New knurd joins llup

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Nov 3, 2007, 10:14:31 AM11/3/07
to llup,
I finally tricked (er.. persuaded) Mark D. into letting me into this

I guess my current experience is .Net, but I might know a few a few
other skills:

I have long been interested in messaging to increase real

I look forward to helping out!
Ric Johnson

Russ Miles

Nov 3, 2007, 10:41:38 AM11/3/07
Hi Ric and welcome!

I don't think I've spoken with you before but always nice to meet new
people :) My experience is pretty much summarised as:

Ruby, growing my knowledge of Python and in particular the IronPython
XML in toto
Java for too many years, from mobile to desktop to enterprise, and all
fairly painful if I have to be honest, hecne the move to dynamic
Came up with the ideas behind AspectXML
Have been working with Mark on LLUP with some of the best hackers on
the web
Oh, and have written a bit for O'Reilly, among others.

Really nice to meet you Ric, what's your particular interest in LLUP?

Russ Miles

Nov 5, 2007, 6:28:58 AM11/5/07
to llup

Do not let my curriculum vitae fool you: I am more than just a .Net
developer. I use it mostly to target job searches.

I have been programming for 30 years, and love it. I want to look
into ANY new tech - I am a lurker extraordinaire for my project
OpenDomain. As part of this program, I donated many domains to Open
groups:,, and even to Peter St. Andre a few
years back:

In fact, I have a present for you!

My latest contribution was for benefit for ALL Ajax developers:

Unfortunately, it appears that not everybody appreciates OpenDomain: I
got frustrated asking Jon Ferraiolo to put a link back to us, and
decided to get off my butt and actually do something myself. I have
decided to play a more active role in the technology I am interested
in, and hence here I am. My primary goal was originally to integrate
JSON into messaging (yet another OpenDomain), but if we can improve
the state of the art, I will be a happy geek indeed.

I am very keenly interested in LLUP, and have been working by myself
in some aspects for a while: my preferred trade names have been
Syndi.Com and AtomX.Com

How can I help? I see various links to SVN, but no browsable trees.
Is there any way I can get access? Or perhaps the wiki where I could
start on documentation (although my prose is not as elegant as Kurt's)

I look forward to working with you all

On Nov 3, 9:41 am, Russ Miles <> wrote:
> Hi Ric and welcome!
> I don't think I've spoken with you before but always nice to meet new
> people :) My experience is pretty much summarised as:
> Ruby, growing my knowledge of Python and in particular the IronPython
> XML in toto
> Java for too many years, from mobile to desktop to enterprise, and all
> fairly painful if I have to be honest, hecne the move to dynamic
> languages.
> Came up with the ideas behind AspectXML
> Have been working with Mark on LLUP with some of the best hackers on
> the web
> Oh, and have written a bit for O'Reilly, among others.
> Really nice to meet you Ric, what's your particular interest in LLUP?
> Cheers,
> Russ Miles

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