Yes, as I said (or tried to say) earlier, lmfit makes no distinction between confidence intervals and prediction intervals: uncertainties in the model can be calculated at any value of the independent variable(s). If you've done a fit of y(x) to a model, with something like
result =, params, x=x)
y_best = result.best_fit
dy = result.eval_uncertainty(x=x)
will give the uncertainties at the `x` values used to fit the data. But you can also do
y_pred = result.eval(x=x_new)
dy_pred= result.eval_uncertainty(x=x_new)
to evaluate predicted values and uncertainties for any `x_new` values you want. How well that prediction works will depend on how far the values of `x_new` are from `x`.
As you will see in most other messages here, if you have further questions we very strongly encourage you to post minimal example code that shows what you are trying to do, and any results or error messages you get.