Trustee Responsibilities

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Greg Jackson

Aug 15, 2023, 4:16:12 PM8/15/23
to Bylaws Comments

Our current Bylaws lack a comprehensive enumeration of Trustee responsibilities, instead scattering them among sections.

I suggest that the Bylaws expand section "IV.w General Duties..." refer explicitly to an "Trustee Responsibilities" section in the new Policies document, and that the Policies section include at least requirements that Trustees

  • Serve as at-large representatives for the La Jolla community as a whole, rather than representing a particular neighborhood or constituency
  • Consider, evaluate, and vote on projects or policies primarily in terms of their overall implications for La Jolla, as set forth in the La Jolla Community Plan;
  • Object to projects only when those projects fail to conform to specific provisions in the La Jolla Community Plan or the San Diego Municipal Code
  • Comply with the Brown Act requirements that all Trustee discussion of and action on specific items occur only during properly noticed public meeting
    • No collective concurrence, that is, no negotiations among Trustees outside public meetings
    • Definition of "specific items" to include (a) any project where the City has issued a Notice of Application or Notice of Decision, and the Trustees have not yet voted on that project and (b) any policy or other item that has appeared on a Trustee agenda but not yet been voted on
  • Recuse themselves from discussion of and voting on any item where they have a direct personal interest, including
    • direct financial involvement by the Trustee, a close relative of the Trustee, or a business partner, employee, supervisor, or other business colleague of the Trustee
    • proximity to the project, defined as living within the City's 300-foot notification radius and/or likely to be affected physically by the project (views, construction, etc)
  • Rely only on publicly available information or comments when reviewing and voting on projects or policies

(GJ) Greg Jackson
La Jolla Community Planning Association ●
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