Re: Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Mark Sprague

Jun 7, 2022, 9:04:52 AM6/7/22
Thanks, Charles. I will give you a call today.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 9:01 AM <> wrote:
Denis Leshchev <>: Jun 06 05:05PM -0400

Tarek, all,
Yeah, thanks for that. I agree that it seems completely possible to add
> way to handle covariances that would lead to "negative effective
> uncertainties", which could happen mathematically, but have no clear
> meaning.
*Diagonal* elements of covariance matrix, square root of which gives us
uncertainties (epsilon in lmfit notation) cannot be negative as you
correctly point out! However, correlations between data points can be
negative. Those will result in *off-diagonal* elements being negative. An
important condition that covariance matrix must satisfy is that it has to
be *positive semi definite*, which is not the same as not having any
negative elements. So a covariance matrix where off-diagonal elements are
negative can be a valid one!
Like, I think the idea is to extend uncertainty `epsilon` to `sqrt(epsilon
> one thing to have that work in a carefully crafted example and quite
> another to support it for others. And we would want to extend "weight" to
> "1/epsilon". ;)
The 2020 thread provides lengthy explanations with working examples showing
that this is a bad idea. However, you have the right intuition that we
should do something *like* square root of the covariance matrix. Square
rooting matrices is not as straightforward as scalars though! The good news
is that linear algebra does extend the concept of square roots into the
matrix realm/ The square roots of matrices can be computed in many ways
(wiki page on matrix square root is a good resource to learn about it) and
are not unique except for very special cases. This ambiguity does not
matter though In the context of optimization/fitting. In fact, Cholesky
decomposition I used in my solution is one of the definitions of matrix
square root. I used it for convenience since it requires only one line of
Maybe the solution is "well known" and we (or to be clear: I) just don't
> morons, you just don't care to solve the problem" actually does not
> understand the problem at all. We need solutions in Python that are robust
> and that we can support.
In the entire script I enclosed only two lines of code take care of the
correlations. If an implementation of two lines of code that use standard
libraries (such as numpy) is not robust/simple then I don’t know what is.
In fact, scipy’s *curve_fit uses exactly the same approach with cholesky
decomposition of covariance matrix:*
Their implementation is a bit different technically (they really take
advantage of the Cholesky factor's triangular structure) and it most likely
results in a better computational performance. However, the methodology is
the same.
I have further extended my example to show that curve_fit yields exactly
the same result as lmfit with cholesky factor:
# imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg, stats
from lmfit import Minimizer, Parameters
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
# set seed to 1
# create true data
def func(params, x):
amp = params['amp']
phase = params['phase']
freq = params['freq']
decay = params['decay']
offset = params['offset']
return amp * np.sin(x*freq + phase) * np.exp(-x*x*decay) + offset
def func_array(x, amp, phase, freq, decay, offset):
params = {'amp' : amp,
'phase' : phase,
'freq' : freq,
'decay' : decay,
'offset' : offset}
return func(params, x)
params = Parameters()
params.add('amp', value=5)
params.add('phase', value=-0.1)
params.add('freq', value=2.0)
params.add('decay', value=0.025)
params.add('offset', value=10.0)
x = np.linspace(0, 15, 501)
data_true = func(params, x)
p0_arr = [5, -0.1, 2.0, 0.025, 10.0]
# create noisy data with covariance that has off-diagonal elements
corelation_width = 1e-1
base = np.exp(-(x/(np.sqrt(2)*corelation_width))**2)
A = linalg.toeplitz(base)
C = A @ A.T *1e-2 + np.eye(x.size)*1e-3
data = np.random.multivariate_normal(data_true, C)
# pre-compute some matrices to speed up calculations
C_inv = np.linalg.inv(C)
L = np.linalg.cholesky(C_inv)
def residual_chol(params, x, data, L):
dy = data-func(params, x)
return L.T @ dy # multiplication by Cholesky factor is the key
component in handling correlated noise
minimizer = Minimizer(residual_chol, params, fcn_args=(x, data, L))
result = minimizer.minimize()
# find residuals
residual = result.residual
p_arr, p_arr_cov = curve_fit(func_array, x, data, p0=p0_arr, sigma=C)
p_arr_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(p_arr_cov))
# figures
plt.plot(x, data, 'k.')
plt.plot(x, func(result.params, x), 'r-')
plt.plot(x, func_array(x, *p_arr), 'b:')
plt.plot(x, data - func(result.params, x), 'k-')
plt.title('raw residuals')
plt.plot(x, result.residual, 'k-')
plt.title('normalized residuals')
for i, k in enumerate(params.keys()):
print(k, 'value ', '\t', result.params[k].value, '\t', p_arr[i])
print(k, 'stderr', '\t', result.params[k].stderr, '\t', p_arr_err[i])
The result prints out the following:
amp value 5.112655779597885 5.112665047701475
amp stderr 0.1295239096465614 0.12952611761549376
phase value -0.08243341946021458 -0.08243446730640175
phase stderr 0.02497059590587641 0.024970471047126793
freq value 1.99514253241486 1.9951432017813735
freq stderr 0.009654727425451334 0.009655074417609226
decay value 0.028541209815362276 0.028541424039505475
decay stderr 0.0016738967218192092 0.001674024833945412
offset value 9.99514278795249 9.995142838118364
offset stderr 0.03720335936338103 0.03720337660121335
It is disappointing to see, especially from a scientist in a closely
> related field, but there seems no point in engaging with someone with that
> attitude.
It is also disappointing to have conversations where other parties
(including scientists from related or unrelated fields) completely dismiss
proposed solutions, explanations, code, examples and just state that the
person “actually does not understand the problem at all” with no attempts
to actually look into what they are trying to say. Despite this I still
love lmfit and hope to get to the bottom of this one day! ;-)
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