, y and z data are all 1D arrays with the same length? In my case I have x of 4362, y of 4148 but I have 18093576 values for z (one intensity value for each pixel). It seems all 3 need to be the same length for gaussian2d to run but I don't understand how to correctly represent my data in this format.

I want to model the 2D gaussian and then calculate the difference between the value of each pixel and the calculated value. I have 96 frames and want to generate a list of pixels that are consistently producing values that are different to the calculated value.

Any help would be appreciated!



Matthew Newville

Jun 25, 2024, 11:53:42 AM (5 days ago) Jun 25

Hi Tom,


Yeah, I know that example is somewhat confusing, and we should probably add another.  Or maybe `gaussian2d` needs better documentation:  it assumes that x and y will hold the x and y values for every pixel in the image.  This then handles the case that it is not a regularly gridded image, or you have already transformed the pixels to some other set of values like diffraction q_x, q_y values or something like that where the pixel indices are not how you want to model the data.


For regularly gridded data (as straight from a camera), using `np.meshgrid` is almost certainly what you want, using something like:


import numpy as np

from lmfit.lineshapes import gaussian2d

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


nx = 200

ny = 250


x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))


z = gaussian2d(y, x, amplitude=30, centerx=88, centery=121, sigmax=9.5, sigmay=12.0)


print(x.shape, y.shape, z.shape)




Hope that gets you going down the right path….





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Laurence Lurio

Jun 27, 2024, 7:35:46 AM (3 days ago) Jun 27
I think you want to replace your 1d x and y arrays with meshgrids.  These would be square arrays, the x-array would have identical x-values for all y-coordinates, and the y array would have identical y values for all x-coordinates.  Then you can write your gaussian as exp(-((x-x0)**2 +(y-y0)**2) /sigma**2).  This is a pretty common was to do things, so there are already numpy functions to create the arrays.  Look here for more information 

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