Olá, estou com um problema que não consigo solucionar de jeito nenhum, no fim do capitulo 6, o livro está muito bom mas.. vamos aprender com os erros rsrs
Primeiro que está dando vários
warnings, mas isso não chega a afetar a instalção do jenkins, o problema é na hora das configurações feitas pelo puppet.
$ vagrant provision ci
==> ci: Installing Puppet modules in "librarian" with Librarian-Puppet...
==> ci: Running provisioner: puppet...
==> ci: Running Puppet with ci.pp...
==> ci: stdin: is not a tty
==> ci: Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera defaults
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Apt::Source[jenkins]): $include_src is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release, please use $include => { 'src' => false } instead
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Apt::Source[jenkins]): $key_source is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release, please use $key => { 'source' => http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key } instead.
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[ssh-credentials]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[credentials]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[scm-api]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[git-client]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[git]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[maven-plugin]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[javadoc]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[mailer]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[greenballs]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Jenkins::Plugin[ws-cleanup]): jenkins::plugin::create_user is deprecated and has no effect
==> ci: Warning: Scope(Apt::Key[Add key: 150FDE3F7787E7D11EF4E12A9B7D32F2D50582E6 from Apt::Source jenkins]): $key_source is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use $source instead.==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[ssh-credentials.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[credentials.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[scm-api.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[git-client.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[git.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[maven-plugin.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[javadoc.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[mailer.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[greenballs.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Scope(Archive::Download[ws-cleanup.hpi]): No checksum for this archive
==> ci: Notice: Compiled catalog for ip-192-168-33-16.ec2.internal in environment production in 0.77 seconds
==> ci: Error: Cannot alias File[/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/] to ["/var/lib/jenkins/jobs"] at /tmp/vagrant-puppet-2/modules-0/loja_virtual/manifests/ci.pp:56; resource ["File", "/var/lib/jenkins/jobs"] already declaredThe SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Minha configuração no ci.pp
https://gist.github.com/willie-cadete/1cb7d95c7702c55e9f53Quem puder ajudar agradeço.